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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. No kidding. I just downloaded it too, and it took a long time (2 minutes)! After installing it, reboot again into Safe Mode.
  2. Don't do anything except what's instructed. I will tell you when to test the outcome. This will speed things up a bit. You repaired your permissions. Now reinstall SP4 like DjLizard suggested. The link is in DjLizard's post with instructions to reinstall in Safe Mode. Do that, and then I will post the next thing to do.
  3. No, I'm too poor. But it sounds cool!
  4. Can you give me clearer instructions because it didn't work. Question: Replacer moves the replaced UXTheme.dll to the dll cache folder. Am I supposed to delete the UXTheme.dll from the cache folder? Thanks, K
  5. Good find Andavari! My IP gives me 10 email accounts to create so yesterday I created an account for him, and he said that it worked. But your way is good if he doesn't want to keep using the account that I gave him. He doesn't have control over it, just access to it. Your way gives him more control.
  6. I don't know why. Maybe run Dial-A-Fix > click tools > repair permissions. Read DAF tips Download DAF Maybe someone else will have some ideas.
  7. Hey Andavari, thanks! You may be onto something because my "System Idle Process" ranges anywhere from "97 CPU - 99 CPU". I've been meaning to look into that, but haven't gotten around to it. I'll try your suggestion, then start a new thread. This thread totally got hijacked!
  8. The error report in Event View will give you an Error Message. (Example: "An error was cause in xxx.dll windows will now close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".) And it will give you the source of the error as well as an Event ID. Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Application Error Records (Also check your System Error Records) I'm not sure that this will shed any light on your situation, but it could give us a starting point. HEY FORUM PEOPLE. PIPE UP! ANY SUGGESTIONS???
  9. We use DAF all the time, and you're right...it's an awesome program! Thank you for posting your solution. I'm sure that it will help someone in the future.
  10. krit86lr


    You're okay. You'll get your emails.
  11. Just to be sure, the folder path should be "C:\DAF". Be sure that this is were you moved, and renamed it. Now reboot into safe mode with command prompt as instructed before (F8). (type) cd \daf (press enter) now (type) dial-a-fix (press enter) DAF should now be launched. Click Tools > click repair permissions > click Go Are these clear instructions?
  12. Hi Hpaul, I used a free translation service. I don't know if this translation is good, or not. If it doesn't make sense I added the English explanation. _ se voi non desider uninstall vostro hotfixes allora voi non bisogno manten uninstallers. _ se voi 'fa funzionare 'CCleaner pulito in su uninstallers uninstaller registrazione chiave essere ancora di sinistra dietro. _ quando voi 'esplor per edizione CCleaner rilev rimanente registrazione chiave. _ quando voi selezion 'ripar edizione esso rimuov di sinistra sopra chiave. _ If you don't want to uninstall your hotfixes then you don't need to keep the uninstallers. If you 'Run' CCleaner to clean up the uninstallers the uninstaller registry keys are still left behind. When you 'Scan for Issues' CCleaner will detect the leftover registry keys. When you select 'Fix Issues' it will remove the left over keys. Hope this helps! K
  13. Hi CeeCee, Read these threads. They should answer any questions that you have. Post back if you do have more questions. Where did you read that it is not safe to delete that folder? CCleaner Readme 1 CCleaner Readme 2 CCleaner Readme 3
  14. krit86lr

    Issues Scan

    Hi ICRMU, This is how you know if you may, or may not need anything on them. After a few days goes by ask yourself this: "Is my computer acting weird"? If the answer is "no" then delete the backups without worries. If the answer is yes, start a thread, and someone will tell you how to determine if you need the backup or not. Enjoy your gunk free computer! Sounds like you had a lot if it took 3 scans to clean it all.
  15. Hi DjLizard, Thanks for jumping in because his last post stumped me. I instructed him in my 2nd post to repair permissions (but I'm not sure if he did or not). I have a few questions. 1. After following your instructions does he need to launch DAF again, and click the green check mark then click GO? 2. Will he need to reinstall his VB runtime? 3. After re-installing SP4 does he need to reinstall his updates? Thanks alot. K Hi Daniel.game, I have a question for you too. Do you know how to "Move the folder you extracted Dial-a-fix into to the root of your C: drive, and rename the folder DAF, for readability purposes"? Remember if you're unclear about something to ask before attempting. K
  16. That picture reminds me of Ghost Busters. (Back in the day <sigh>)
  17. You can look at the error report in your event viewer. Maybe the error won't be useful, but maybe it will. I'm not sure what's going on. Sometimes an error report can give useful information, but not always. It's weird that everything else in CCleaner works except that feature. Where did you download from?
  18. Timed it...50 seconds (additional) Odd thing though is that it's an additional 50 seconds before, and after running CC. That blows my cache idea to bits.
  19. Can you post some additional information? Such as your OS, version of CCleaner, and an error message?
  20. I know. I've been trying to bear with it. I've considered only installing it when I need to run it, and then uninstalling but I run it everday. Also, I only reboot my comp after updates & installs. Otherwise I usually leave it on. And I for sure always try to leave it on now. I truly think that it's a cache thing. OK, I will. But I'm still waiting for a reply from him from 2 days ago when I PM'd him. We'll see, it could be worse.
  21. Yea you do, but it's funny. It makes the forum sound religious or something. Norton-like performance, but for a different reason than Norton. The sluggish boot-up did disappear so I reinstalled multiple times to be sure that it was/wasn't CCleaner. Yes. One minute...give-or-take a few seconds. (This is added time not total time) Do you want my specs again?
  22. I'm not expecting an explanation (although it wouldn't hurt). I just accepted it for the greater good of my PC. Does that put CCleaner in the same category as Norton? After writing that I realized that I sound like a Norton, etc... user.
  23. One thing, SpwareBlaster isn't something that you run on a weekly routine. It's always running (blocking things from getting into your PC), you just need to remember to update it periodically. I thought that this would be useful information so that you didn't think it would be adding to your weekly PC security scans. As for DSOStop2, you enable it once, and never touch it again. (But don't uninstall it)
  24. I use CCleaner 1.27 Slim. I won't touch that Yahoo stuff, and I never will. By the way, I have uninstalled/reinstalled 3 times. The cache thing was the only logical explanation that I could come up with, but it may not be true. BUT...the version history doesn't mention anything about a toolbar so maybe it was introduced in this version without us knowing. (hmmmm)
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