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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Wonderful explanation. I learned alot...Thanks.
  2. Well, I wasn't going to say anything (except now I will becase it isn't just me), but CCleaner v1.27 has drastically slowed down the startup process of my computer. Plus, I don't check the option for "Run CCleaner when computer starts" because it makes more sense to run CCleaner before shutting down. But I don't think that a slower startup is enough of a reason to downgrade. I like the 7 pass file deletion among other things. I also just assumed that my startup programs cache's were getting cleaned, and therefore making my startup time slower.
  3. Right, but you can right click an Issue and choose "open in regedit" then you will see which application that key is related to. I don't know why CCleaner would delete a program from the registry, which is why I wondered if the 64-bit OS had something to do with it. PM'd MrG, but didn't get a response (Eldammen is going to have a field day with that...haha). That was my guess, but couldn't get a confirmation on that. Thanks for clearing that up! K
  4. Why do I need either file? I've gone this long without it. There are programs listed in my Add/Remove - Control Panel list that aren't listed in CCleaner's "uninstall" list, and I was told to add the missing programs to winapp. But is that winapp.ini, or winapp2.ini. I'll look around for the winapp.ini file now. Thanks, K
  5. Thank you Hazelnut! I have another question. Sorry, but I'm a n00b with the winapp stuff. I downloaded winapp2.ini yesterday. Is that the only one that I need, or do I need the winapp.ini as well? If winapp2.ini is an update to winapp.ini then Tarun's suggestion was implemented because that key isn't on winapp2.ini. But if both are needed then I'm not sure. I don't have the winapp.ini.
  6. Hi Avak, Thanks for the PM. You were right not to post that in the thread. I am going to be gone for most of the day so for now do the following. Open CCleaner > Tools > Startup > (click) zhotkey.exe/CHotKey > delete entry - This will stop it from loading when you start your computer. Or you can wait for someone else to tell you how to reinstall the driver (zhotkey.exe) because that's the problem. But, if you don't use this application you should just get rid of it. FYI: Zhotkey.exe is a third party application, not Microsoft so DAF is not responsible. Although CCleaner, or your Antivirus software may have messed with it. This .exe is sometimes detected as a problem by Antivirus's. Later! K
  7. No I'm using the same version. My "Issues Scan" doesn't detect anything relating to WD, but tnt is saying that it does on his/her computer. I'm assuming that when tnt said the "problems" section of CCleaner, that he/she is referring to "issues".
  8. That's what starts happening to me. Also things will periodically freeze. Starting up, and shutting down my computer takes forever with installed themes as well. Is the theme patch a seperate download from the themes? If so, then that isn't my problem because I've never installed a seperate theme patch. But if it's included with the themes then it could be my problem. I've never gotten a warning message. Just a pretty PC that runs like crap.
  9. Hi Eldmannen, I'm not familiar with the MSN bug. I use MSN, and I personally haven't had any problems. I included the list of changes in this version. The MSN that's in bold...is that what you're referring to? I'm curious because I use MSN, and would like to be sure that any bugs are fixed. Thanks for the heads up. What's new with this version? --------------------------------------------------------- v1.27.260 - Added secure file deletion. - Added Windows HotFix Uninstaller cleaning. - Added optional IE toolbar. - Updated application icon. - Fixed large file size issue. - Fixed Firefox cookie error. - Restyled Startup program list. - Added cleaning for: Grisoft AVG 7.0, TUGZip, AntiVir Personal Edition, Google Toolbar 4.0 - Updated cleaning for: MSN Messenger, DVD Shrink, Spybot Search and Destroy, Adobe Photoshop CS2. - Updated translations: Hebrew, Romanian, French, German. - Fixed small font issue with symbolic languages. - Minor display fixes.
  10. Thank you ICRMU Rock on! I totally agree. Voicing a suggestion is one thing, but complaining/flaming is quite another. According to CCleaner's homepage there have been over 14 million downloads of CCleaner. If everyone showed some appreciation just 1 time (during the existence of CCleaner) by making a $20 donation then MrG could donate ALL of his time to meeting our every wish, and desire. He has met everyone half-way by making multiple installers, which is to say that he is trying to meet his needs as well as our wants. FYI: Flaming, and complaing isn't they way to get what you want. A more effective way to get what you want is to show support, and appreciation.
  11. Hi everyone, I love all of the different desktop themes that you all have. I have periodically tried them myself, and loved them. But my computer gets really buggy anytime I install any of them. Is there something that I can do to have the themes without my computer bugging about them? Thanks in advance, K
  12. Depending on how important this is to you try the following. Buy a cheap email account. Hotmail offers a Free, and Paid ($10 I think) accounts. Then once you're registered change it the way Andavari suggested to a free account. Then cancel your paid account. I'm not sure that it will work, but if you really want to register with that forum it may be worth it. EDIT: I just thought of something that may work for you. Call your IP provider, and ask them about their email accounts. My provider didn't tell me that I had one. I had to call to find out. So it's possible that you are already paying for email service through your provider without knowing about it. Good luck! K
  13. krit86lr


