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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. krit86lr


    I was wondering the same thing. I PM'd TM a few days ago, and I didn't get a response. Will you stop saying that please? That is not correct information. Did you read the rest of this thread? CCleaner
  2. Does it tell you what keys won't merge? It sounds like the keys are already in your registry if they're being used. Some applications will re-register themselves when you use them. If it tells you what keys won't merge you can check your registry to see if the keys are already there. It's possible. K
  3. I'm not sure, but MS AS upgraded to Defender. You don't need to unistall MS AS because Defender will do it for you. Microsoft Have you deframented lately? How many running processes do you have? How much RAM do you have? What OS are you running? Twenty questions, right? K
  4. Hi Bama, You may be interested in DSOstop2 as well. It offers protection against the "Data Binding" Exploit. I'm not sure if IE7 has this vulnerability, but when you run the program it will tell you if you're vulnerable or not. If IE7 doesn't have the vulnerablilty you can just uninstall it. If you do need it the size is 46KB so won't take up a lot of space. DSOStop2 Have a nice day. K
  5. Hi rijinton, What OS are you running? K One more thing. Have you tried to merge the keys as an Administrator? If if works reboot after merging. K
  6. Hi Daniel.game, I have not spoken French in 10 years, but I think that the error is "This object does not manage this property or this method". If I translated correctly you just need Admininistrator access. In order to not need to be logged on as an Administrator you will need to change your user settings to allow yourself more access. Try uninstalling, and installing logged on as Administrator. If it works then we can just change the limitations on your user account. One more thing, I didn't know you were French so download the CCleaner "basic" version instead of the "slim" version. Slim is English only. Apologies. Au revoir. Avoir un jour agr?able. K
  7. Try it in safe mode, and see what happens K
  8. Hi pwillener, Thank you for the information (I didn't know). I sent an email to my studenmail, and it did appear in my Thunderbird Inbox. I'm totally clear on your reply. Are you saying that my email can show up in TB sometimes, but not always? Thanks, K
  9. Hi Avak 1924, Let's start with this. Download this link (easiest) to desktop, and install. When you open the link you need to scroll down to Mirrors/download locations and Articles. Underneath that heading choose "direct download". DAF After downloading/installing you need to reboot, and logon as Administrator. Once logged on as Admin open dial-a-fix.exe...look to the bottom of the screen > click the green check mark > then click go. Now reboot, and try again. Post back, and let us know if it worked or not. Good Luck!! K
  10. Hi djw, I do understand your concern, and yes you can run CCleaner in the future with a clear conscience. Here's a link to my first thread in this forum. Even though my computer catastrophe coinsided with my first time using CCleaner the two weren't related. I have since then used CCleaner daily, and I haven't had any CCleaner related issues. You don't really need to read it, but it's an example of a computer problem happening at the same time as running CCleaner, but CCleaner wasn't the problem. CCleaner Now will you double click on your Error event 7000? If it isn't a runtime error post it please, but if it is a runtime error please just confirm that for me before I give you a solution that isn't relevant to your situation. You said that you followed Andavari's suggestion. So you did run chkdsk? Thank you. K
  11. It's probably an IE Beta version thing. I say that because the problems have been going on for a little while now. Also the new version of CC doesn't have problems with IE6. Have a nice evening. K
  12. It definitely isn't a CCleaner issue, but I need you to double click on Dhcp Error Event 1000. What does it say? Also are you using the XP Home Edition, or XP Professional. Do you have any service packs installed (if using Professional), and if so which one? Also, Andavari's suggestion to scan your computer is a great suggestion. K
  13. Sorry one more question. What OS are you running? K
  14. Marvelous! Thank you so much Eldammen. I'll download it now. K
  15. Hi jefexp, I'm sorry for not communicating more clearly. I did not mean to imply that you were bad mouthing or putting down CC because I didn't get that impression from your post. I was trying to point out that CCleaner isn't beta anymore, and posted the download for the finalized version. Also, I wanted to explain why most programs don't alter for BETA's. I apologize for any implication that you were being negative. That was not my intention. K
  16. Very funny!!! You're just picking on me. Not stalking just curious about MrG's involvement, and my stalking has revealed that he does want to know what we all have to say. K
