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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. As I hinted above - where did you get the Windows 7 installer from? You could have a bigger problem here than just with the CCleaner install. Yes the very old 5.27 installer is not picking up the Chinese system install. But if the latest CCleaner standard installer is seeing it as Chinese Win 7 then no doubt other apps will also see it as Chinese Win 7. That is not going to make your 92 y/o happy if/when they try to install something else. (Or if you.have given him a system with a compromised/virused Win 7).
  2. Once you have used Disk Clean-up try CCleaner again, it usually runs alright then. You say it seems to get stuck about the 'quarter way' mark. If You are using Custom Clean it should tell you underneath that bar what file, or at least what section it is stuck on. I suspect it will be one of the Internet Explorer or Edge sections if it's only quarter way. You could try unticking the cleaning for each of those in turn and then cleaning with it unticked to see which is the problem. Takes a bit of time to do each one in turn, but testing does take time. Mine used to always take ages on the IE 'History' and as I never used IE it never had any history so I simply unticked it. Note that you should have 'Temporary Internet Files' and 'Cookies' ticked for IE even if you never use it, other things still use those two locations for temporary files.
  3. Health Check does not use any of the cleaning options such as cookies to keep, ticks/unticks or Includes/Excludes. It always uses it's own cleaning rules. It's a simple to use basic clean meant for those who can't be bothered, or don't know how, to set up the any customisation. And who aren't realy bothered about the details of what it cleans. (That's why the language it uses can seem a bit simple or even patronising). There are a few things you can do after the analyze step, but not very much. Cookies to keep, ticks/unticks and Includes/Excludes are for Custom Clean, which as the name says can be customised to clean/not clean things as you prefer. Custom Clean shows you more details of what it has analyzed and/or cleaned. You can even set the level of detail that it shows you. If you could customise Health Check in the same way then it would be no different from Custom Clean, so there would be little point in having both. (Some of us have even argued that Health Check should be a seperate app to avoid any confusion, but we don't have much say in those kinds of decision).
  4. You have a corrupted recycle bin - it's pretty common and easy to fix. One part of Windows thinks there is stuff still in the bin even though it's empty If you don't fix it then Windows will just keep thinking it's not been emptied and the list of deleted files just keeps growing bigger. See here for the fix: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/60979-empty-recycle-bin-skipped-files/?tab=comments#comment-331053 PS. Most people don't even notice when their bin is corrupted, it's only when you use something like CCleaner that you can see the problem. That's probably why Microsoft have never got round to making sure it stops happening, it's just a minor glitch.
  5. If you can't get into Windows at all to repair it, and you do seem to have tried most things you can, then it does look like clean reinstall time. You might want to wait a bit though to see if anyone has other suggestions of what to try. Hopefully you have your files etc. backed up. My personal advice, although it's a bit late for you now - Don't trust any automatic driver updater. They can only look if there is a later version of the drivers that you already have, they can't tell if any later version is compatible with your particular machine or not, all machines are different. Many times it will be OK, nobody posts about that because they don't have a complaint, but too many times it can break things as you can see in this sub-forum. (My personal view is that even if it's only 1 in a thousand that goes wrong that's still too many). PS. It probably was an Nvidia driver update that caused the problem, all the recent Windows 10 versions have had constant problems with Nvidia drivers. Google 'Windows 10 Nvidia problems' and you will see lots.
  6. It's not clear from that post if you want to set Simplified Chinese as the language, or if it's already set as Chinese and you want to change it? (If it's automatically setting Chinese during the install you may want to investigate your Windows settings). In Options>Language you should be able to just click on the language you want from the list and CCleaner will change it straightaway. If for some reason you can't change it that way then you should be able to set the language CCleaner uses this way: Do another install of CCleaner but this time use the 'Slim' installer, 3rd one down from here, and you can set the language during the install. https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds PS. Whilst you are on the builds page you may want to download the 'Sunset' installer for your XP machine. That gives you the last CCleaner version that is compatible with Vista and XP (v5.64). PPS. That's why you don't get update notifications on Vista or XP, you can't update CCleaner on them to above 5.64.
  7. As it's a new install I'm assuming it's Windows 10 21H2, and CCleaner v5.88. How far into the cleaning is it getting? It should tell you at the top of the results panel what Custom Clean is currently cleaning, which should give you a clue where it is getting stuck. One thing you can try if CCleaner is freezing is to run the Windows built in Disk Clean-up, Just open the Start menu and start typing Disk Clean-up and it will bring it up for you. Select run it as Administrator and after it does it's first scan select 'Clean up system files' and let it scan again, then clean what it has found. That does take a lot longer than using CCleaner, but can sometimes clear blockages.
  8. Probably due to those youtube and news entries then, both of those can be heavy on the junk and fill up the browser caches. You might want to check your browser options, especially for what '3rd party' options you have allowed. It's also sometimes a good idea to run Windows built in' Disk Clean-up' that will often clean up things that CCleaner may be getting stuck on. Many of us run it once a week using the 'Clean up system files' option, just to make sure nothing stubborn is blocking things. It does take a lot longer than running CCleaner, it can take up to 20 minutes to clear Windows Update files, (which is one reason you use CCleaner instead), but if CCleaner is taking a lot of time anyway it could help.
  9. I know what you mean. Many app installs now have a pre-selected tickbox for if you want a desktop shortcut or not, untick it and you won't get one. But most still do it as standard and don't give you a choice about it. As you say if you don't want a shortcut on the desktop then you have to delete the shortcut yourself. Only you can know/decide which you want it on the desktop or not. You could delete all desktop shortcuts at a stroke quite easily, but it would upset a lot of people if CCleaner let them do that by mistake.