    I'm not trying to be a drag, but if there is still time...uninstall WinME, and exchange it for XP. You only need the upgrade version if you have a 98 installation CD. There are many, many problems with ME. If you decide to keep it then you will find out what I'm referring to soon enough. Keep in mind that along with the problems you will experience that you are also stuck with the FAT32 file system. If you can/do exchange for an upgrade version of XP. Be sure to get instructions on how to convert to the NTFS file system. Good Luck! K
  14. Hi tnt, When you run the "Issues Scan" uncheck anything related to Windows Defender. I'm not sure that CCleaner works on a 64-bit OS. I'm waiting for a reply about that. For now just uncheck Windows Defender. I'll let you know what I find out. K
  15. krit86lr

    Issues Scan

    Your computer will run better better. Did you make a backup? Here are a few hints. Save your backups to your desktop so that you don't forget about them. After a few days have passed without needing the backup delete from your desktop. Here are the reasons. 1. The backup will give you peace of mind until you become comfortable using the utility. 2. The backups are taking up space on your computer. So once you're sure that you don't need them delete them to free up space. Hope this Helps! K
  16. Hello, The following instructions will tell you if there is anything wrong with your keyboard. First, start > run > (type) dxdiag On the fist page, System, look for your version of DirectX...the latest version is 9.0c. Upgrade if you're not running the most current version. When DirectX opens check the box that says "Check for WHQL digital signatures" (it's in the bottom left hand corner). Now click the tab that says "Input". The bottom of the screen should say "No problems found". Under the heading "Input Related Devices" you can look at the information about your keyboard. Can you post the popup relating to zHotkey.exe? The following tells what it is: Filename: zHotkey.exe Name: CHotKey Description: Enables special keys on Chicony keyboards. Special combinations include Internet, E-mail, vol , vol-, mute, etc. Only required for extended features Recommendation: User's choice - depends whether a user deems it necessary Have you ran an "Issues Scan" with CCleaner, and fixed the Issues?
  17. Thank you soooo much for noticing that typo.
  18. Hi djw, Boot in Safe Mode, and logon as Administrator. Start > Run > (type) sfc /sannow (Note. space after sfc) Have your Installation CD ready, but don't insert it until you're prompted to do so. This is not an installation, but it will fix system files. You're for sure missing one .sys file, and if there are more this scan will replace them. Then post back for 2nd step. K
  19. I'm glad that you fixed it, and thanks for posting the solution. Did you install the Standard Build because others had that problem with the Beta version. It was supposed to be fixed in the final version. Although I think that the changes were made to specific Antivirus programs. I'll double check that. What antivirus do you use? K
  20. I'm glad that registration seems to be the issue. Option 1: If you want to be sure can run an Issues Scan > note the commonly occurring keys > Fix Issues/Create backup. Then immediately restore the backup. (This will determine whether or not the backup is working for you) Option 2: Run an Issues Scan > right click one of the common occurring keys > choose open in RegEdit. If it's an application that you use sometimes then you can be sure that it's re-registering itself. Hope this helps! K
  21. Hi Rijnton, If you're interested you can try this. I've never used it myself, but it has been suggested on multipe forums (that's the only reason I'm suggesting something I've never used). Read the information carefully because I don't know any tips to give you on the program. Registry First Aid Description: "If you are having problems with the Microsoft Windows Registry or want to ensure that you keep it fine tuned and error free, then you could find this useful." K
  22. Do you have the .NET 2.0 Framework installed? It would be listed in Add/Remove Programs.
  23. Hi Daniel.game, This is a quote from your post: "I do have a problem with my computer (actually I have not been able to use the Uninstall function from the Config Panel for a while." Do you mean control panel - Contr?ler le Panneau (sp?)? If the uninstall function works when logged on as an Administrator then your user access settings just need to be adjusted. And "yes" you need to run DAF again as Administrator, and reboot your computer. When you boot (pressing F8 repeatedly) you will choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt from the list. Then it will give you logon options. 1. Your username, and 2. Administrator. Choose Administrator then follow the instructions that I gave you for running DAF. Let me know if you have any question. K
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