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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. nukecad

    Black Screen

    Are you using a laptop, or is it a seperate monitor? Why it should be just with CCleaner for you I have no idea, I do get a similar black-for-a-second screen on one of my laptops but only when playing solitaire. I've never managed to track down what causes it on mine. With a seperate monitor it could be just a poor cable connection. Sometimes it can be your Antivirus, or another background running app interfering with the graphics. Or it could be a driver issue. Or a System or Hardware issue. This article gives help to troubleshoot and fix the problem: https://www.cgdirector.com/fix-monitor-goes-black/
  2. Someone has forgotten to update the version number on the builds page, it's not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last. (TBH I don't see any real need for the version number to be written there, just "Latest official release" should be enough). It is downloading the installers (standard and slim) for v6.15 which is the latest official version. The Portable is still downloading v6.14, that's also happened before and hopefully is just another oversignt.
  3. Yes, both Pro and Free. You can select it or not for each browser that you have/use. Manuals/FAQ's can be found here (scroll down): https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US 'How to' videos can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsL9Q1gZ6XzSx3twnszuUg
  4. 'Security' in Health Check is actually the 'Software Updater' from the Tools menu. (They've called it Security in Health Check because keeping your software up to date can make it more secure). You could try using Software Updater but I have no doubt that will say that you are 'offline', of course you are online but it can't reach the server. When it's like you describe, with just that one server being blocked, then it is usually something at your end, or at your internet provider, that is blocking the access to that server. (It's connecting here for me, although I am in the UK so it may be routing to a different server for me). Can you remember changing your AV, firewalls, Hosts files, or anything else like that, shortly before it started failing to connect? It may be worth checking that your AV and any other security apps you have are up to date, it's best to check on their webpages because we often see certain AVs in particular saying they are up-to-date whereas if you look on the webpage there are newer versions available. In the end it is only the software updates that health Check can't do automatically for you, the cleaning and other functions are still working. So while it's annoying and shouldn't happen it isn't critical, you can always check the apps you use for updates yourself from each apps own Help menu. PS. If you use Custom Clean rather than Health Check then it doesn't run the Software Updater automatically (or automatically run 'Speed' which is actually 'Startup' from the tools menu). That's because neither of those functions is actually cleaning your machine, which is why they are in Tools so you can run them if and when you choose. If you want to then you can set Custom Clean to be what CCleaner shows you when opened. Options>Settings>CCleaner Home Screen.
  5. Microsoft themselves often regard the Downloads folder as a temporary folder. (They did for a very short time have Disk Clean-up and Storage Sense empty it by default. That caused complaints of course). So it is only prudent for users to also regard it as temporary, and move any files that they want to keep long term elsewhere after downloading.
  6. We are aware that there are issues with the CCleaner servers this week. You are not the only one today to report an issue with CCleaner Cloud. Unfortunately we are users like yourself and have no idea what is going on. PS. I've just checked and the support pages for CCleaner Cloud have also gone down, including the contact page.
  7. We are aware that there are issues with the CCleaner servers this week. You are not the only one today to report an issue with CCleaner Cloud. Unfortunately we are users like yourself and have no idea what is going on. PS. I've just checked and the support pages for CCleaner Cloud have also gone down, including the contact page.
  8. For example see: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/65185-deleted-files-not-appearing/#comment-343652
  9. CCleaner is not an antivirus/antimalware, it does not prevent things from running. It can put background processes to 'sleep' if you specifically tell it to but only if you specify that it should be done for a particular background process, and they 'wake' again when wanted/needed. I'm intrigued as to how you believe that a non-running app could interfere with another app? It's much more likely that you have run CCleaner and removed some files, cookies etc. that you need for your game sharing platform. So you then had to set them up again. (Possibly you had set CCleaner to run at startup, and didn't notice it running and cleaning things?)
