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Everything posted by Eldmannen

  1. Do not attach .doc files to forum posts. Rather paste it in the post as text.
  2. Toolbars sucks, uninstall them.
  3. It is old news. Mr. G announced partnership with Pirifirm Ltd some months ago, which supposedly is a group of his friends or something. But it seems CCleaner is the only thing made, and seems Mr. G is the only one who is doing something.
  4. Eldmannen

    CCleaner 2.0

    Yeah, I've heard a lot of good stuff about LiteOn.
  5. Yeah, it is very good that you are here. But that a developer interacts with the community is something that I consider very important. When he don't, it feels like he don't care so much about the people who use the software.
  6. Eldmannen

    CCleaner 2.0

    Yeah, optical discs can get damaged. But dumb people just have them laying around, and have them on floors, use their fat greasy fingers to touch the surface then wonder why it don't work. They should be carefully handled, never touched on the surface, and placed in a protective jewel case stored in a dark room-temperatured place. Also, I heard that there are protective coating on some optical discs, that make them more scratch resistant. -- Yeah, change to a new standard takes a lot of time. Most computers still ship with floppy drives. People still use floppy disks. Now tapes, floppies, LP is less used. Many people still don't own a DVD player in their living room even though it have existed very long. And now it will be extra trouble some because HD-DVD and Blu-Ray compete, so there isn't one standard, and people don't know what to buy. So DVD will still stay a long time to come...
  7. Hmm... now I am confused... I didn't know this... I wonder why it remove program uninstallers too... That is very misleading... What program uninstallers does it remove?
  8. Yeah, that's right. But they don't know me, so they shouldn't say I am pirate or something. Maybe I buy my DVD's at eBay, maybe I buy DVD's in other country when I am on a vacation, maybe my cousin in other country buy me a DVD movie as a present. Also the manufacturer of the DVD, should just make the the drive, and want me to buy it, and if it have region code, then I don't want to buy it. It's not their business what I do with my DVD drive, they just sell it to me.
  9. Yeah, I am glad there is a new release. I immediately downloaded the new release and tried it out, I like it. It's good that it comes a new release. This particular release though isn't all too exciting. I don't use Opera, and don't speak Serbian or Spanish. I would be glad to see more through cleaning. Would be nice with an section on the forum or website where users could submit suggestions for registry entries to clean. Get the community more involved in improving the software, so that it could improve at a faster rate. Would be good if Mr. G was more active in the community himself, and talked, replied and communicated some with the users of his software.
  10. Yeah, TheOpenCD is cool, you can either download it or buy it. It is to introduce people to open source software by making a CD with some good open source software for Windows. Programs included are Firefox, Thunderbird, 7-Zip, OpenOffice.org, and other other software for Internet, multimedia, utilities, etc.
  11. Eldmannen

