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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Okay, I checked, and they have converter downloads. I'm not sure whether or not you need MS Office to download it, but it will convert Works to Word. If you can't download the converter try saving the file to a disk (CD, etc..), and opening it from there. If that doesn't work you can open it on another computer (school, friend, library, etc...) and save it in Excel.
  2. I don't know why you can't open that document. I did it last night so that I could write down accurate instructions. On Microsoft they offer free viewers for Excel, ppt, etc. I'll take a look, and see if there is one for Works. But you shouldn't have to do anything to open that file. I'm really bummed out for you.
  3. That's really strange. Before I installed Open Office I had almost all of my files saved as Works files. Uninstalled and opened all of them with OpenOffice. Hey, you know what? Right click the file, and click 'Open With' - Choose OpenOffice. You may need to click browse and locate the OpenOffice program. Then tick the box 'open all of these files with OpenOffice'. You don't need to convert or anything. I've done it on TONS of documents. OpenOffice will ask you what type of file you want to open is as - choose 'Open Document Text (.odt)'.
  4. It should still work. I've done it a number of times after uninstalling Microsoft Works, Word, etc... What's the error?
  5. Why did you need to reinstall Registry Mechanic?
  6. Open Office will open it as a .xls file. Or you can check 'hide gridline', and copy it to a .doc document (any write document).
  7. In addition to Andavari's suggestions can you look in your Event Viewer and get the Error Codes?
  8. Are you saying that after CCleaner cleaned the hotfix uninstallers that they showed up in Issues? If so that is correct, and as it should be. If you don't want to uninstall your hotfixes then you don't need to keep the uninstallers. If you 'Run' CCleaner to clean up the uninstallers the uninstaller registry keys are still left behind. When you 'Scan for Issues' CCleaner will detect the leftover registry keys. When you select 'Fix Issues' it will remove the left over keys. I'm not sure that I answered your question because I'm not clear what you mean by "add remove programs registry problems". Post Back!
  9. Thanks Chia. I appreciate the 'Heads Up'. Have a good day!
  10. Just in case...is your DCOM Server Process Launcher, and WUAUSERV both started?
  11. Can you delete the update key, and then reinstall?
  12. I read that the more extensions you add = more browsing vulnerabily. Has anyone else seen that? If not I'd like to add some more. (maybe not 48)
  13. This might be helpful. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/faq/6.html
  14. krit86lr

    Hi all

    Hi, you'll like it here.
  15. To be perfectly honest I'd rather CCleaner become commercial pay-for-it software without the added Yahoo Toolbar. I guess nothing lasts forever. I would rather that too. I pay anyway.
  16. But it still shows up in your registry. If you don't want the Yahoo Toolbar I suggest the slim installer.
  17. It was a driver. I installed the USB driver via CD, and everthing worked properly after that. I had to do it on ME and XP. I didn't have to change any settings after installing the driver. After installing the driver it appears in Add/Remove programs. This may not be the solution for this situation, but it worked for me so I thought it may be worth giving a try.
  18. I had to install a USB driver on a ME & XP to make the flash drive opertable. I <think> that the computers even gave a message requesting the install. After installing it is also listed under Add/Remove programs. Neighberaaron: I'm not sure if this will help, but it can't hurt. I also agree with lokoike, returning should be a last resort.
  19. Hi ibflav! Does your user account have admin permissions? If not you will need to logon as Administrator to change any of those settings. In addition, following Andy's suggestion would be a good choice as well. Good luck!
  20. Thanks for that note. I was just getting ready to pour the oil!
  21. So it's True?? I thought she was loosing her marbles. (MS has a lot of bizarre suprises I'm learning.) Thanks guys. Will do.
  22. Thanks Andavari, although did try that already. Someone with more computer experience than myself suggested repairing IE to fix the defrag utility (even though IE is working properly). I seemed odd to me that doing a IE repair would fix the defrag utility. I can't think of anything else to try except looking at the defrag config in the components folder to make sure that everthing is set to default. I'll take any further suggestions. Thanks again.
  23. I guess not. I got a message that said dynamic emotions/images not allowed.
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