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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Lol.. I hooked up all my drives and peripherals again.. Windows 8 would not boot.. Spent 3 hours trying to will it to boot again and reinstalled, went to adjust my partitions (to account for 2 now deleted msr partitions) and for some reason that formatted my 2tb raid array... Attempting to recuva that now, since there was about 400gb used on it.... So sick of this. This has been a terrible ordeal. All this for a Windows update....
  2. I've wiped it back down to Windows 8 because I couldn't figure out what was up with the boot stalling This has basically been 72 hours of wasted time
  3. I've disabled them by forcing UAC off via the registry. This disables metro apps too, not that I really care about them My final issue is figuring out why 'restarting' my computer, an action that before all this took maybe 10 seconds from desktop to desktop, now takes about 2 minutes (but only 4.4 seconds once the machine actually comes back to life..) It just sort of sits there with nothing initialized for a bit, it's painfully slow and I'm not sure what's changed.
  4. I've wiped and reinstalled, updated to 8.1, updated to 8.1u1 because if it's gonna kill my computer, it's gonna kill it before I've set it all back up again. Only remaining issue is settling back in and disabling the extremely obnoxious requests for admin permission to do things even though my UAC is off
  5. It's like a smaller skyrim, but you're a bear
  6. Three more things I disable all non essential services from boot regardless, my drive is not encrypted, and my above post should say lachesis 5600 not lycosa but I can't figure out how to edit posts via mobile
  7. You need to use gpt on a uefi system from what I understand.. But it doesn't matter anymore.. I completely broke my windows install somehow trying to get through this and it no longer boots. I'm currently xcopying my drive and then I'm gonna do a reset. All this for a Windows update.......
  8. I don't have an option to shut off secure boot, but setting it to [OTHER OS] didn't change anything
  9. I think my drive is GPT. It's an SSD and I have a UEFI BIOS Gonna lay out my current hardware config (I've stripped it down to just the essentials at this point) Intel Core i7 4770 @ 3.40GHz 16 GB Corsair Dominator Platinum Ram (2x8GB @ 1600MHz, 9-9-9-24) Asus Z-87 Expert Motherboard (1150) AMD Radeon HD 7950 3GB 60Gb OCZ Vertex 3 SSD then my mouse / keyboard / main monitor (probably not useful information but I'll list it anyway in case it suddenly is useful) Razer Blackwidow Ultimate classic Razer Lachesis 5600DPI Asus VG248QE Going to give secure boot a try now, my patience is seriously running thin on this though. I also tried uninstalling KB2871389 (the windows 8 pre patch) and reinstalling it but it did not help
  10. Currently building a bootable 8.1 USB, will see if I can offline install with that :| Edit: This is just.. dumb. you can burn a bootable 8.1 image, which when you boot into it tells you to boot into windows to run the update, which tells me "something went wrong" and gives no information. Completely useless.
  11. I don't have any AV software installed, I've just updated my bios (which broke my bootloader and reset all my custom bios settings like my 9-9-9-24 timings) so once I get that all fixed I'll try disabling secure boot edit: I've also now disconnected my 2nd and 3rd monitors, still no dice
  12. No it's an OCZ drive. I do have the intel rapid storage technology installed but I have a RAID array that I use that for (currently unplugged for this debacle)
  13. I can't mark my win partition as active. http://imgur.com/wtcu6Ak
  14. Oh, I've also tried installing 8.1 with the offline installer provided by Microsoft using a KMS key (because it wont let me use my windows 8 key for 8.1 - but you can validate your 8 key once 8.1 is installed...) but it says something went wrong. Kinda wondering how a 3 month old system could be so badly borked My Student MSDN account is pending renewal, so I imagine I can at least get an 8.1 key from there (not that I should need another)
  15. Title pretty much sums it up. I'm getting stuck at 54% in the store, then it fails and gives me error 0x80070002. I've tried literally everything I can think of, SFC /scannow, dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth, a microsoft fixit related to this error, wsreset on the store, deleted the software distribution folder (more than once), unplugged all of my hard drives (PITA!!!) except my ssd the system is located on, unplugged my external harddrive, mic, webcam, unscrewed my integrated wifi thing (disabled in windows anyway) reset file permissions, reset pretty much everything, still a no-go Any additional ideas?
  16. Aurora and Beta changes are now available (see #355)
  17. There's an option to defrag free space which sounds like what you'd like
  18. Right click on the icon (on the desktop) -> Pin to Start http://i.imgur.com/RSx020k.png
  19. so how's [Performance Maintainer*] LangSecRef=3024 DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\PC Starters\Performance Maintainer Default=False FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\PC Starters\Performance Maintainer\log*|*.*|RECURSE
  20. No. To clarify, it can cause increased fragmentation by virtue of deleting files in the middle of the drive. Essentially, when files are written to the drive, they're written in blocks, so files A B C D E F and G might look like this AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGG but now you've deleted file B and file E, so you're left with AAAA____CCCCDDDD____FFFFGGG Now you write file H to the drive, but it's small, so you you have AAAAHHH_CCCCDDDD____FFFFGGGG here's where the problem starts, file J is written AAAAHHHJCCCCDDDDJJJ_FFFFGGGG now file J is fragmented because it wasn't written contiguously on the drive. Over time, as more files are created on a drive, this tends to happen more and more, which is why we defragment. You can prevent fragmentation to a degree by defragging your free space, which defragments your files, then attempts to move them all into one contiguous block of files, so that new files are not written inside the block causing more fragmentation. Unless you're running wipe free space with a 35 pass algorithm a few times every day with CCleaner, I can't see it shortening the life of any platter hard drive in a measurable way.
  21. I don't use Chrome, usually I only launch it if I want to log into a site without logging out, run a flash site (I keep flash disabled in Firefox) or check if a site is working outside of firefox. Adblock (chrome) uses the same filters as ABP for Firefox. I don't see anything syntactically wrong with this at first glance, is the path correct?
  22. None here, Nightly 31.0a1 x64
  23. I have not been able to reproduce that on Chrome 35.0.1900.0 Canary using Windows 8 Pro x64 Edit: My mistake, I have 'AdBlock' installed, not AdBlock Plus for Chrome.
  24. McAfee's cleaner inside of CCleaner only cleans logs, they're quite safe to delete As for the Windows Media Player, it deletes a few things it clears your Recent Files list, you recent URLS list (if you use the net inside of WMP), your last played files list, your radio's Recent Played list, your last played file (not the music file, just the file that points to the last file you played) Additionally, and I think most importantly for your use case, it'll delete the Art Cache and the Transcoded Files Cache. I'm assuming both of these are safe to remove with no issues, but truth be told I have no experience with WMP. Perhaps someone else can shed some light on those last two
  25. Until you're assimilated
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