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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Not according to that link that Hazelnut posted, did you try it? That shows how to exclude a file/folder that hasn't (yet) been flagged. PS. I don't use a Mac or Total AV either, but those instructions seem clear enough, I'd exclude the whole CCleaner folder.
  2. You need to install Defraggler as well. It is a seperate programme, it is not built into CCleaner. Vous devez également installer Defraggler. C'est un programme séparé, il n'est pas intégré à CCleaner.
  3. What operating system is your elderly computer using? I'd assume XP or Vista if CCleaner is no longer compatible. Prices for Pro licences are usually for a year unless it says otherwise, BUT- If you cannot run the latest CCleaner on your machine then it is of no use whatsoever to you to purchase CCleaner Pro. The first things that happens when you register a Pro version is that it updates itself to the latest available version of CCleaner, which is not compatible with your machine so it won't work. If you have XP or Vista then the best you can do is use the latest compatible version in Free mode. The last version of CCleane compatible with XP and Vista is v5.64, which you can download from Filehippo. It can be found under 'Older Versions' on the right of: https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ If you are still running one of those old operating systems then you are going to find that fewer and fewer applications will be compatible so you won't be able to use the latest versions. The lastest versions of Webroot Secure Anywhere won't run on them, which is not realy a good idea as using an old vesion of an avtivirus means that you are not fully protected, and it may cause other problems with newer applications. The recent rash of negative comments you mention are a case in point, many/most of those comments are from users of Trend Micro antivirus that was not up to date and so was blocking CCleaner v5.65 from running. Once they updated TM then the problem dissappeared. PS. Your post seem to imply that you think that CCleaner is a security tool or even an antivirus app. It isn't - it's a junk cleaner. CCleaner does not protect your computer in any way, it simply removes unwanted/unneeded temporary files, cookies, etc. Realy the best solution is to get a new computer (or a new OS if the old hardware is compatible, but I doubt it will be). As said you are going to find that more and more applications are going to stop updating or even stop working. I know that can be a struggle financially, I've been there myself when my old XP laptop started playing up, but if you want to keep using a computer then it's something you have to do now and again. Just like automobiles they need to be replaced with a new one every so often.
  4. See the CCleaner browser documentation (you might want to bookmark it for future reference). https://www.ccleaner.com/docs/ccleaner-browser/using-ccleaner-browser/search-provider-settings
  5. See these: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/restore-deleted-files-or-folders-in-onedrive-949ada80-0026-4db3-a953-c99083e6a84f https://support.office.com/en-us/article/what-happens-when-you-delete-files-in-the-cloud-57dda49f-0e55-41eb-bb6a-c61caa8cca03
  6. And when you say 'not working' how do you mean? (Not installing, not running, not registering, not cleaning, other?)
  7. Mmm, I've just looked at the instructions for using the registry editor to restore the label info and whilst it doesn't look too dificult if you know how to use regedit the advice is not to use regedit if you are uncomfortable about doing so. But there is a bigger problem. Even if you found someone who knows regedit to help you the linked pages for the numbering schemes are missing, (because Office 2007 is out of support) so you wouldn't know what ID numbers to use anyway unless you/they can find it somewhere else. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2563139/error-message-when-you-try-to-create-a-label-in-word-there-is-a-proble I'm afraid that unless you can get the repair to work then you may have to competely reinstall Office. Which of course will reset everything to standard. TBH the problem you found with repairing Office 2007 may also be a problem if/when trying to reinstall it. Unless you have the original discs and activation key you may be stuck. Office 2007 has been out of support since Oct 2017, so most of the Microsoft pages that had information, and especially downloads, for it are no longer available. https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/install-office-2007-88a8e329-3335-4f82-abb2-ecea3e319657 As you are using Office for a business then you should probably get the latest version of Office anyway, you can write the cost off against tax as a business expense. https://products.office.com/en-us/business/small-business-solutions If you want an installed rather than a cloud version. https://www.microsoft.com/en-GB/p/office-home-business-2019/CFQ7TTC0K7CQ?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab If cost is a problem then there are plenty of free (and paid for but cheaper) alternatives, here's just a few. https://www.techradar.com/uk/best/free-office-software (Personally I'm using Softmaker Free Office and have had no problems with it).
  8. The original question is from 9 months ago and did not ask that at all. (Because as Dave CCleaner stated in post 2 CCleaner didn't do what you say at that time). Yours is a different question that applies now that CCleaner has changed, and the answer is simply to use Custom Clean and not Health Check. Health Check will always check for software updates, it is meant to do that. Custom Clean does not check for software updates at all. (If you want to check for software updates when using Custom Clean then you have to use the seperate Software Updater tool, which is what the OP was about). To make CCleaner use Custom Clean as the default cleaning method then go to Options>Settings and change CCleaner Home Screen to 'Custom Clean'. Once you have done that it will then use Custom Clean every time, (and not check for software updates) unless you specifically click on Health Check.
  9. Try this to force it to close: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201276
  10. Make sure the name you are entering is the same name you registered. The usual cause though is mistyping numbers/letters, 1 & l, 2 & Z, 5 & S, 8 & B. Try copying the key from your email and pasting it in to the registration box. (Just copy the whole thing and paste it into the first box).
  11. Afraid not, it's all or nothing. The only option like that in CCleaner is for the Recycle Bin and Windows Temp Folders, which can be left alone for 24 hours. Options>Advanced.
  12. If you didn't make a backup in CCleaner then you will have to repair, or even reinstall, Office 2007. You can find instructions on how to repair Office 2007 here: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/detect-and-repair-applications-in-microsoft-office-2007/ This is why we tell people that they should not be running the registry cleaner when their machine isn't broken. (And if they do run it on a problem machine the always make the backup). Any registry cleaner can 'break' your machine, or an app, if you are not very careful what you are doing. Registry cleaning will not free up space on your disk (well may a byte or two) and it will not speed up your machine. It meant to be used as a troubleshooting/repair tool not as a regular clean up tool.