  17. I use Outlook Express, but my school uses Outlook Web Access. You're explanation to this explains alot. Hopefully, I can use Thunderbird. Still waiting on more information about it. Thanks Glenn, K
  18. Hi David, I personally haven't heard of this happening. Can you check your Event Viewer, and post your error codes? That will clarify what happened. Thanks, K
  19. Hi roblang, Suggestion: You could tell users that they are welcome to show their support by making a donation rather than installing the Yahoo version. That way everyone benefits! Just an idea. Thanks for the information. K He actually does read the forum. I see him all of the time, and I randomly check his profile which shows him reading through multiple threads. Also, recently he's been on the forum more than usual. Just a FYI. K
  20. Hi Glenn, Sorry for taking so long to respond...I forgot that I posted this. Attachments do remain on the server until deleted in Outlook. And you are "right-on" about the Temporary Internet Files folder. I tracked down the full file path, and realized that it was an IE folder. Although I do still have a question. Even if the file path that you listed gets deleted by CCleaner why does that affect the attachment in Outlook's Inbox? I thought that I could open the attachment in Outlook to retrieve my information, but it said that the filepath didn't exist (something like that). Thanks again guys, K
  21. Hi Eldamannen, I appreciate the suggestion, and have been curious about Thunderbird for quite some time. Can I link it with my school's server? If so then I will be more than happy to make the switch. I only use Outlook so that I know immediately when I receive messages, and if Thunderbird has that option it would be fabulous. Thanks, K
  22. Don't reinstall. There are quite a few things that you can do to troubleshoot your problems, and it's not a bother. Can you post the full error? And were you logged in as administrator when you ran DAF? (I'm not sure if I included that in my post) You need administrator access to register anything in your registry. K
  23. Hi, For starters the newest version of CC is out of beta, and is finalized. I would like to add that beta versions such as IE7 Beta will be altered in the finalized version, therefore it would not be beneficial to alter CCleaner to be compatible with IE7 Beta. Also, CCleaner would have to be changed everytime a new Beta version of IE7 was released. I think that's it's more feasible to make compatibily changes once there is a finalized version. I hope that this helps, and I included the link for the finalized CCleaner downloads with the list of changes that were implemented. CCleaner CCleaner Version History --------------------------------------------------------- v1.27.260 - Added secure file deletion. - Added Windows HotFix Uninstaller cleaning. - Added optional IE toolbar. - Updated application icon. - Fixed large file size issue. - Fixed Firefox cookie error. - Restyled Startup program list. - Added cleaning for: Grisoft AVG 7.0, TUGZip, AntiVir Personal Edition, Google Toolbar 4.0 - Updated cleaning for: MSN Messenger, DVD Shrink, Spybot Search and Destroy, Adobe Photoshop CS2. - Updated translations: Hebrew, Romanian, French, German. - Fixed small font issue with symbolic languages. - Minor display fixes. Have a nice day! K
  24. Hi daniel.game, Print, and follow these instructions. 1. Uninstall CCleaner 2. Download CClear to your desktop CCleaner, scroll down to the slim version. (Just download, don't install it yet) 3. Download DAF to your desktop. Click the link, and scroll down to "Mirrors/download locations, and articles". Beneath that you will see "Direct download@DJLizard.net" click that to download. Install it then open the program...when dial-a-fix opens look to the bottom of the screen, and you will see a green check mark. Click the green check mark then click GO. 4. Now reboot in safe mode with command prompt. Safe Mode with command prompt "1. Boot the computer as normal, and tap the F8 key repeatedly before the Windows logo appears and choose Safe mode with command prompt from the boot menu. 2. Press Control+Alt+Delete to open a task manager window. 3. Click on File > New Task..., and browse to where you stored Dial-a-fix.exe (your desktop). 4. If you are able to launch Dial-a-fix.exe, click Tools and double click on Repair permissions. If all goes as planned, it will begin applying changes. If it does not, post back before continuing with these instructions." 5. Now reboot in Safe Mode. Reboot your computer, and when it restarts press F8 over and over (before Windows logo appears) until you get a screen that gives you a list of boot options. Use your arrow key to select "Safe Mode". Install CCleaner then open it, and run it. 6. Now reboot normally. If anything about these instructions are unclear please let me know before attempting these steps. Good luck! Keep us posted. K
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