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Everything posted by CTskifreak

  1. Seen that before....laugh every time! AJ
  2. That's sad to hear. Losing a loved one is never easy, but as Jamin said, the pain will then become the memories of the good times. Our prayers are with you. AJ
  3. Mr. brownstone, I'm drooling for the fact that your list of games (well, Crysis: WH more specifically) requires a helluva lot of hardware on the graphics end. What are the complete specs of your system??? AJ
  4. I use the whole iGoogle format. I had Blackle.com for a while, because it goes good with my theme in Firefox (NASA Night Launch.) AJ
  5. Hahhaa...oh wow ... that's good. AJ
  6. I have RocketDock on AutoHide on the bottom AJ
  7. I'm the only one with my name. * There are 822,832 people in the U.S. with the first name Andrew. * Statistically the 54th most popular first name. * 99.63 percent of people with the first name Andrew are male. Odd.... never considered a girl having the name Andrew. Andy, maybe, but not Andrew. I think the weird thing is the number 336 for the last name. I have 489, so maybe it is a coincidence. AJ
  8. I'm home for the weekend. /cry AJ
  9. Sorry for bringin up an old topic..but this is insane. Inside the student union at my college...wireless, no less. AJ
  10. Holy crap! That's awesome!!! AJ
  11. I mainly go the uTorrent/Limewire route. I've never had a problem. I don't leave them 24/7 like some people do. Once used Kazza on an old PC, and one day we had a huge virus and the only way to get rid of it was through a reformat. It was bad. AJ
  12. Have you upgraded to the latest firmware? AJ
  13. Living in Connecticut, we usually get 1-2 feet a winter. When I was younger, it felt like so much more. CT Gov website. Up here near Albany, NY, I except similar conditions. Maybe a little harsher. AJ
  14. I think I almost did that too. I have the post in the spyware section about my roommate's girlfriend's computer, and I almost started downloading that. I nearly freaked, then I realized what it did, because the download button for it is huge - the physical image. AJ
  15. I've lost the game /Epic fail AJ
  16. Nice find! Can come in handy. Thanks AJ
  17. So to respond.... College is good. Fun, interesting, not too hard yet. I just got picked to be the Freshman IT representative, and with that comes various responsibilities. I don't know if I'm a part of the Student Government/Leadership on campus, but I do help out at IT days and what not. I'll let you know what my duties evolve to be. Thanks for the complements. I've been hanging out at MaximumPC.com and their forums. Learning a lot. You all should join their Folding@Home team, cause they're ranked about 5th in the world. Any questions for me? Post them here. AJ
  18. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KDEWTCvU878 First comment... It makes you wonder. This kid does sound legitimately smart, but considering something else so similar was invented, it makes you wonder. I'm not trying to be a jerk about it though, and want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it's too close, and for a 12 year old? AJ
  19. Kid looks older than 12. That's insane how much more efficient his cells are though. I'd so buy some for my future house (once I'm done with college, have a good job, and can afford a house ) Maybe I can convince my parents to do it to our house. AJ
  20. Do you have the driver CD's that came with your laptop??? AJ
  21. Finally, someone's organized the Interentz!!!?!?!? Haha, wow. AJ
  22. It would be interesting to move it into it's own category. Would make sense. Good job on the picture editing, because it looks very realistic. AJ
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