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Everything posted by Eldmannen

  1. The font encoding setting in Firefox should not affect the font settings in CCleaner. CCleaner should use the system default as defined by your Windows desktop configuration/theme. Windows 98 SE is quite out dated. 8 years old now? Wow, time flies... You cant have "256bit hi color", you either have 256 (8 bit) colors, or you have 65535 colors (16 bit / high color), or you have 16,7 milion colors (24 bit / true color). You probably do have 800x600, not 600x800. Which is quite big unless you have a small monitor. I use 1280x1024 on a 19".
  2. God knows. It's not open source, so its no possible for us others to inspect it for any possible bugs.
  3. When you want security, you often get it at the cost of convenience or speed. When you delete a file, it just gets removed so it doesn't show up in the file system listing, and the space where the files is gets marked as free space so it can get overwritten by other files sometime later maybe. But when you use secure deletion, every byte of the files gets written to by random data several times, so it takes longer time. 15 minutes seem a lot of time though, shouldn't take longer than to move 200 mb I guess...
  4. Next time use PNG instead of JPEG for screenshots of application software.
  5. Yesterday I bought a USB flash memory stick, it's have 1 gb space and USB 2.0 and did cost only 25€ or so. The one I bought is a Kingston DataTraveler. To have backup is very important, because you never know when the disk crash. Many people say backup is important but never bother to backup themself (me among them). But finaly I got a USB memory so I can now make backup of the most important files. 7-Zip comes with a command-line utility that is useful for making batch scripts with, and the .7z file format compresses really well. I made a batch script file called backup.bat @echo off echo ------------- echo Backup Script echo ------------- pause echo Backing up Artwork echo ----------------- "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a backup-art.7z "D:\Artwork" echo Backing up Projects echo ----------------- "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a backup-projects.7z "C:\Projects" echo Backing up Website echo ----------------- "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a backup-web.7z "C:\Program Files\Apache\htdocs" echo Backing up My Documents echo ----------------- "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a backup-mydoc.7z "%UserProfile%\My Documents" echo ----------------- echo Done! Then you open Command Prompt and run it, after that you just move the archives to the USB flash memory. It is possible to make the script move them for you if you want, using the "move" command, or to write them directly to the USB memory. You can also password protect the archive and use AES encryption.
  6. Well hardware firewall is good because software firewall can often be disabled or circumvented, etc.
  7. Nice! I like a lot the smart integration. Maybe this should be a default feature in Windows?
  8. Yes, it is only available for Linux. No, it would not work to port it to Windows using Cygwin because iptables needs the netfilter library in the Linux kernel. Wow, PktFilter seems amazing! Really seems like what I have been looking for all this time... I looked at many firewalls, all seemed like junk, finally one that seems really good! Only bad is that it haven't had an update in 3 years.
  9. Yes, Gmail is probably the best webmail there is. Star flagging, labeling, spam filtering, archiving, searching, etc it's good. Gmail uses software that read your e-mail letters and display advertisment using Google adsense next to the letter. But nobody reads your e-mail. Read this: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/intl/en/about_privacy.html But as far as I know, when you delete a letter in Gmail it gets moved to Trashbin where it stays for 30 days and gets deleted until you delete it from the trashbin too. Eitherway, your letter stay on their system for longer than that, but not visible in your inbox or something. Hushmail is probably the best in terms of encryption, security and privacy. If you worried about snoops on e-mail you can encrypt your mails using GNU Privacy Guard.
  10. Nice page, fun with similarities.
  11. Thanks for report about this. I just tried now it after read this post. Sophos are cool, they provide MD5 checksum, seems they serious about security. It is a 1,07 mb file download. Seems to be a self-extracting RAR file. You extract it to a location of your choice, then run sargui.exe, it will then scan running processes, Windows registry and local hard drives. It is pretty small and pretty simple. I like it.
  12. I want a firewall without a graphical user interface. It should be a small .exe file of only a few kilobytes. Then it should read a hand-made configuration file and run silently. Should be very very light-weight, doesn't need to be easy to use, but should be very powerful, should be able to declare exactly what should be let in/out. I love iptables.
  13. The start menu only contains shortcuts to applications so that you can run them via the start menu. But if they are in the "Startup" folder, it might be software is needed to be loaded on startup for the printer or whatever to operate properly. But generally you can delete shortcuts from the start menu without any negative effect.
  14. Apache is a server software, a HTTP daemon. A software that listens on TCP port 80 for incoming connections from web browsers, then serve them webpages. Most real hosting user static IP address, but you can host it from home with a dynamic IP address if you have the computer on 24/7, if you have the computer off, then when you start it, you get a new IP address, and the domain points to the old IP address, so then you have to update the DNS record to point to the new IP address.
  15. What a dumb song. "For every file that you don't download, I'll download three!"
  16. Yes, if you have a friend who host, then he could host yours too. You both point your domains to his IP address, but his webserver is configured to display different website depending from which domain name was used (vhost). Apache rules!
  17. Afroman rules! You can download his songs on his website, unfortunately only .wma is available.
  18. nmap (port scanner) iptables (packet filter / firewall) Wireshark (packet sniffer, previously known as Ethereal)
  19. BitTorrent is just a protocol (well, there is a client a company with the same name too ), and uTorrent and others are clients which allow sharing of files on top of that network. It is widely used for to spread legal files such as ISO images of Linux distributions, etc. Some use it for share copyrighted stuff too such as music, movies, software. Music and videos are not only products to be produced, sold, consumed. They are also works of arts and part of culture too! I think that it is ridiculous that it is illegal to download a song or a movie that is 20 years old, or even not after the author of the work have deceased. It is wrong to make money of other peoples work (without their consent), by downloading, burning then selling. But I don't think it is wrong to download some stuff for private use for only you to enjoy. And I don't think its wrong for me to make a copy of a CD that I bought so that my cousin can enjoy it too.
  20. You are wrong. Mozilla Firefox is better than Internet Explorer. Ever since IE killed of Netscape, Microsoft has been slacking and haven't done anything with IE for several years. All browsers such as Maxthon, Avant, etc use Trident which is the IE rendering engine, a broken web rendering engine that does not follow webstandards. Mozilla Firefox uses the Gecko engine which is far superior and unlike Trident actually attempts to follow webstandards. IE is holding back the web, website developers cant use the full potential, they must use "hacks" for their pages to render correctly because a certain browsers (read IE) cant follow web standards.
  21. Yeah, they recently bought it. Writely is an Ajax application (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Google also has a Ajax spreadsheet web application. http://spreadsheets.google.com/ http://www.writely.com/ What is good with this web applications is that they need no installation, can be used anywhere on any place with an Internet connection and a web browser that can handle Ajax (Firefox can, I think most other can too). And then can access the documents easily by logging into your Google account. But stroring data some companies (in this case Google) might be a good idea. I like MY files in MY computer. OpenOffice.org rocks though. http://www.openoffice.org/
  22. No, then I guess you shouldn't. Because if you do, I don't think you will be able to access the printer and shared files remotely on the other computer.
  23. Then give away 4 sets to people who might be interested. Try it, who knows, you might fall in love? I have thought about doing the same for a long time now, but my computer just has HDD, got no burner. I've told me self, I will go all Linux when I buy a computer. I am thinking about buying a Conroe machine...
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