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Everything posted by CTskifreak

  1. Honestly, I would have gotten a cheap Intel motherboard and gotten even a basic Core 2 Duo dual core. You can make it work, but I'd suggest a better motherboard/processor combination. Newegg link to your motherboard. Read the reviews. Seems like it can be finicky at times. It will be able to handle everything else you want to put in your system. But, no way are you going to be able to play either of those games on full. Medium at best is my guess. You'd need to get at least 2 GBs of RAM. What OS are you planning to use? AJ
  2. I might be in luck! I created a random file on my dad's laptop over February break and saved it. Uberness!!!! AJ
  3. All good here. Great update!! AJ
  4. And Mr. Brownstone wins again. AJ
  5. Congrats man! You deserve it as well as anybody! AJ
  6. I'm flattered. Download this to double check. AJ
  7. Pure Sexyness My reasonable dream car Hyundai's Sports Sedan !?!?!? AJ
  8. I didn't read larry's link, but if you mean motherboards, then yes. RAM wouldn't phone home, at least it should not. AJ
  9. Even though I love Windows and will most likely will never buy a Mac, I don't mind the iTunes/Quicktime install. It makes syncing everything easy, and you can delete the items that want to start with Windows, because they are unnecessary. And, when they come up with new firmware/software for the iPods, I don't know of another way to get it on to the iPod outside of iTunes. AJ
  10. Honestly...that computer truly isn't worth your time. It must be so dog slow, well in comparison at least, to any decent modern day system. You could always put a distro of Linux on it, something small and light, because that computer won't be good for much for than web browsing and typing documents. AJ
  11. On topic: Try turning off and unplugging your router for about 1-5 minutes. Might have been upset my a random electrical surge. AJ
  12. Why don't you create a new one, then delete the old one? AJ
  13. I forgot that they update it somewhat before totally giving it up and supporting only the newest version. AJ
  14. That would be awesome if it is 1) real and 2) comes into production. Imagine combining that with a hybrid?! AJ
  15. I went back to my Audi R8 picture just to let everyone know! AJ
  16. Same with Kenny - I downloaded it a few days after it came out and I've been good. They give you the option to uninstall it just in case something happens. I did make a System Restore point just to be safe, but I've been fine. There had been a problem with people with computers that had AMD processors, but they fixed it. AJ
  17. I'm downloading it right now and will burn it. Nice to have incase I ever reformat my Dell. AJ
  18. That's good. There was a Leeroy Jenkins reference. (33% chance) AJ
  19. You do realize it was a commercial...right? LOL You could tell with the camera angles, and at the end, there was a Gatorade at her feet. AJ
  20. Just installed...with the few addons that I do use, I couldn't be happier. Adblock Plus Forecast Fox Enhanced Gmail Manager IE Tab NASA Night Launch Theme Memory usage drops so much when minimized. Loving it, and will not change. AJ
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