  10. The logged in status is usually saved in "session" for the browser so make sure that is ticked if using Custom Clean. Alternatively using Health Check should always clear the session. However there do seem to be some recent changes to Chrome cookies that CCleaner hasn't caught up with yet. So if those particular ones are cookies then they may not be being cleared at the moment. Edit- I'd also check Chrome itself to see if 'Allow extensions to run in the background after closing' (something like that wording) has been enabled. That would also prevent cleaning of some things.
  11. I see that thinking, but winapp2 wouldn't normaly clean what CCleaner already cleans as standard, there wouldn't be much point in doing it twice. So you may be missing anything in CCleaner as standard that has changed since your old version.
  12. It sounds as if they may be Flash cookies rather than 'normal' cookies, Flash cookies are different so may not show in the Cookies listing. See if these two help, the first is about normal cookies and the second about Flash cookies on a Mac: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048436231-Select-cookies-that-you-don-t-want-to-clean-on-CCleaner-for-Mac#select-cookies-that-you-don-t-want-to-clean-on-ccleaner-for-mac-0-0 https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048436191
  13. Are you saying that Custom Clean is finding cookies even though they aren't listed in the 'Cookies on computer'? I'm not sure why that would be, (maybe Safari, maybe something to do with Mac?), but there's another way you should be able to select cookies to keep. If you do an Analyze and then double click on the 'Safari -Cookies' it will show a list of what cookies it found to clean. If you want to keep any you can then right click on its name and 'Add to Exclude list'.
  14. You might want to check if your email has been compromised, there's a free checker at haveIbeedpwned. https://haveibeenpwned.com/ There is a password checker as well to check if anybody has your passwords. https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords They have just had a big update with 225 million new compromised emails and passwords that have been donated by the UK police: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-59730010
  15. Yes, I suspect that Annony2000s issue is going to be syncing , browser preloading, or allow extensions to run in the background after the browser is closed.
  16. See my reply in the post you made in the winapp2 thread.
  17. 5.40 is a very old version now so will not be up to date with changes to any browser (and browsers do change a lot, Firefox has had 3 updates this week). You should update your CCleaner to the latest version which is v5.88. (Unless you have Windows Vista or XP, the latest they will support is CCleaner 5.64) However from other posts it does seem that something has recently changed in where Chrome stores cookies, and CCleaner will need to be updated again to keep up with those Chrome changes. But one more question - have you recently sycnced your Chrome? If your browser is synced then that syncing will put cookies etc. straight back from the cloud after CCleaner has removed them from your machine
  18. Sorry but the official site would not give you an old version that then needed to be updated. The official site will always download the latest version. And you don't get the licence key from any site; it is emailed to you once you have purchased CCleaner. I am suspecting that you may have been scammed into something different. So I ask again - Can you give us the URL (web address) of where you downloaded CCleaner from? Can you give us the URL (web address) of where you downloaded the licence key from? And again: Which antivirus are you using and what Windows version do you have?
  19. @Gamma Cephei Let Dave continue to help you, but this 'software renewal scam' is a well know phishing tactic. There is an article about it at Malwarebytes labs if you are interested. (Malwarebytes is another 'big name' that the phishers use for this scam). https://blog.malwarebytes.com/cybercrime/2021/03/software-renewal-scammers-unmasked/ Sorry if you got caught by a scam like this. About the one comfort you can take is that if CCleaner wasn't a trusted name then the phishers wouldn't have tried using it to scam you. As said Dave will be able to look into things a bit deeper for you.
  20. Where were you downloading from? A new subscription would not give you an old version. Where did you get the Key from.
  21. 0x2efd is a Windows error usually meaning that something couldn't connect to a server. It may be a temporary server outage, in which case try again a few hours later. If the error persists (longer than a day?) then it's less likely to be at the server end and more likely to be your Antivirus that is blocking the connection. Which antivirus are you using and what Windows version do you have?
  22. The cleaning wouldn't remove any drivers. But if you have used the Driver Update tool (or the Registry Cleaner tool) then you could have messed one up. If you did use CCleaners' Driver Updater then see this: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402564268429-I-m-having-a-problem-with-Driver-Updater-What-are-my-options- PS. 48GB is a lot to be cleaned, had you not done any cleaning for a while? You may want to check that you don't have a corrupted recycle bin which can cause false high figures, it's easy to fix. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/60979-empty-recycle-bin-skipped-files/?tab=comments#comment-331053
  23. No problem, it sounds like something got 'lost' during the update and reinstalling CCleaner put it back. Norton is good. (In fact they now own Piriform/CCleaner since they bough Avast). Microsoft Defender is now also fine, it ranks as good in tests as most that you can buy and better than many, and as it's already included with Windows why pay for something else? If you don't put another AV on your machine, or uninstall an AV that is there, Defender will take over automatically. Here's a current review, written 11 day ago (always check the date on any reviews you read for anything, things change): https://www.techradar.com/uk/reviews/windows-defender
  24. If you reinstall CCleaner 'over the top' of your existing one then it will keep your licence. If you uninstall and reinstall then you will need to go to Options>About>Upgrade to Pro, enter your licence key and click Register. So make a note of your key before uninstalling. 21H2 is the latest Windows 10 so you are bang up to date with that. PS. AV is just shorthand for AntiVirus, Windows Defender is the standard one that all Windows 10 has and is very good - some people do like to use a different one though which can sometimes cause problems.
  25. You may be interested in this, another user who had a similar problem with EDGE preloading and running in the background. I'd given them much the same answer as I gave you here.
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