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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Do you mean that CCleaner is installed but won't run, or that it won't install in the first place?
  2. Thanks for the information about 'Sciter' in Health Check. With Win 7 installation; we have numerous forum posts from Win 7 users for whom the Standard installer won't work but the Slim will. If it looks like a duck and quacks .... (As for the comment about the graphics in the installers, I am going on what has been said previously about the installer graphics by a staff member, maybe even yourself? I'll see if I can find it again, it's a while ago now, I think it was around v5.40?)
  3. Pretty odd unless it somehow got 2 the different names when you purchased (or possibly had purchased before?). Dunno, I've never actually purchased CCleaner Pro nevermind the Plus bundle.
  4. Nope, it's not just Edge Chrome. It doesn't always happen but I'll sometimes see the same 'Click here' pop-up in Firefox, but with FFx it's in the top right pointing up. I believe it only pops-up if your browser is being slow to start the automatic download and show you the dialogue box, - which is what you describe with your dialogue appearing shortly afterwards. If your browser starts the download quickly enough the 'Click here' doesn't show. (Maybe they could give it a few more seconds before it shows? But some people do get impatient if nothing seems to be happening). Because it moves up and down I've called it the bouncing arrow - I just ignore it.
  5. We do occasionally see mistypes of a users name. (users have even mistyped their email address on a couple of occasions, meaning that they didn't get the confirmation email). It one of the reasons why we always suggest copy/paste of names and keys from the confirmation email.
  6. I'm not sure, but it may be Apples 'Gatekeeper' technology causing your issue? (That normally gives a warning, but if you have somehow turned the warnings off .....) See here for more info: https://www.minicreo.com/mac-uninstaller/app-cannot-be-opened-on-macos-catalina.html
  7. Firstyl make sure that you copy/paste the key from your email, mistyping leters/numbers is a common error, eg. 1 & I, 5 and S, etc. You need to contact support to resolve licencing issues; it's not something that we can do on the open forum. There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com Please don't raise more than one support ticket, they are dealt with in order and raising multiple tickets can actually slow down the response.
  8. Windows 7 is getting old, and it can't handle the graphics in the CCleaner Standard installer which is why it freezes for Win 7 users. Instead for Win 7 you must use the Slim installer which doesn't include those particular graphics, the CCleaner installed is exactly the same. You can find the Slim installer here, it's the bottom one of the 3, you may want to bookmark the page for future use: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds
  9. Is CCleaner being removed altogether, or just from the Taskbar? What Windows version are you using, and which antivirus?
  10. CCleaner would not delete all your files. (Unless you specifically told it to by making an 'Include'). What kind of files are missing? Documents, photos, others?
  11. As said above it's unusual these days for a banking site to let you autofill a password anyway. It's a security risk, if you have it saved on phone/laptop and that device gets lost or stolen then whoever gets hold of it can automatically log into your bank account and take your money. You are safer never to save any password for a banking or other financial site.
  12. Health Check used to give that message in error if it found that there was no software to update for apps that you had installed. It was reaching the server and checking, but just showing the wrong message if there was nothing to update. If you haven't already then update your CCleaner to the latest version where that message error has been fixed.
  13. Why are you posting this on the CCleaner forum? If you have a question about that particular software then ask them. (on their forum, if they have one). EDIT- One of the other Moderators has pointed out that years ago there was a long running thread here about that particular software, before my time here so I didn't know about it.
  14. Well I'm not a developer so the thanks are due to them for fixing it quickly, but it's good to know that the fix worked.
  15. Sorry I'm a bit confused, are you saying that you can connect to the web on wifi but not by the ethernet? (Obviously you have been able to connect somehow to make this post). It might help to know which Mac version you are using, and which CCleaner version.
  16. I don't think you can get around the two different login thing. At another forum I have two logins, one as a moderator and one as a regular member. But of course my browser (I normaly use Firefox but it's the same for any browser) has no way of knowing which one I want to log in as at any time, only I can decide that. I just let it fill in the name password for the moderator account, and if I want to use the regular account then I enter it manually. The browser, or password manager, can save both usernames/passwords but it can't know which one you want to use at any given time. Most will simply use the latest one of the two that was saved.
  17. Some websites will not allow 'Autofill' of passwords, and sometimes usernames, it's a security measure by the website itself. You can save the login details in your browser or password manager; but the website itself will insist that you have to type it in. Banks, and anywhere else that may may mean spending money, should do this to keep you safe from fraudsters. Can you automatically log onto the same site from a different browser?
  18. Can we ask where did you get your licence key from? The term 'Invalid' usually has a specific meaning in such messages.
  19. I have no insight other than that Speccy has not been updated for some time now (May 21st, 2018 was the last update). So that being said it's not something that has changed in Speccy, but may be something in Windows user account control? Try right clicking the Speccy icon and selecting 'Run as Administrator'.
  20. 20H1, or the May 2020 Upgrade I believe. (make your backups now if you don't do them regularly). Although Old Edge will still be availble if you want to use it, just like IE is still there if you want (or need) to use it.
  21. I don't really see a problem. Edge Chrome, old Edge, and IE, (and Cortana, and One Drive, and some things you may not have noticed .....), are still there on computers, so what? Disable them (if you want), ignore them, and leave them alone, and they will never bother you.
  22. Whilst it's embarassing for any software to get such a bug in a new release at least they fixed it quickly with an update.
  23. Thanks for sharing your solution, hopefully that may help someone else.
  24. It's like Cortana and One Drive (and old Edge which it is replacing); you can uninstall or disable the interface but they cannot be removed completely. Once you have installed Edge Chrome on any version of Windows 10 it will always leave traces behind that you cannot remove. You can hide it, as APMichael says, but it will still be there as long as Win 10 is still there. I suppose if you still have an ISO for the old Win 10 version you could reinstall that and start from scratch again?
  25. The first Question is what time today did you install the 'newest version'? There has been an update earlier today to fix a bug that was closing the screen for some users, so you may want to try downloading/installing again now. Secondly: Unless your computer has a problem then it is not recommended to use any Registry Cleaner; especially with Windows 10. Registry Cleaning is an advanced tool that can sometimes be useful when fixing a computer that is having issues. It should not be used on a regular basis, it will not 'speed up' a computer, or save anymore than a few bytes of disc space. Unless your computer is having issues, and you are familiar with the registry and how it works, then don't use a registry cleaner at all. Here is what Microsoft have to say about it: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2563254/microsoft-support-policy-for-the-use-of-registry-cleaning-utilities And yes - we know that there is still a big button for the Reg Cleaner in CCleaner, that's a legacy of the old days and is due to be removed.
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