  10. You can email them at support@ccleaner.com - be aware that reports on this forum say they are currently being slow to reply. (At the moment we are not even sure that they are receiving support requests at all, there is an ongoing server connection problem). However: For all that support would know you could be that scammer. For that reason they will be reluctant to re-send the to a different email address who could be that scammer, or could be anybody else who has your old email say from a data breach. Your CCleaner account is linked to your email, and with the new style keys the key is not just for CCleaner anymore. It's an 'Account Key' and the same key will also cover products that you might also purchase from other members of the GEN Digital group. So they will at least want proof that you are the original purchaser, such as the purchase invoice details. (No doubt also no longer available, if it was the the licence key would be with it). But a hijacker could have those details too if they had been on your machine. In the end not sending a key to any other email address than the one used when it was purchased is for your security. Presumably then it was due for renewal anyway? If I was you I'd just purchase a new licence key linked to your current email address. (And make a note of it not on the same computer).
  11. We are aware that there is a problem with the support.piriform.com servers and have flagged it up to the company staff. As the mods here are users ourselves and not employees there is not much more that we can do about a broken server.
  12. It looks like "Windows Devender Backup" is now causing more issues if/when it is ticked for cleaning: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/65179-ccleaner-v61410584-crashing-on-windows-11/#comment-343691
  13. Thanks for reporting that you found the cause. We have noticed an issue with that "Windows Defender Backup" setting previously, but in that case it didn't seem to be doing anything at all. That was a permissions issue. Our conclusion then was that "Windows Defender Backup" shouldn't be cleaned anyway, so probably shouldn't have been added to Custom Clean in the first place. The files are not backups of old versions, they are duplicates of the current version probably for 'emergency' use if the originals get scrambled by something. (by a virus for example). Here's the thread about it from June: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/64975-windows-defender-backup-rule-not-working/#comment-342742
  14. It isn't a problem, all CCleaner installs are downloads. (There's no disks unless someone makes one themselves). See here for the easy steps of how to do it:
  15. Different cleaners target different things. CCleaner itself can be customised to target different things. Without knowing specifically what the 3.08GB of junk files your Avast found that your CCleaner didn't were then it's impossible to say more. Can you get Avast to show what they are/were? Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean? Health Check uses it's own rules, but It's quite likely that if you use Custom Clean that 3.08GB will be in one of the catagories that you can clean there - if selected for custom cleaning. Registry Items - CCleaner includes a Registry Cleaner, you run it seperately because it is only recommended to use if you actually have a problem with the registry. Cleaning the registry when you don't have a problem can cause problems, and even 'break' your machine. Apps slowing down your PC - CCleaner>Options>Startup, again it's seperate because you may not want to change what starts with your computer. CCleaner>Performance Optimiser, lets you choose to put apps in the background that are not currently being used to 'sleep'. (It's patented by CCleaner). PS. Are you aware that Avast and CCleaner are part of the same company now, along with Norton, LifeLock, Avira, AVG, and ReputationDefender? It's called 'GEN Digital'. https://www.gendigital.com/
  16. What CCleaner version are you using? (The 'Manage Subscription' button recently went missing for some reason). There does currently appear to be a problem with the servers at CCleaner/Piriform, maybe try again tomorrow to see if it has been fixed? Support do seem to be slow to reply to emails at the moment, as users ourselves we don't know why that is. PS. It's usually best not to bombard any support department with more than one request, often making a new request also puts any earlier ones you made to the back of the queue again. It's the way that the standard request queueing software works.
  17. Which one, there are various missunderstandings and issues above. Please start a new thread, explaining just what issue(s) you are seeing. Please give as much detail as you can.
  18. Send an email to support@ccleaner.com asking for your subscription to be cancelled. Please do not 'Report' your own posts. The report system is for the reporting of spam and/or abuse - it is not for attempting to get a quicker response. This is a user forum, and questions will be answered when a user with the answer logs on and sees the question.
  19. It's more likely that you have turned TRIM off yourself (and forgotten?) after reading something like this which points up that you can't recover files after a TRIM and tells you how to turn TRIM off/on: https://www.makeuseof.com/why-how-disable-trim-command/ TRIM should be enabled by default in Windows10/11, but the user can choose to turn it off and sacrifice SSD performance to gain the chance of recovery. (I also believe that some early SSDs didn't support TRIM anyway, so if yours is an older one it might not).
