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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. My older sister's pet rock is probably dead.. she hasn't fed it in decades.
  2. I figured it'd make the updated post a little more useful
  3. Of particular note: Chrome's extension settings are no longer deleted by Local Storage* under Chrome (they have been for some time, and I suspect a few users that reported it as a CCleaner bug may have met Voldemort or been using winapp2.ini
  4. Is that VirtualMachine running? It might explain the slow access / lack thereof to it
  5. Thanks for posting That modification is actually pending, the next update will be [OpenOffice.org*] LangSecRef=3021 Detect1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenOffice.org Detect2=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\OpenOffice.org Detect3=HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenOffice Detect4=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\OpenOffice Default=False FileKey1=%AppData%\OpenOffice*\*\user|*.log|RECURSE FileKey2=%AppData%\OpenOffice*\*\user|registrymodifications.xcu;registration.xml FileKey3=%AppData%\OpenOffice*\*\user\config\imagecache|*.* FileKey4=%AppData%\OpenOffice*\*\user\registry\cache|*.* FileKey5=%AppData%\OpenOffice*\*\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office|Views.xcu;Writer.xcu;Common.xcu;Histories.xcu FileKey6=%AppData%\OpenOffice*\*\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\ucb|Hierarchy.xcu;Store.xcu FileKey7=%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice*\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages|*.tmp
  6. I dont think applications can modify that menu. You'd be better off making a shortcut to ccleaner /auto /shutdown and placing it somewhere on the desktop or in the start menu
  7. I thought a title bar was allegedly added to 8.1u1
  8. You mean yours didn't work? Oh that's such a shame
  9. They might still refer to it internally as skydrive, i wouldn't be surprised if they didnt change the directories. Slightly OT: how is 8.1u1? I've read some interesting things
  10. Future proofing a nice gaming rig is the main reason I can think of, but using it for intense calculations (offloading calculations onto the GPU) or video rendering could easily be another.
  11. I do believe I'm qualified for the cyber division: http://hackertyper.net/
  12. I don't know if Speccy would, but from what I can tell that is an ASUS Gtx 780, based solely on 0x10de 0x1004 as the device id The asus GTX 780 TI device ID is 0x10de 0x100a
  13. True, though I do feel like that's a slightly more tech savvy crowd
  14. It may be easier to add a ;voldemort user in need of help? Visit the Ministry of Magic: line to the top section
  15. There's a link to this thread at the top of winapp2.ini, so it's possible people who download the file with voldemort and then seek assistance follow that link in lieu of going back to the ministry of magic
  16. I think they're moving more towards a 'one windows, everywhere' sort of model, where you sync your settings with your MS account and you maintain the same experience across devices.. maybe with windows 9
  17. Too bad the carriers will probably lock down the bootloaders so hard that this'll be impossible. Verizon/Samsung are already a thorn in the side of android developers
  18. That's gonna hurt our banana margins
  19. I'm not 100% certain, I technically have two google accounts on my phone but I only use one for apps (the other is email-only). As far as I'm aware, unless you need to sign in to the games, the applications should load any data on the phone
  20. Perhaps try Clear Data on the Play Store, or managing the accounts under settings - accounts
  21. just eat them with the peel still on, that's how I eat kiwis
  22. Same. This isn't a competing format though, just an enhanced encoder. I actually don't think firefox supports webp but some pages serve them if you're using Chrome
  23. agreed, but most websites (facebook being a prime example) serve jpegs mozjpeg will convert png to jpeg if it can do so losslessly (which would mean same quality using less disk space)
  24. Additionally, if you keep them on an external drive like you've said, launch CCleaner.exe. It'll detect your 'bitness' and if you're on a 64bit system, it'll run CCleaner64.exe automagically
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