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Everything posted by Eldmannen

  1. Yeah, I read something about a car built on laptop batteries. Very fast, good acceleration, very silent. Hope more car companies start looking into electric cars...
  2. Then you need to have "File and Printer Sharing" enabled. Then you right-click on a disk/partition/folder and select "Properties". Then you can select to share it. Then on the other computer, you open My Computer, select the Tools menu and choose "Map network drive..."
  3. Thanks, but no thanks. I am happy with 7-Zip. Free since day one.
  4. I say as Andavari, check out Creative Commons; * http://creativecommons.org/audio/ You can browse for music, and look up the license, and it tells you if they are free to re-use, sample, etc and if they can be used for commercial purposes. Some require attribution though.
  5. Eldmannen

    PS2 vs PS3

    An interesting thing with the PlayStation 3 is that it will have the Cell processor. As far as I know, it will be expensive, and cost like $600. I heard that the PS3 is done, but it is delayed because Sony had to put DRM crap on it. Death to DRM and copy protection crap.
  6. I don't know how long I have been awake without sleep. But I think sometimes it has been like 24 hours. But I think you should listen to what Andavari says about this.
  7. CCleaner wasn't originally designed for secure deletion. It was designed to clean out old crap (CCleaner = Crap Cleaner). Later the secure deletion feature was added but it is a recent addition and should be considered a bonus feature. Eraser on the other hand, was crafted and dedicated solely for the purpose of secure file deletion. Its developers and userbase is people interested secure file deletion. Since it is open source, its probably been inspected by several people to make sure the secure deletion implemention works good. If you interested in file wiping, you might want to read; * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_wiping * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_remanence
  8. Firefox 2.0 is some months away.
  9. Use Mozilla Firefox. You can also uninstall Flash, and disable Java, JavaScript, etc. And disable ActiveX and stuff.
  10. My personal belief is that MySpace is the devil. I heard that LiveJournal had similar things. And that on MySpace or LiveJournal, an advertiser used an security exploit in Flash to install spyware/adware. They infect millions of computers, and MySpace is going todo nothing about it? "talk to ad networks about remove ad" ? I think that they should abandon that ad network, and even sue them.
  11. The four fields in an IP address is 0-255, it cant be 593 or 374. (Maybe you know that, but yeah, anyways ) How was that computer accessed? Via a webbrowser or by mounting a network share in My Computer? or?
  12. If you mean so you don't have to re-login to sites again, then it is cookies. Click on "Options". Select "Cookies". Choose which to keep.
  13. When it uses normal file deletion, it uses the normal file deletion method that Windows use when deleting a file. The same as when you delete a file yourself. Which doesnt really *erase* the file, it just makes it disappear, but its still there hidden in the filesystem. When you use secure file deletion, it overwrites the file with random data to prevent recovery of deleted files. So basically secure file deletion makes it more difficult to recover data, but it takes longer time todo since it has to overwrite files.
  14. After I run CCleaner, I run Ad-Aware, and it always find 1 MRU, which seems CCleaner didnt find. ...\software\microsoft\windows media\wmsdk\general\{0}
  15. I like the "Windows classic" look. I never liked this XP look and skins and stuff... I like to keep things simple...
  16. More information; * http://www.piriform.com/
  17. It rewrites over the data 7 times with pseudo-random data. The filename will still not be gone. So the application you use finds the filenames, but I don't think you are able to recover them. Might want to check into Eraser, a software dedicated for secure removal of files. * http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/
  18. Same for me, never ever DRM-crippled music for me.
  19. I don't think so many people know how they can do their part. And even if they would hear it, think about it, it is likely they would just forget about it again later. There needs to be more campaigns, more pushing, more motivation, etc...
  20. Yeah, its too expensive, but still... I thought that hell would freeze over before they ever put non-DRM crippled music for download.
  21. About the download thing, I don't know, because my Internet is never down. But it has pause/resume functionality for downloads, so it can resume on files, unlike IE which must restart download the whole file. About popups, I don't I ever got one using Firefox. Maybe you have adware or the popup functionality disabled? (Though, default it is enabled)
  22. Ya, he meant "DRM-free", as in the absence of DRM. Ya, RIAA has screwed over forever... It is good that they finally, sell music for download without DRM, something that I honestly thought they would never do. But still, it costs more than a CD, heh. There is this Russian site, I never used it, but I heard it offer full-quality DRM-free music (for pay), such as MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, etc... maybe had other format too...
  23. As far as I know, its not a known bug.
  24. If you use iTunes then reformat your computer, I heard you must buy all your music again... And it don't support Ogg Vorbis and FLAC. Aff!
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