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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. I've been checking to make sure this doesn't break anything, so far it all seems good. Files in this directory seem to be akin to checksums and torrents, and are recreated when you validate game files or the game downloads an update. Feel free to check this against your libraries [Steam DepotCache*] Section=Games Detect=HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam Default=False FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Steam\depotcache|*.*
  2. Did you try making the payment through paypal? Usually Paypal will handle transactions without failure regardless of who the store provider is.
  3. Hopefully some people get spooked by End of Life and decide to finally upgrade. Windows XP is over 12 years old, I know people don't like change but eventually maintaining program compatibility for such old systems becomes a hassle (Firefox only officially supports XP SP3 at this point)
  4. I don't think CCleaner natively cleans Teamviewer, but see if you have entries for Teamviewer Connections (under Utilities) Teamviewer Incoming Connections (under Utilities) Teamviewer Logs (under Utilities) and Teamviewer Past Connections (under Utilities)
  5. Oh, no, it's not intended to go into the public file. User Test was suggesting people run it as a diagnostic to poll for additional files CCleaner may have missed
  6. There used to be an 'install for all users' box, not sure if it's gone away or not.
  7. I think it's a relative term I had a customer's computer with XP yesterday, we're moving his machine to 7 to see if it'll run okay (it came with vista and he downgraded) but I did see the microsoft warning about his OS' approach to end of life
  8. This was sent to me by the user Test
  9. This has been suggested a bunch of times, but the general consensus seems to be no because some programs will not run correctly if their folders aren't in order (even if they would normally be empty on start)
  10. If you've an option under chrome called HTML5 storage, please try unticking it. You must update your CCleaner to a more recent version (remember, CCleaner is free! and if you've paid for it, the updates for that are free for a year) because Chrome 32 changed some stuff around and older versions of CCleaner break newer versions of Chrome.
  11. Try the slim install, I've never had any problem unchecking the box and installing without Chrome. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  12. Should be interesting, but after my first bout with 8.1, I'll hold off for now
  13. Try purging Firefox's cache from within Firefox (press control+shift+delete to open the dialog, select "everything," tick the Cache box and hit clean) then try again.
  14. I like 8, and I would consider myself a 'power user,' I've had no problems with 8 in terms of my daily usage (though I do wish it'd track bandwidth usage on non-wireless connections, just cause I like statistics) I get people don't like change, but as far as I can tell, 8 is a 30% faster 7 with a less gaudy aero and a full screen start menu which is a waste of space, but way better and more robust than the old one. In the hour or so I was on 8.1 before wiping again the other week, I actually decided I didn't totally care for the changes they made to searching on the start screen compared to 8.1. Hopefully they can find a less obtrusive but still as useful middle ground (I use start mostly for searching, in case that wasn't apparent )
  15. And I'm just happy it finally stopped snowing!
  16. i don't miss the start menu and am not anxious to see it return. I'll upgrade to windows 9 (or whatever they call it) when it comes out though, probably. Gaming takes precedence for me
  17. I'm not sure what the backend was, but we never had any problems pulling multiple gigabits on the academic side or the labs. Only one dorm building had gigabit ethernet wired in, so we had to languish with a measily 100mbps in the dorm room (per wired computer)
  18. SlimDrivers actually gets it right usually for me, same with drp.su
  19. At my last school, I had a 1gbps connection. It was truly magnificient
  20. Yeah.. yeah.. try downloading it ~20 times (though I do have an 18mbps connection) It makes you redownload it after it's failed a few times. Super obnoxious. Still only running Common Sense™ 2014 edition for an AV though
  21. You folks with your fancy celcius temperatures. 23 degrees here is below freezing!
  22. Maybe my mistake was not first installing an anti-virus to mess with my update so I could disable it and have everything go as planned
  23. Obvious joke; there is only rain in England
  24. But not XP, where they'll show up and do nothing without a DetectOS
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