  20. I think that it just goes to point up what I was saying about VT and False Positives. Nothing changed in the ccsetup614.exe file itself, the only thing that changed was how one particular AV (out of 68) was classifying it at different times. AVs do update their definitions all the time, often multiple times a day, and it is not unusual for some of them to be too cautious. Like an over-protective nanny. Plus the particular AV that was the issues here is a specialist one for network endpoints, you can expect it to sometimes give different, over cautious, results to ones meant for home use. In the end it's your choice, but if you get a similar situation again then you can just keep trying VT until it does give a green. (Or do as most of us do - go with the majority on VT and ignore a couple of FPs)
  21. That scan of mine was a freshly downloaded installer from the builds page. I assume that as you are also downloading the Slim then the builds page is also where you are downloading from. Is that correct? Just looking on VT now it is still showing 0/69 for me, with a last scan time of 3 hours ago
  22. Additional: I've just re-analyzed CCsetup614.exe on VT and it's now showing 0/67. Scrolling down the list Deep Instinct is now also showing it as clean.
  23. I would not worry at all. Virus Total is like any other diagnostic tool in that you have to have some knowledge of what the results it gives actually mean. VT can only give you information, you have to check that information and decide for yourself if it is relevent to you. If you use VT regularly then you will know that False Positives often happen, and that 1 detection out of 68 is almost certainly a False Positive. (In fact 4 or 5 out of that many results wouldn't bother me unduly). Look at it the other way round - 67 out of 68 AVs have said that CCsetup614.exe is clean and is safe to use. Minimal detections like that on VT usually come from little known and/or specialist AVs - and that is what is happening here. In this case the one particular AV in your screenshot that flagged CCsetup614.exe is Deep Instinct. Deep Instinct is intended for "endpoint" security, ie. business and large organisation networks that need extra checks for if an employee/user tries to install something that is not meant for use on a networked system. https://www.deepinstinct.com/endpoint-security CCleaner is meant for home (or small business) use, it is not designed for use on networked systems. CCleaner Cloud is the edition for use with network endpoints, if a business chooses to use it. So it is not surprising at all that an AV meant for network endpoints would flag up a home use cleaner app which can access system files to clear them, as well as access other user accounts in some circumstances - things which you may want to do at home, but should not be doing on a business network. (We had a post here recently where a company's employee had tried to do just that, and their endpoint security rejected it and threw up multiple warning flags to their IT department, as it should on a business network). So in the end it is your choice how to interpret the VT result and what to do with the information it gives you. Mostly that comes from experience of using it and double checking what it says for yourself.
  24. Yes it needs those folders to run properly. At the very least it needs the DATA folder and its sub-folders, and the LOG folder. And I believe that they need to be in the same place as the .exe so that it knows where to find them. Presumably you had deleted the zip after extracting CCleaner64.exe but before running it? (See below). Not quite, there is another way: If I copy/paste only CCleaner64.exe out of the zip to the desktop, but leave the zip where it is, (it was in Downloads) then the first time I double-click CCleaner64.exe on the desktop CCleaner itself extracts the needed folders and sub-folders from the zip to the desktop and then opens. (The zip can then be deleted).
  25. It's actually more accurate to say that deleted files from an internal SSD have little to no chance of being recovered. If it's an extenal SSD connected by USB then there is more chance of recovery. The difference between recovery from HDDs and SSDs basicallly comes down to the TRIM command issued by the computer to SSDs. Unlike a HDD where the file just gets marked as deleted, but the data remains on the drive until overwritten by new data, with a SSD you have to erase the data to empty the 'blocks' of memory so that new data can be written there - and it is the TRIM command that triggers the SSD to perform that 'garbage collection'. A TRIM command usually gets issued by the computer when you delete something - so the data itself gets deleted almost immediately. However because TRIM is an ATA command it cannot be issued through a USB connection. The USB connected SSD will still 'garbage collect' to free up deleted data occasionally, but with no TRIM available from the computer then the data isn't erased immediately, and so may still be recoverable for a while. This short article is a bit old now but explains it well without getting too technical: https://www.datanumen.com/blogs/ssd-vs-hdd-different-chances-recovering-deleted-files/
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