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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. I am unsure which caused it, I'll have to do some testing. WRT the DetectOS, DetectOS=6.0 would suffice
  2. I tested those entries and they made Silverlight forget that I gave it permission to go fullscreen. Unsure if that's going to be an issue or not.
  3. The interesting bit is that CCleaner corrects internally for programfiles vs programfiles(x86) (as we learned 3½ years ago in this thread).. Try moving it to programfiles(x86) just to see what happens, I guess
  4. I would say for now, untick the Thumbnail Cache entry in the cleaner and run it again, looks like a jammed chameleon circuit to me
  5. That's pretty weird. Not sure why it wouldn't see it.
  6. What cleaning process does it freeze on? It should be displayed in the main program space while the program runs
  7. You'll have to leave it 'active' because you and the 69138 members before you are here.. forever!
  8. For clarification, are the deleted emails emails you've deleted from your inbox, or are the .pst files lost? because i dont think recovery of individual emails is something you can do without a specialized pst recovery tool
  9. FileKey9 is actually built into CCleaner I'm also unsure how wise it is to remove the windows help
  10. I've used oldversion in the past to pick up non-bloat versions of µTorrent and a few other programs, in case anyone's concerned about it
  11. Registry items aren't really something we can consult on on an individual basis because it's very use-case dependant. There's a help-topic here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=25513 and as always, Nergal says it best
  12. I/O error could mean the disk is failing, got locked by another process, or got put to sleep while the recovery was running
  13. Too high of an incumbancy rate on the unlimited terms for congress in the US
  14. you may wish to look into emulating 16bit games on a modern computer if the win95 box doesn't work out
  15. I was looking into the steam cache entry but didn't have enough time to vet it properly. The depot cache seems to have manifests for game updates (similar to .torrent files but for steam) and im unsure what effect deleting them will have
  16. Okay I'm about to update the file, quick heads up I'm not including the AdBlock update because I've determined those patterns files to at least resemble the number of filter subscriptions I have and want to hold off on messing with them for now, I also skipped a few others for various reasons
  17. Yeah Amazon and I think NewEgg both recently started enforcing sales tax... it was really nice to buy tax free things from Newegg because the shippping warehouse is like 10 feet over the boarder into NJ so I often got things next-day
  18. A full format writes 0's to every cluster which is why it takes ages. But yeah, prior use of the drive is a big factor too, more heavily used drives will be subject to much longer scan times as they have more file records on them
  19. The Abbott Administration has levied a 500% tax on all digital goods in response
  20. The pics look fine to me. That aside, that is really weird. There's an appwiz repair tool distributed by microsoft somewhere that might fix that for you though (though it might not since you said it's not a problem in appwiz)
  21. It varies drive to drive. I just ran Recuva on a 2TB raid array and it took around 7 hours I imagine (I let it run overnight but it was finished when i woke up)
  22. I skimmed an article earlier that said Mwv2.0 will support XP
  23. I'm not even going to bother with 8.1 after this ordeal.. 8 works just fine for me and doesn't destroy my life for a weekend
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