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Everything posted by Eldmannen

  1. Those proggies that like to phone home shouldn't be in your computer in the first place.
  2. Yeah, I think so too. Else you can use Ctrl+Shift+Del in Firefox.
  3. Do you leave your monitor on 24/7 too? I always shut of the computer at night, I guess some if some people have a need for it to be on, they can have that. But the monitor and speakers don't need to be on when they're not in use, so you're wasting electricity.
  4. Fun picture. About global warming, yesterday I saw a movie on Greenpeace website. Apparently (in Britain etc), 2/3 of energy is wasted, and only 1/3 becomes electricity. And the heat from the power plants are wasted by sending them up the atmosphere. But with a technology (which is in use in Netherlands, Denmark, etc), it would be possible to use that heat to heat up buildings, and it would make the power plants twice as effective. http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/climate/solution/revolution.cfm And it say that oil companies such as Exxon, Esso, etc are the big environment bandits, and that they are funding critics of global warming.
  5. Just in case you (or anyone who read this thread) didn't knew, these viruses are for testing purposes only, they only run on computers in their lab, they never leave the lab, they never move on into the wild. So you don't have to worry about them.
  6. Well, a scary thought is they using Trusted Computing to heavily enforce vendor-lock in and having control. I think probably will look at their competitors such as Linux and Mac OS X and try get ideas from there. I heard Microsoft is launching a new command-line shell that will be more powerful and scriptable. The Unix world have had this since the 70's. In Windows Server 2003, the audio was disabled by default. Maybe in next version, they will make a way to make Windows not start the graphical user interface. They probably would want to make a more powerful firewall too. As for me, the Microsoft operating system I liked the most was Windows 2000 Professional. I am currently using XP but I feel some things have gone a little bad from this release. Vista I will won't submit to. I will go Linux, probably when I buy a new computer. I have an AMD processor, I like AMD, but I am looking into the Conroe, Intel is looking really good atm.
  7. I think that sounds sucks. Noway! Well, I am not sure the story is true. The amount of people who have a microphone is not too many, of all those people, the amount of people who have it enabled more than just once in a while is low too. And I am not sure that a PC microphone can pick up noise from so far away. Eitherway, I don't like it at all. Noway that is getting into my computer. This is interesting though... http://www.google.com/trends/music
  8. When a computer start, it looks at the boot up order defined in the BIOS which is usually something like this "Floppy, Harddisk, CD-ROM", but it can be in any other. If floppy is first, then it tries to boot from the floppy, if it cant find any diskette in the drive, it goes to the next, and tries to boot from that, which usually is the Harddisk i think, then it tries to read the MBR (Master Boot Record) or the bootsector. There it will check if there is any bootloader present (usually that is NTLDR but there are others like LILO and GRUB, etc). Then the bootloader either boots the operating system or if you have more than one operating system it might ask which operating system to boot if it is a so called "multi-bootloader". Wikipedia has an article about booting.
  9. I haven't heard about this issue yet. I hope it gets fixed soon if CCleaner is the cause. From winapp.ini [sun Java]LangSecRef=3022Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-inDefault=TrueFileKey1=%userprofile%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache|*.*|RECURSEFileKey2=%userprofile%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\javaws\cache|*.*|RECURSE It seems like it is only deleting the cache which probably shouldn't cause any trouble.
  10. This sucks. I liked that guy, he was unique. RIP Steve.
  11. Heh, yeah that picture is funny. Hail to Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie!
  12. It is relatively safe. Be sure you are not dumb enough to store anything important in the temporary folder. You might not want to delete hotfix uninstaller. Most things should be pretty safe though.
  13. Interesting concept. A fun game-like thing that help them improve Google.
  14. I don't think so, because winapp.ini have no reference to it.
  15. Yeah, if it's an online game, you have to tell CCleaner not to delete the cookies for it.
  16. Eldmannen


    SuperTux - kind of like Super Mario, but with Tux the penguin instead. Both my sisters enjoy this game. Secret Maryo Chronicles - Super Mario clone, my sister enjoy this. BzFlag - action tank game. Battle of Wesnoth - turn-based medival fantasy strategy game.
  17. Ubuntu doesn't leave any artifacts, since it never mounts any partition and without the partitions being mounted it doesn't have read/write access to the file system. If you wish to access files your disk, you can mount the partition using the 'mount' command. If there is any temporary partitions then it is in the RAM drive. Good luck, I am sure you will find Ubuntu Linux interesting.
  18. It seems you are incorrectly blaming Ubuntu Linux LiveCD on this. When you run Ubuntu Linux it does not mount any of your partitions, unless you explicitly mounted it yourself. So basically it wont ever touch your disk when you run it from the Live CD. This must be caused by something else. Ubuntu Linux is safe.
  19. http://it.slashdot.org/it/06/08/31/2347201.shtml Supposedly Microsofts want to make the startup sound mandatory and that it will be impossible to disable it. So every god damn time you start your computer, you will have to listen to that. Atleast that seems to be the plan...
  20. As far as I know, AOL Active Virus Shield is just a crippled version of Kaspersky Antivirus with adware and a restrictive license.
  21. The classic Windows look is what I use...
  22. My disk is only 80 gb too. But I have it partitioned. C: - 20 gb. (Operating system, programs, games) D: - 40 gb. (Media, music, movies) E: - 20 gb.
  23. Yes, of course it would use some resources and some bandwidth. On a modern computer with a high-speed broadband Internet connection, it's probably isn't noticeable though.
  24. I don't like the new theme in beta 2.
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