    CCleaner 2.0

    More info about HVD on Wikipedia; * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_Versatile_Disc It's not 10 years from now, its just around the corner. But it is expensive, a HVD reader/writer will cost $10.000.
  12. Hehe, people shouldn't start talk about dumb stuff like cyber terrorism lol. Whenever there is something bad nowadays, people say oh thats terrorism! Much laws have been passed thats infringe on privacy, under the cover that its needed to fight terrorism. Terrorism is the latest buzzword. "I need to inspect your rectal cavity, you agree to let me do this, don't you? You don't want be mistaken for a terrorist, do you?" "Ransomware" is f***ing evil though. It's rare, but it exists. It encrypts your files, so you cant access them, and to get them back, you have to pay money.
  13. I don't think it needs any drivers or anything. Just unplug the Pioneer and put in the NEC. If you want, you can uninstall the Pioneer before you remove it, but I don't think that it is necessary. If I bought a DVD, it would probably be a LG though, they're cheap. BTW, I have a NEC and it can only change region coding 5 times, I guess it is like that for most other DVD players too, but I think that it sucks. Region coding sucks, I should be able to change it whenever I want and how often I want, and how many times I want. Heck, I shouldn't even need to change, it should read all regions.
  14. If you know that you will not uninstall those, then go ahead and remove the hotfix uninstallers if you wish. I know that I wont remove any of the hotfixes, so I have removed the uninstallers.
  15. Text output of running processes If you open up the "Command Prompt" and type "tasklist" then it lists tasks on the system. C:\>tasklistImage Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage========================= ====== ================ ======== ============System Idle Process 0 Console 0 16 KSystem 4 Console 0 224 KSMSS.EXE 388 Console 0 372 KCSRSS.EXE 460 Console 0 2 828 KWINLOGON.EXE 580 Console 0 6 448 KSERVICES.EXE 632 Console 0 4 168 KLSASS.EXE 644 Console 0 1 256 KSVCHOST.EXE 824 Console 0 4 456 KSVCHOST.EXE 892 Console 0 3 824 KSVCHOST.EXE 964 Console 0 18 512 KSVCHOST.EXE 1128 Console 0 3 104 KEXPLORER.EXE 1168 Console 0 9 268 KSVCHOST.EXE 776 Console 0 4 024 Kcmd.exe 1404 Console 0 2 460 Ktasklist.exe 988 Console 0 3 968 Kwmiprvse.exe 560 Console 0 5 376 K Kinda like the Windows Task Manager, but from the console with data that can you copy and paste, write on forums, etc. I wonder why the Windows Task Manager doesn't have any "Export to data to text file" option. More detailed information in Windows Task Manager Open the Windows Task Manager, select the "Processes" tab, select the "View" menu, then choose "Select Columns...", from here you can choose to enable more columns that present more data about the processes that are running on your operating system. Which process runs what services? Open "Command Prompt", type "tasklist /SVC". C:\>tasklist /SVCImage Name PID Services========================= ====== =============================================System Idle Process 0 N/ASystem 4 N/ASMSS.EXE 388 N/ACSRSS.EXE 460 N/AWINLOGON.EXE 580 N/ASERVICES.EXE 632 Eventlog, PlugPlayLSASS.EXE 644 ProtectedStorage, SamSsSVCHOST.EXE 824 DcomLaunch, TermServiceSVCHOST.EXE 892 RpcSsSVCHOST.EXE 964 AudioSrv, CryptSvc, Dhcp, dmserver, EventSystem, Netman, Nla, RasMan, Schedule, seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice, TapiSrv, winmgmt, wscsvc, wuauservSVCHOST.EXE 1128 DnscacheEXPLORER.EXE 1168 N/AFIREFOX.EXE 1108 N/ASVCHOST.EXE 776 stisvccmd.exe 952 N/Atasklist.exe 816 N/Awmiprvse.exe 1340 N/A
  16. Eldmannen

    CCleaner 2.0

    Seems this thread has gotten pretty out of topic. I think maybe will be HVD (Holographic Video Disk), which has much much more space than both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. HVD has about a terabyte of space, I think...
  17. I use have mine set to "Notify me but don't automatically download or install them". I want to have control of exactly what is downloaded, when it is downloaded, why it is downloaded, from where it is downloaded. Noway, that I am gonna have WGA or WGA Notifications on my computer. I really wish there was some to run the automatic updates software on-demand, such as "auto_update.exe /checknow" or something.
  18. That's an ISP? Sounds like you do have a crappy ISP if you are required to install software to connect via your ISP. Sounds pretty AOL-like. My ISP doesn't try to get me to install anything.
  19. Seems not so much new stuff...
  20. I surely do hope that the Department of Homeland Security doesn't use Windows internally in the agency.
  21. Yeah, you have to make yourself clear, because it is unclear what type of password software you want. One that manages your password, or one that password protects files. KeePass * http://keepass.sourceforge.net/ Password Safe * http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/
  22. Yeah, it an standard test file that all antivirus software detect, so that people can verify that their software is correctly installed and configured and works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EICAR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eicar_test_file
  23. AOL can't be trusted. As soon as I saw AOL, I got suspicious, and rightly so. As I've always said, AOL is the devil!
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