  13. I managed to get them recreated with a reinstall, and they are .xml files (not .mtl). outdefinitions.xml contains a list of which apps CCleaner is looking to update (with wildcards). outinstalledsoftware.xml contains a list of those apps that are installed on your machine. As said if you right click them and open they will open in a browser window. I'm not sure exactly why these are created, or if deleting them will cure your issue. (I know that deleting them doesn't stop the Updater working).
  14. Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean? Health Check uses its own settings and will always clear Firefox history. If you don't want to do that then you have to use Custom Clean and untick Firefox history. Those tick/untick settings apply only to Custom Clean. (They will not be respected by Health Check which always uses it's own settings). If you want to set Custom Clean as the default mode for CCleaner then go to Options>Settings and change the CCleaner Home Screen.
  15. The latest version (11th March) is 16.0.1302. See here: https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/1120881.aspx?cm_mmc=MaximumSecurityPage-_-SupportNews-_-TiHE-_-2019 Others have reported that if they update from this page, (rather than updating from within TM), then TM stops blocking CCleaner. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx
  16. You will not find one mod here who disagrees that Health Check needs more clarity about just what it will do when you run it. (Some of us go further and think that it shouldn't be in CCleaner at all but should be a seperate product). I suppose that technically thumbnails are not required by the system, but they are required by most users, especially those such as yourself with thousands of images. I didn't say that Widows would rebuild the cache automatically but it will rebuild it. I wonder if there is a batch or similar that will do it automaticaly? (I wouldn't hve thought it should be that difficult). TBH I hadn't realy noticed that Health Check was deleteing the thumbnail cache(s), but there again I don't have thousands of images.
  17. You could also try restoring your last Windows restore point, if you have them turned on, no guarantees though. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-system-restore-windows-10 And yes, Health Check needs a clear warning that it will do it's own thing and not use the Custom Clean settings. Plus a clear way in Health Check itself to change the default cleaning method to Custom without having to go and find it burried in the Options. (it could at least ask during the install which one you wanted as the default).
  18. When you say "CCleaner opens" just what is opening - the full programe or a pop-up notification? If it's a notification then can you screenshot it or tell us what it says?
  19. The staff are in discussion with various AV companies to investigate why their particular AV is preventing CCleaner 5.65 running whilst other AVs are not stopping it. With some it's been confirmed as simply a case of the user having an older version of the AV and needing to update (usually for free). eg, TrendMicro 2019 will say that it's up to date but still blocks CCleaner v5.65, if users update for free to TrendMicro 2020 then that doesn't block CCleaner 5.65. It's always a good idea to make sure that your AV is the very latest version.
  20. Sorry to hear that you did that. It must be annoying but Windows will rebuild the thumbnail cache itself. Health Check is meant for non-technical users - Custom Clean is for serious users. A serious user would not just blindly run Health Check (or any other application) without first checking what it will do. Health Check has a simplified user interface, and what it cleans follows it's own cleaning rules. The Ticking/Unticking of things (such as Firefox components) in the Custom Clean area are settings for Custom Clean only. The Custom Clean Settings are not, and will not, be used by Health Check. You cannot change the settings that Health Check will use. Health Check will always use it's own built-in cleaning rules each and every time that you run it. Look at the Icons - Custom Clean icon has a little 'settings' cogwheel to show you can change it's settings, - Health Check icon doesn't because you can't change it's settings. If you want more control of just what is cleaned or not by ticking/unticking the Custom Clean options then you have to use Custom Clean itself to clean. To change which method CCleaner uses as the default, and also for any scheduled cleans, go to Otions>Settings and change the 'CCleaner Home Screen'.
  21. It could be finding something in the registry, but there is something else to try first. If you go to C:\ccelaner\ you may see 2 .mtl files. (Can't remember the exact names I deleted them). One is a list of apps that software updater can update, the other is a list of any of those that are on you machine. You can open these (they open as a browser page) and read them. CCleaner may be picking up the trial version from there? (I'm not sure but it's worth a try). I said above what I did with mine, and it hasn't affected CCleaner in the slightest. If it is a reg entry left over from the uninstall then it will be hard to find/isolate as you have a wanted corel application which will have many reg entries of it's own. This may be one of the rare occasions where it could be worth running CClearers Registry Cleaner to see if it finds anything 'corel' related that's been orphaned and removing anything 'corel' it finds, after saying yes to backing up the fixes of course. You could also try using Revo Uninstaller (Pro trial) for the Pro feature 'Forced Uninstall'. (Or buy the Pro if you think you will need the feature again in future). 'Forced Uninstall' lets you use their log database to remove leftovers of stuff you had installed/uninstalled before you even got Revo. It may be able to differentiate between the trial and the wanted app, depending on their names. Read the manual page below carefully, and be careful if you do use it. Here is the manual page for 'Forced Uninstall': https://www.revouninstaller.com/online-manual/uninstaller/#3.6
  22. Another user reports that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57718-ccleaner-not-opening/?tab=comments#comment-317551 Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that is up to date itself - it is not the latest TM version. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx
  23. Another user reports that once Trend Micro is updated to 2020 then CCleaner works as expected again. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/57718-ccleaner-not-opening/?tab=comments#comment-317551 Updating Trend Micro from within Trend Micro itself will tell you that you are up to date - but you may not be. You may have the 2018 or 2019 versions of TM, so while that is up to date itself - it is not the latest TM version. You may need to download and install the TM 2020 upgrade - go to this page to 'grab' the 2020 upgrade. https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/home.aspx
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