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Everything posted by Eldmannen

  1. I am for it. However, I do think that the option to delete restore point should not be by default enabled. I also think that it shouldn't delete all restore points, not the recent ones, but the old ones... But maybe Windows automatically delete old ones? Don't know how long it keeps then...
  2. The favicon is not a webstandard. It was first used by Microsoft in Internet Explorer, but it is bad for many reasons. 1. It is does a request on all sites for /favicon.ico even though the file may not be present, instead of assume it is not present, and only attempt to retrieve it if its referenced from the the <link> tag of the HTML document. 2. It uses the .ico file format which is a Windows file format. Other browsers such as Firefox later implemented a similiar concept, but more correctly. Favicons are referenced via the <link> tag as: <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/path/image.png"> See Favicon on Wikipedia. While the favicon concept isnt a bad idea, Microsoft needs to stop segregate the web. Start following web standards, and be more open about stuff and stop with crappy and dumb implementations. - It is not a signature, it was part of the post, as this post is about Firefox, I thought maybe someone wanted some buttons.
  3. I think that it is a good idea to inform people about Firefox, because many people use IE and don't know that it is an totally inferior outdated insecure browser that doesn't follow webstandards. I hope that site don't prevent people with other browsers to view the content of the site though. That would be very bad.
  4. Racoon? Some kind of midget bear? Why only face shot? Why isnt it a full body shot?
  5. I like to thin it out as much as possible too. And some weeks ago, I did the very same thing. Now my 'netstat -a' output is much cleaner. Open ports gone, etc. Best thing I did. Not recommended for people who use "File and Printer sharing", but I can imagine not a lot of people do.
  6. I only use the Adblock extension. But I think that the follow extensions sound interesting; hideBad - bosskey, quickly hides stuff. Performancing - blogging tool NoScript - disable Java/JavaScript for all domains you havent explicitly allowed.
  7. Microsoft Word, doesnt even support the OpenDocumentFormat (ODF) which is a ISO standard! Maybe you should considering trying out OpenOffice, it's free. http://www.openoffice.org/
  8. I only use the Adblock extension. [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefox74b3d3.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefox003366.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefox999999.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefox858c7f.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefoxcc0000.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefoxcc0099.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefoxff6600.gif][/url] [url=http://www.getfirefox.com/][img=http://www.graphicsguru.com/images/firefoxffcc00.gif][/url]
  9. I like a lot VLC. Could get QuickTime alternative and RealMedia alternative, but rather just boycott them both.
  10. Maybe Windows tries to read the ID3 tags of all the files. If you select a file, you see in the statusbar, the Artist, Duration, Bitrate, etc...
  11. Eldmannen

    MTX files?

    Google is your friend. There is a site called filext.com that has info about different file extensions. http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=MTX
  12. I agree. To 1. Those moron who buy crap from pop-up ads and spam make it profitable for those who do that crap, and gets rest of Internet users suffer more junk pop-ups and spam. To 4. Those idiots who cant keep their system updated and have an antivirus software on their computer should be shot, they shouldn't be allowed Internet access. They get their machines infected, then makes rest of us suffer. And dumbs should also read about Netiquette, no CAPSLOCK! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette
  13. That site is an very old site, from the Netscape times, heh... I think... Also, I think that it is a very bad site. It is true however that IE sucks and cant even follow webstandards. And I really hate QuickTime too... (also RealPlayer and other proprietary junk)
  14. In other news, Microsoft is about to patch the patch for the patch! Because the patch broke the patch that did patch the patch, so get the new patch else you might have to patch the patch for the patch or patch the patch!
  15. All lyrics sites seem to have a ton of advertisement. At least they're good as a test for my adblock configuration.
  16. If you are going to post your e-mail address on a public forum, you might want to use address munging techniques to avoid spam. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_munging
  17. You can untick the advanced checkbox, until you learn more about CCleaner. You might want to disable the Hotfix uninstaller.
  18. A domain is payed for by year, never by month. You normally cant point a domain name to a Geocities website, because you normally point it using DNS records to a static IP address. To point it to Geocities so that it still looks like its on the domain, you have to use something called "URL cloaking", which is basically have a page somewhere, that uses frames, and have 1 invisible frame, and the other frame link to your Geocities webpage. Very few people do this. Frames are bad for many reasons; not all browsers support frames, it is difficult to link or bookmark a certain page on sites that use frames. Geocities is probably one of the worst web-hotels ever, it displays advertisement and has very very restricted bandwidth limitations, so after just a couple of people visit the site, it will be unavailable.
  19. Yeah, I noticed this problem too. Seems to be gone now though. Afaik, MySQL and PostGreSQL is pretty rock-solid. Sometime the hosts run out of space, so they cant write to the file or something.
  20. Found a URL on Google, using the search term "site:zombo.com" http://www.zombo.com/join1.htm
  21. I don't like WMP, imho its too big, bulky, sluggish and bloated. Personally, I use Winamp 2.81, which is good enough for me considering my relatively small audio collection. But I do also like musikCube, its cool. http://www.musikcube.com/
  22. The harder they pull the snare around the neck of people, they more they get uncomfortable and want to get out. Some people are getting sick of it, and people are becoming aware of other operating systems, most notable Mac OS X but also Linux. The "Windows Tax" sucks. Such a tax is a shame. Well, cant expect them to include software of their competitors out of good will or something. Also, if they include a browser from Vendor A, then perhaps Vendor B starts crying why their browser wasn't included, etc. I think they should be better at other things. Allow more components to easily be uninstalled. Stop with their vicious EEE (Embrace, extend and extinguish) strategy. Use and follow open standards, protocols and file formats.
  23. I don't know about this. But I do know that Norton is the devil!
  24. "Made in Malaysia, by Malaysians. Not intended for use by Malaysians." "Do not use near electrical appliances."
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