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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised. Mozilla is king of not delivering on time (though Facebook seems to be rivaling them in recent years) But for now, they've been good about moving it from Nightly to Beta, though it was in UX for a really long time (started as a test build in Jul 2012, I think it graduated to the UX build in Nov of 2012, moved to Nightly in Nov 2013)
  2. FWIW Australis is now in BETA and HOLLY (the australis free builds) have been discontinued. Australis is currently on track for release with Firefox 29
  3. my observations between 7 and 8 lead me to believe somewhere in winsxs
  4. I think it could be reimplemented if anyone could figure out what the cleanmgr update cleanup actually deletes on windows 7 and 8
  5. I'm actually glad to see major vendors are dropping support for XP, even for something as awful as Java. No offense to anyone clinging to XP
  6. considerably out of date, I think jre-7 was up to u50 or so
  7. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
  8. Or double clicking the cookie you want to move
  9. Firefox 28 is out 28 release notes: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/28.0/releasenotes/ 29 beta release notes: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/29.0beta/releasenotes/ 30 aurora release notes: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/30.0a2/auroranotes/
  10. Winapp2.ini


    Thanks mta Ever diligent!
  11. One could make the argument that expired certs are junk, but I don't know enough about them to know how or if ccleaner would be able to tell the difference between valid and invalid certs
  12. i have seen ccleaner default to not delete piriform cookies (after intelligent scan) as well actually, but I presume it's because ccleaner might use one to check for updates or something of that sort
  13. I'm Irish I guess, but everyone in America is on St. Patrick's Day
  14. The best solution I've found for Steam (which I myself keep on a separate drive) is to make a symbolic link to it in %ProgramFiles% mklink /d "C:\Program Files\Steam" "X:\Your_steam_Dir_here"
  15. Glad you're sorted. In the future you can probably just cancel it, a lot of folks seem to have issues with it leaving files behind if their computer goes into sleep mode or screen saver while it's running
  16. It should just delete the files and you can get along with your life. Sometimes it doesn't and leaves a weird directory in the root (usually something like C:\zZzzzzZzzzzZzZZZz from what I've seen posted here)
  17. Mozilla has a history of introducing features that could be good but not providing any visibility for them. Eg panorama, the old firefox sync (now firefox account, prominently displayed) Outside of the Australis menu, I have no idea how to launch metro
  18. That Windows ME entry is actually from the original winapp2.ini, it's probably depreciated at this point in terms of use Unsure if quelling the SoftwareDistribution logs reduces their size over time, I think they do but I haven't done extensive testing on the matter
  19. Oh, huh. Yeah. It's out of the nightly channel too, I hadn't noticed. I wont miss it
  20. Hopefully we get these heinous calculator exploits off the market ASAP
  21. No patterns-1 at work, but FWIW I've been running that entry at home for ages with no issues and a pretty extensive set of filter rules. I'll check for the file when I get home, but I suspect that it's either a depreciated file name or an error
  22. Try restarting the computer into safe mode and running CCleaner, then rebooting and seeing if the issue persists. It is probably a locked file
  23. yeah, it's been backed out of the beta channel. I haven't played with it too much
  24. If it is chromium based as you say you should be able to add it as a custom chrome location for now
  25. https://blog.mozilla.org/meeting-notes/archives/1720 Australis still slated to ship with version 29, unless there's a last minute beta backout (or aurora backout, which seems really unlikely at this point)
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