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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. You have posted in the CCleaner browser section, is your question about the CCleaner browser, or about CCleaner itself? As well as that please say which Windows version you are using, and which antivirus programme you are using.
  2. Sorry I don't know. But if it has recovered and is actualy readable, albeit as binary, then there may be a chance that it will import as a binary to whatever created the database in the first place. Is there a forum for whatever app created the database? If so then that may be the place to ask about importing a binary.
  3. Can you not use the original SQL to make a new backup dump?
  4. 1. Yes they are deleted and cannot be recovered except for the Zedded filenames; as you have found yourself there are no contents. They are 'excellent' in terms that those filenames are 'excellent', - all Zeds but excellent Zeds. That's why they are so small they are just the filenames and each filename has been changed to junk anyway. 2. The MFT will contain references to deleted files that are no longer there, note that in your screenshot it's all old file references from the recycle bin. The MFT may also contain some small files that were written directly to the MFT rather than elswhere on the disc. I think that is what you are seeing here and why they are recoverable. CCleaner can get rid of these after they have been deleted by wiping the MFT Free Space - but it has to wipe the whole of the free space on the disc at the same time which can take ages. Modern drives have become so large, terrabytes, that the time taken to wipe the whole free space becomes prohibitive. Secure Deletion and Disc wiping all comes down to a question of how likely it is that someone will want to recover whatever has been deleted. If I bought or otherwise acquired an old computer or old drive I would have a look if anything had been left behind - not because I wanted to snoop your home videos but because there could be any kind of malware (or something illegal) on there.
  5. Update or reinstall Google Play Services to re-enable it. https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/9037938?hl=en
  6. I believe that there was a problem with the licencing server a few hours ago. I'm not sure what the server problem was, but it may just have been that CCleaner couldn't contact the server to check your licence and so temporarily ran as the unregistered/trial Pro version. If it happens again please let us know.
  7. As this was previously downoaded software then it's probably easier to simply download the ones you want again.
  8. I believe that when you buy CCleaner Android from the google playstore it knows that you have paid and registers the product for you, so there is no further key/code to enter. (If you download the Free version it knows you haven't paid so doesn't register it).
  9. I'd suggest looking at you McAfee and see if there is any log of it removing/quarantining CCleaner. I'd also try making sure that your McAffee is up to date and maybe making CCleaner an exclusion in McAfee, at least for a while. If you are using MB with McAfee then you'll probably already know how to make exclusions. Whilst it's mostly been Trend Micro that is blocking/removing v5.65, there have also been reports of McAffee doing the same. With both AV's the reports are that if you update the AV then the blocking usually ends, if not then making CCleaner an exclusion in the updated AV does the job. (With TM you have to get the latest 2020 version from their webpage, updating from within the programme isn't enough). Malwarebytes does not seem to be an issue, because it works differently to traditional AV's.
  10. nukecad


    That's just a blizzard - they have a lot of them in Alaska. Sorry, but without a link we have no idea what/which map you are talking about.
  11. It is a problem with some AntiVirus programmes at the moment. They are not recognising the new version of CCleaner so they are stopping it running or even removing it. (And because of the coronavirus crisis they are short staffed and so it's taking them time to update their whitelists). Which anti virus programme are each of you using?
  12. Running Health Check will not install Google Chrome. The Chrome offer isn't new, it's happened for years, well before Health Check. You will see many complaints about it on this forum. Installing CCleaner using the standard installer may still install Google Chrome, if you don't untick the pre-ticked offer. The same as it has done for years if you were not careful to untick the offer. Whilst the offers for Avast/Piriform products now have a new page with Accept/Decline buttons, the Google Crome offer is still as it always was and is still pre-ticked.
  13. I don't think that's correct, my CCleaner shows Edge Chromium but it does not and has never shown Google Chrome. There must have been some entry somewhere from Google Chrome. It may have been simply fortuitous that uninstalling Edge Chromium also removed the rogue google registry entry as well. Google Chrome is very persistent, once you've had it on your machine it's hard to get completely rid of all traces. As you seem to have got rid of it then however you did it doesn't realy matter.
  14. You have asked this question at least once each year since 2018, this is now your fourth thread with the same question. In fact it's the only question that you have ever asked. https://community.ccleaner.com/profile/81585-rjlocal22/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjU3ODE4LCJpZF8yIjozMTc4OTR9 The answer is still the same. (It will not change). The files are probably not being deleted because they are system files, and either in use or protected. You should not delete duplicate system files, the duplicates are often needed in more than one place, and deleting them may cause things to stop working. Duplicate finder should normally only be used to find duplicates of your pictures, videos, music files, documents, etc. and remove any unwanted ones.
  15. Haven't got a clue, and this sort of information is kept close to the developers chests. Try right clicking on it and picking analyze from the context menu to see if it finds anything on your machine. It doesn't find anything on mine currently, but I don't use search much anyway. (It take a guess at: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp\" but that is a guess).
  16. It not a scam, it is simply the way that Windows works. (And what Health Check calls 'trackers' are not what you or I would usually call trackers). In this particular case it is the Windows restart that is re-creating the files that are found to be cleaned. See the link in my signature below any of my posts for an explanation. If you can't see my signature because of your browser settings then: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/52668-tracking-files/?tab=comments#comment-300043
  17. This 'only run once following install' behaviour is a sign that a programme is being blocked from running by your antivirus programme. So as Hazelnut asked which AV are you using?
  18. I suspect that your anti-virus may be blocking the install. (PS. Trend Micro was/is an issue with CCleaner v5.65 not with Speccy , at least not a known issue with Speccy). Are you saying that you now have 2 anti virus programmes running? You should not do that - they will clash and cause problems. The rule is never to run more than one anti virus at once. If you do have 2 running then I would decide which AV you want to use and disable or uninstall the other. Then I would temporarily pause/disable the one you have decided to use and try installing Speccy again. (Don't forget to untick the chrome offer if it shows). Once Speccy is installed then re-enable your chosen AV. You may also want/need to make Speccy an exclusion in whichever AV you choose to use.
  19. It is optional. In CCleaner go to Options>Settings and set the CCleaner Home Screen to 'Custom Clean'. CCleaner will then always use custom clean unless you deliberately click on Health Check.
  20. I have no problems downloading/installing Speccy here. Could you tell us what Windows version you are using?, and which AntiVirus programme? Also where you are downloading Speccy from?
  21. We need more details please, there is not enough there to give you any help. What do you mean by 'Not Loading'? (Not downloading, not installing, not running after installing, other?) Which Windows version are you using? Which AntiVurus are you using?
  22. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade? - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx
  23. We cleared that issue up a while back, it was simply the wrong message being displayed. CCleaner was connecting to the server but if it found nothing needed to be updated then it was showning the wrong message. It's been corrected in v5.65 which will be why you are not seeing it anymore. PS. As a different issue to note - Many programmes (not just CCleaner) are having server connection issues at the moment, the internet is under strain from everyone using it from home during the current C-19 crisis. And Microsoft are doing some scheduled maintanance/modification of server software which is affecting many servers, unfortunate timing.
  24. Not according to that link that Hazelnut posted, did you try it? That shows how to exclude a file/folder that hasn't (yet) been flagged. PS. I don't use a Mac or Total AV either, but those instructions seem clear enough, I'd exclude the whole CCleaner folder.
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