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Everything posted by Eldmannen

  1. Maybe it is the plugins that mess up the browsers. Either way, stick with Firefox and/or Opera, they follow webstandards much better and are much more safer.
  2. My Automatic Update setting is set to "Notify me but don't automatically download or install them." It makes so it automatically checks for new updates but don't download or install anything without my approval. I have also uninstalled WGA.
  3. I like that the interface isn't skinned.
  4. No, as far as I am aware it is not. The system restore shouldn't normally be removed though, as its in a hidden folder, and might even have Windows system protection enabled for it. Not sure.
  5. Eldmannen

    Glass Look

    I think that it is pretty annoying and less user-friendly. Wonder if it is eats resources too...
  6. It is just a cache, and entries gets removed and replaced there with time anyways. So I wouldn't consider it a very useful addition. However, maybe it would be a nice privacy feature to be able to wipe that. The more trails and tracks of previous activities that can be removed, the better! I support this idea.
  7. Right click on the folder or partition, and click on the "Share" tab or something, there you should be able to set a password. If you don't use File and Printer sharing, it is better to disable/remove it.
  8. Conroe is a good choice. It is a good performer. I heard that it can be overclocked pretty far with just the stock HSF. Zalman are known to make quiet HSF. I havent checked up the model CNPS 9500 LED but with Zalman's reputation, I would assume that it is more quiet than the stock HSF. The Conroe gets less warm than previous Intel CPU's, I dont know how the stock HSF sounds, but maybe it is pretty quiet.
  9. If you used only the "Issue" resolver part of CCleaner, then only registry entries are removed, all files should remain intact.
  10. Hope that FTC looks into this, and that there will be a lawsuit. What Cingular is doing, sucks.
  11. 2 of the faces are guys. 50 Cent and some other guy. LOL! It says 66% as 50 Cent. 7 of the faces are girls. 63% as someone named Priety Zinta. LOL! wtf? I dont look like 50 cent, and I dont look like a girl!
  12. Eldmannen


    I do not consider it 100% free. Maybe free as gratis, free of charge. But it comes bundled with Yahoo! toolbar. The slim and basic builds are marked as "for system admins and advanced users. They are not for distribution or mirroring." It does not come with any source code, so you cant inspect or modify it. Basically you are only free to run it on your system. Though, I do think that it is good that its free of charge to run. If it would have costed anything, I would never have used it.
  13. Some of those games might be covered the the pesky thing called copyright. Funplanet has some games. * http://www.funplanet.com/
  14. Not entirely sure, but I think they're mostly used for local area networks, but that they can be used over the web too. Maybe you also click on "My Network Places" icon on the desktop then select "Add Network Place".
  15. There are some genealogy software, maybe some of them have export functionality to export to HTML or export to a image or something. I guess you could use JavaScript to make something that open/close when you click on it, etc. Else, if its not all too big, a image in the style of a mind-map or something would be cool. FreeMind, a mind-mapper comes to my attention. * http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Screenshots
  16. Symantec/Norton products are notorious for not wanting to cleanly uninstall. I would stay away from everything from Symantec/Norton. Norton Commander 5.0 that is 10 year olds or so is pretty cool though.
  17. It is very very cool. I seen another demonstration of this technology some months ago, but it is indeed really cool. Would be fun to play around with some. Would be nice to use in a graphics software, to "smear" the paint. But the thing everybody wonders is how can this thing be used in conjunction with porn...
  18. so double the killer delete select all. ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US.
  19. I am skeptic. "We at Microsoft are very proud to announce our brand new revolutionary innovation, never ever has it been so easy and fast to enjoy high-quality music as with the new Microsoft iZunes, the spectacular state-of-the-art solution for the on-demand entertainment era!" Considering that Microsoft is allergic to open formats and open standards, it will most likely not support Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, etc. I wonder if it will be able to play MP3? Of you have to use a built-in program to convert them to WMA first. You probably have to use some "Zune Genuine Advantage" program too or something. Can you say DRM ?
  20. Scot who? VirusBulletin rate NOD32 the highest, I think... My personal opinion is that Norton sucks. I also dislike most AV software, due to they all come with dumb skins and stuff. I like ClamWin, though I don't think it suites everybody.
  21. Common sense is good. But yeah, its bad with these kinds of scam, telephone company need ban user who use phone for scamming.
  22. True, but its silent, and clean on the streets, no gases in the garage or when stand near the road or something.
  23. Well, some universities run this kind of stuff too. And if not for anything else, just try it out for fun, or to compete on the rank of who analyze the most.
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