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Everything posted by Tasgandy

  1. Apologies ident, I'm a bit slow this morning, only had 1 cup of coffee and it's only just a bit after 9.00am down here.
  2. According to my info, Office 2010 is still BETA, and due for release on the 10th May 2010 Learn about the next wave of productivity. Watch Stephen Elop, president of the Microsoft Business Division, announce the launch of Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 on May 12, 2010.
  3. Tasgandy

    Cool video

    TARGA you say, well TARGA Tasmania started here yesterday during a wild & windy day with wind speeds of up to 130kph with the following results reported. White leads after Targa day of crashes Tasmanian driver Jason White is the new leader in this year's Targa Tasmania tarmac rally. The Lamborghini driver is eight seconds ahead of Steve Glenney, after five stages in the state's north-west. The defending champion Tony Quinn is third in his Nissan. Three drivers have been taken to hospital with minor injuries after crashes earlier today. Posted Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:08pm AEST
  4. Tasgandy

    Well Done :)

    Kroozer I agree re Speccy being a worthwhile application however I do use it with Belarc Adviser. As a stand-a-lone app it is not there yet.
  5. Tasgandy

    Cool video

    Excellent Video which brings back memories of November 1969 My own 1967 Renault 10S Rally Car, 18 months old, during a testing session 3 days prior to the local Rally in the Snowy Mountains of NSW Australia, I managed to (my mistake) "flip" Roll the vehicle 5 times. 3 time end for end (diagonally front right to left rear) then rolled twice sideways coming to a rest on it's roof with my service vehicle hot on my heels (right way up) watching the whole event. When they manage to stop and reach the vehicle, my Navigator was still strapped in hanging upside down yelling out "you OK". I was lying on my back on the roof of the vehicle (upside down remember), head towards the front, legs towards the back of the vehicle also yelling out "you OK Mike". As the dust was settling, about 11.00pm at night the service crew guys who had just arrived were also yelling out "you OK". However a happy ending, Mike the Nav only broke his finger when he fell from his seat down on to the roof when the guys extracted him from his "full harness" seat belt. I on the other hand being large and heavy managed to snap the seat belt as I landed on my back lying on the roof, only had a small gashes on my head as I bounced around the inside of the vehicle as it was doing it's "roll over". Needless to say the Renault 10S was a complete wright off and I admit that I had to do some creative wording on my Insurance claim. That episode and getting married cured me of the "need for speed" and the video I just watched brought it all back.
  6. Tasgandy

    Well Done :)

    Redhawk I to have a similar situation. i.e. RAM This time "rounded down" to 1.5GB (512 x 2 Plus 256 x 2 = 1536) and a AGP rate of 128X ??????
  7. Would it be fair to state the above only applies if one does NOT perform daily backups?
  8. Firefox set to 100MB and no issues to date.
  9. I thought it best to "watch, listen and understand" everyone's comments, and actively use the new scheme (for want of a better word) before adding my "two pennyworth", albeit a very short comment. I am an "old bugger" however I generally adapt to change very well, based on the old saying "you can't fight city hall".............well you can, BUT it gets you know where, just cost you heaps. (cost me much over the years). So whilst I would have preferred no changes (nothing wrong with the old one....was not broken) I accept the new scheme (mumble mumble to myself) and get on with life and enjoy a great group of Piriform Forum users, comments, assistance and advice. PS: Thanks once again DennisD for your input re my personal info now on display (and I agree with ALL your statements, every single word). By the way I have not run into any user issues to date.
  10. If you have ever wanted "Royalty Free" images to use for yourself in your own projects, as I have many times, I have recently come across a great site offering at "no charge" thousands of images at various resolutions. For those interested take a look at: Free stock images It is not only free to join and download images of various different resolutions but for budding photographers you can also upload and share your own handy work. You can take the opportunity of "showing off" your own skills.
  11. Whilst it is hard to select just one word I do like and very much appreciate the following words "Thank you" and "Excuse me"
  12. Astounding, unbelievable but true, gotta say these sorts of scams disgust me, if only one could get hold of the B^(*^*$&$ by the neck and......
  13. A very good point you make, we tend to forget those with slow or no internet access.
  14. I think you will find their story will be: a fee for time taken to gather the software, fee for time and materials used to produce the CD and cover, package it up, transport it to the sale point. Somewhere they will state that the software is "Freeware" and the price of $2.99 is only for the cost of providing the service.............a brokerage fee as such. However I agree with all comments that is this practice is not only immoral, but stinks, lousy and a concentrated effort to boycott those shops partaking in this "lower than a snake belly" practice. I will now be keeping my eyes open here in Aus, thankfully I have not seen this happening here (yet)
  15. After reading these terms I checked in with the "V" mother ship and reported that I now had evidence that the "Fifth Column" was now producing game software and was attempting to increase the size of their army with not only subliminal TV advertising but resorting to hidden clauses within the software Terms and Conditions of Sale to force those "sheep like" people who we know never read anything smaller than 8 point text to be pressed into service. It is true to say that "the fifth column" is growing in size and strength, so mother there is no time to waste I must beam myself back down to earth and continue you search.....................There's one born every minute, I only wish I could get them to sign my contracts................HA, HA, HA..........................................Gotta have a sense of humor.
  16. I also Tom AZ use 2 external hard drives, 1 via USB connectivity and the other via fire-wire. Both these drives have their own power supplies and when my main business PC is not operating only 2 days per week (5 days a week the PC is NOT switched off at all) these drives are left connected to the PC and remain powered, with no issues to date. I have been running these 2 external hard drives like this now for almost 2 years. 1 HD is a 500GB (IDE) and the other is 1.0 TB (SATA) both external hard drive units are X-Drives by XSonic enclosures.
  17. Windows 7 does not require you to have a floppy disk drive. My test PC (dual boot Win 7 & XP Pro) has NO floppy, 2 IDE HD's and 2 SATA HD's with no issues at all. Should one have some unusual accessory you wish to install / fit to your laptop ? or a desk top that the drives need to be on a floppy disk (not sure what) then worse case scenario use a USB Floppy disk drive. I have an old USB FD from an old iMac that I have been guilty of using twice in the last 3 years. My 2 other PC's have no Floppy Disk drives at all fitted, 1 with XP Pro and 1 with Server 2008.
  18. No folks this is NOT the centre of Australia or the centre of my Tasmania, but it reminds me of areas of Aus. when I was much younger wandering around the middle of "no where"
  19. Benahben the attached details my Graphics card correctly, albeit that my card is a NVIDIA GeForce 6200 Speccy shows all the information that you say is missing with your Graphics card. What information does it show?
  20. Many thanks MrG and Piriform for the continued great work.
  21. Hazel, thanks for the heads-up on this one.
  22. I agree with Ishi, if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. However, thanks Hazelnut for the heads-up.
  23. Windows 7 and XP Pro, Fire Fox 3.6 with both, and now using "imgur.com".......give it a go..............no charge, lots of additional tools and upload software.
  24. "Silverlight".....................Lost me also
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