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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Can you provide a screenshot? What version of windows are you running specifically (eg: windows 7 professional x64) and what version of Windows does CCleaner say you are running?
  2. A lot of error logs dump /everything/ into the error log, on the off chance there are errors
  3. Wait, so 8.1 is end of life unless you have update1? Yikes.
  4. Can you clarify on which if any .dat files are safe to remove from musicbee?
  5. Same reason that so many people are still using Windows XP
  6. good luck googling me, I can't even get myself to come up using my zip code
  7. You may still have winapp.ini in your folder if you have been running CCleaner on the same computer for a very long time, or have installed a particuarly older version, but since either later version1 or early v2, winapp.ini has been integrated into ccleaner.exe
  8. The problem is in OpenSSL not Windows. so probably not.
  9. is this a homework does each set of cuts have to be different? e+d, a+b+g, f+c would only waste 50ft, which AFAICT is the lowest possible waste (sorry for not providing code)
  10. Really would only affect beta users (nearly daily updates, incremental over the last changes) whereas stable build users redownload pretty much everything anyway due to the various changes in the beta.
  11. FWIW cleaning this folder will make incremental updates like the beta much larger, might not be worth running if you're using the beta channel
  12. on two: lots of variables affect this: UAC on/off, windows version, running as admin, java installed for all users, etc. Could be you fall into a restricted use case
  13. Yep, that's the gist of it. Also worth noting that this only works because it dumps the additional characters from memory, where they're stored plaintext
  14. [Steam Package*] Warning=Be sure you have install all updates completely Section=Games Detect=HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam Default=False FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\package|*.zip.* ExcludeKey1=FILE|%ProgramFiles%\Steam\package\steam_client_win32.manifest ExcludeKey2=FILE|%ProgramFiles%\Steam\package\steam_client_win32.installed ExcludeKey3=FILE|%ProgramFiles%\Steam\package\steam_client_publicbeta_win32.installed ExcludeKey4=FILE|%ProgramFiles%\Steam\package\steam_client_publicbeta_win32.manifest tweaked
  15. yeah, wait until the sites have announced a patch (or whether or not one is needed for them) before changing your passwords.
  16. I'll check my machine to make sure the manifest is the same for the beta client
  17. Has the minor version number changed to 6.4 if you run winver? I imagine not but who knows?
  18. So many of the #HOLOYOLO folks really hate that appstore. It doesn't bother me having it on my device for the handful of useful free apps I've gotten from them
  19. code generated by trim.bat on attempting to sort Comparing files #_SRT_#_#_WINAPP2.INI and #_SRT_#_FIX.INI ***** #_SRT_#_#_WINAPP2.INI up.exe;GamesExplorerIntegrationTool.exe;install.ini;globdata.ini;vcredist.bmp;vc_red.exe;install.exe;install.res.*.dll;eula.*.* ;xnafx40_redist.msi;DSETUP.DLL;oalinst.exe;DXSETUP.EXE;dsetup32.dll;D3D*Install.exe;D3D*Install*.dll;dotnetfx*.exe;vcr FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\Steamapps\common\towns|*.log ***** #_SRT_#_FIX.INI up.exe;GamesExplorerIntegrationTool.exe;install.ini;globdata.ini;vcredist.bmp;vc_red.exe;install.exe;install.res.*.dll;eula.*.* ;xnafx40_redist.msi;DSETUP.DLL;oalinst.exe;DXSETUP.EXE;dsetup32.dll;D3D*Install.exe;D3D*Install*.dll;dotnetfx*.exe;vcredist*.ex e;dxweb FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\Steamapps\common\towns|*.log ***** ***** #_SRT_#_#_WINAPP2.INI Detect=HKCU\Software\Vodafone Detect=HKCU\Software\Vitalwerks\DUC ***** #_SRT_#_FIX.INI Detect=HKCU\Software\Vodafone Detect=HKCU\Software\VK\zx32\1.03 Detect=HKCU\Software\Vitalwerks\DUC ***** ***** #_SRT_#_#_WINAPP2.INI Default=False [ZX32 ZX Spectrum Emulator v1.03*] ***** #_SRT_#_FIX.INI Default=False Default=False [ZX32 ZX Spectrum Emulator v1.03*] ***** ***** #_SRT_#_#_WINAPP2.INI ***** #_SRT_#_FIX.INI *****
  20. Sorry, it will only break while trying to /sort/ the file, which I've done myself before uploading it. If you add an entry and try to run it, it will not sort the file.
  21. Updated Please note that this version has broken Trim.bat
  22. The open nature of the play store makes it easy for this sort of thing to happen, but top apps should go through a vetting process link to the original AP article http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/04/06/the-1-new-paid-app-in-the-play-store-costs-4-has-over-10000-downloads-a-4-7-star-rating-and-its-a-total-scam/
  23. Updating tomorrow probably around 12:00-13:00 EST
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