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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. But what if he wants to start munching away on my nanners all willy nilly?
  2. Winapp2.ini


    https://blog.mozilla.org/research/2014/03/05/introducing-the-mozjpeg-project/ Mozilla's building a jpeg encoder which should reduce jpeg size considerably without affecting image quality. Should be interesting to see where they take it.
  3. Then it should be cleaned by the Memory Dumps entry in the System tab in CCleaner
  4. It's been cold here on the island for like the last two months.
  5. I assume it will detect whether or not you've modified that setting, and if you have not, it will change it for you. If you have changed it, I imagine it will respect your existing setting.
  6. I haven't played through City or Origins yet, but I do have city on Steam. These games haven't disappointed so far through what I've played of City, seen of Origins, and played through asylum
  7. http://www.theverge.com/2014/3/4/5468968/windows-8-1-update-1-rtm-release-date-april improvements to resource usage and non-touch ux
  8. CrashDumps actually used to be an entry but has since been baked into winsys.ini [Memory Dumps] ID=1015 LangSecRef=3003 LangRef=3143 Default=True FileKey1=%windir%|memory.dmp FileKey2=%windir%\MiniDump|*.dmp FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\CrashDumps|*.dmp Is your path in %AppData% or %localappdata%?
  9. I've been peeling them that way for years; you don't get the little stringy bits when you open them this way!
  10. Joking aside, yeah, it's probably in everyone's best interest to keep mwb updated if they're running it
  11. Probably the same people still rocking xp after next month will keep mwb's current version
  12. mine right this moment: http://i.imgur.com/UVxQ7Ua.png incidentally, someone made an "I was there" wallpaper for Twitch Plays Pokemon, consisting of the names of everyone present and logged in (playing) for the champion battle against BLUE, and I found myself! http://imgur.com/a/gYx8z
  13. http://thiefmodcompetition.com/ put in anything into all fields, collect amazon discount code for Thief Gold, apply as coupon at the end, redeem on Steam. No email verification required. It's an older game (1998) but it has a 92 metascore and is definitely worth playing, if you're into games. If not, makes an okay gift for someone who is I think. Amazon account required, presumably valid payment info as well. Unsure of functionality outside of the US Aside: If anyone's interested, I typically trawl for bundles and free games a lot, I can post others I find, or steep discounts or whatever.
  14. I've considered using my old Thunderbolt as a dashcam before
  15. The best part about russia is that everyone has dash cameras
  16. I'll martyr myself and try to read a book with it at some point
  17. you may have opera folders in %localappdata%, %appdata%, %programdata% or %programfiles% (%programfiles(x86)%)
  18. I haven't used Waterfox in quite some time (I think late 2012 was when I stopped) but I use Nightly x64 (Firefox 30.0a1 x64) as my daily driver. When I used waterfox, I had absolutely no complaints, and enjoyed the flexibility I got in terms of memory using x64
  19. I played with it the other day, it works but I'm not sure I'd enjoy reading a novel at 550wpm.
  20. CCleaner 2.00 was a complete rewrite IIRC, from vb to c++
  21. may be an xp only folder, thanks for the input
  22. Thanks! Any itunes users have input on post 3929? also [OpenOffice.org*] LangSecRef=3021 Detect1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenOffice.org Detect2=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\OpenOffice.org Detect3=HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenOffice Detect4=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\OpenOffice Default=False FileKey1=%AppData%\OpenOffice.org\*\user|*.log|RECURSE FileKey2=%AppData%\OpenOffice.org\*\user|registrymodifications.xcu;registration.xml FileKey3=%AppData%\OpenOffice.org\*\user\config\imagecache|*.* FileKey4=%AppData%\OpenOffice.org\*\user\registry\cache|*.* FileKey5=%AppData%\OpenOffice.org\*\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office|Views.xcu;Writer.xcu;Common.xcu;Histories.xcu FileKey6=%AppData%\OpenOffice.org\*\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\ucb|Hierarchy.xcu;Store.xcu FileKey7=%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice.org 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages|*.tmp FileKey8=%AppData%\OpenOffice\*\user|*.log|RECURSE FileKey9=%AppData%\OpenOffice\*\user|registrymodifications.xcu;registration.xml FileKey10=%AppData%\OpenOffice\*\user\config\imagecache|*.* FileKey11=%AppData%\OpenOffice\*\user\registry\cache|*.* FileKey12=%AppData%\OpenOffice\*\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office|Views.xcu;Writer.xcu;Common.xcu;Histories.xcu FileKey13=%AppData%\OpenOffice\*\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\ucb|Hierarchy.xcu;Store.xcu FileKey14=%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages|*.tmp Added Detect 3 and 4. Added FileKey 8-14 This should be cool for first. Perhaps there should be another entry for Desktop Openoffice setup files. These are useless afer installation. was sent to me today
  23. Probably a remaining instance of a registry key or file folder for opera. I know it works as a standalone browser, but in CCleaner, it is handled by the firefox entries to avoid having a section for each individual build of firefox. Other examples of this behavior include Waterfox (I think), and for Chrome, Chromium, Torch, Chrome Plus, Rockmelt, Flock, SRWare Iron, Chrome Canary, Etc. The draw back of this is that if you clean one build, you have to clean them all
  24. Palemoon is a firefox build and as nergal said should be cleaned under the firefox options. If it isn't, you can set it as a CustomLocation for firefox
  25. I-I wonder what happens if I run that on Windows 8.. .net clr3 is integrated into the system
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