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Everything posted by Tasgandy

  1. DennisD I am using FastStone Capture on a daily basis now and find it much better and easier to use that my previous method (used for many years) as I create screen grabs for instruction manuals. Having the ability to edit / watermark / caption etc. then drop into Adobe Acrobat or MS Word documents being created is excellent, so I wish to thank you once again and recommend this little gem to anyone that has other uses for screen capture software other than message board / posting use. PS: it allows me to enjoy more of these images from my deck overlooking the river whilst enjoying some good wine and cheese.
  2. OK then here's one for the "billy lids" KIDS. PS: Hazel yours is that good I'm now using it on my main PC.................a great image
  3. Yes it should run faster BUT.................if it ain't broke.................you know the saying.
  4. Tasgandy

    need help

    Wildman can you give us some background to what happened to your sound? Do you have powered speakers? Have you checked the speaker to sound card / connection at the back of the PC? Was the sound working before you installed or updated software? Was it working until you powered down then restarted your PC the next day? Are you sure that in the case of powered speakers they are plugged into the power point? and turned on? OR are they USB powered speakers? if so, did you change USB ports?
  5. Macrium Reflect would be my No. 1 choice. Ideal for system and apps You should also look at [url="http://allwaysync.com/[/url] This one will cater for synchronizing only the files that have been changed, ideal for files & folders.
  6. Well that's it I reckon I've tested all I can now, I have even updated the BIOS, safe for me as this PC has Dual BIOS + can be done via the web. I have even tried another USB stick (brand new) formatted FAT 16 and FAT 32, made sure that "Legacy USB storage detect" was enabled in the BIOS, NBG. Sent a query to Gigabyte (yeah like I'll hold my breath for an answer NOT). So I shall stick to the good "OL rescues CD". With this particular PC (my main unit) it has no FDD or CD installed, just 2 USB HD backup units and a heap of SATA HD's. It only takes 5 minutes to remove a CD from another Unit and fit to this PC. So many thanks to those that sent in comments, advice etc.
  7. Thanks for your reply and as long as you are back up and running that's what really matters.
  8. Now that's spooky, sounds like me trying to recover a clients data from a HD that simply stopped working once the HD had been running for 25 minutes +. Take the HD place it in a freezer bag and seal. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes, remove from the freezer and the bag, connect to my USB to IDE powered kit, and "magic" the HD fired up, start transferring my clients data. Naturally after 25 minutes or so, the HD stops, then one repeats the process, until the data is all captured. Why does this work? simple, cooling simply shrinks everything including the platters, now back towards original tolerance. Now unbelievable as the above sounds, IT DOES WORK and has done for me many times. So hazelnut I shall remember this tip of yours.
  9. I agree with you. In my case the last 2 episodes, one failing to boot at all, just kept posting, detecting HD's then posting again, and again etc. the other time after posting I got a millisecond "blue screen" then blank - black, so I replaced the MBR, and all went according to the manual (as such). Reckon this saved my bacon.
  10. No login123 you did not leave any steps out BUT I would like Tigerllc74 to answer my question "Why did you choose 2 partitions? you are only restoring 1 partition". Further, I always take the offered option to replace the MBR..............what say you all.
  11. Why did you choose 2 partitions? you are only restoring 1 partition.
  12. Well done Ladies & Gentlemen, keep up the good work.
  13. Strange you should ask, I make a habit of carefully blowing out my PC's with compressed air (from a great distance to reduce the pressure) every 12 to 18 months. My main PC is due sometime this month. I normally take the side off, lay it on the workshop bench (the Misses will not let me do it on the dinning room table !!!!!!) direct the air to: power supply (inlet and outlet), the MB, the CPU fan from the top and then from the sides, then the fan (if any) on the video card, then the 2 case fans I run (Antec case with thermo fans) then clean the gauze filter out on the main 6" front of case fan. DUST is a KILLER. There you go, I'll bet you wish you had never asked, but seriously I saw what happened to PC boxes many years ago when take off the lid's when they had not been touched for 4 to 5 years.................you really don't want to know. It will be interesting to see just what sort of response is forthcoming.
  14. Remember folks it is Beta................I feel sure they will get it right at final release
  15. Thanks DennisD for the information and recommendation to the software "Faststone" (easy to use) and the image hosting site Image Speech (down for maintenance but I was able to register and upload).
  16. Yes Anomaly Macrium associated files only on dics, and the process performed on the same PC that was used to format @ FAT16. On flash drive: 9 months old @ 2.0GIG (used about 5 times since a 16.0GIG unit purchase) Folder isolinux conatins: boot.cat, initrd.bin, isolinux.bin, isolinux.cfg, linux26, menu.txt & version Files in root: idinux.sys, syslinux.cfg, ubnfilel.txt, ubnint, usbkern, ubpathl.txt & vesamenu.c32 I shall try another USB flash drive at a later date.
  17. Well I did try all available ports, disconnected all other USB devices and still no good. Even though a careful study of the MB documentation where under Integrated Peripherals - Legacy USB storage detect, which states "determines whether to detect USB storage devices, including USB flash drives, and USB hard drives during POST. (default: enabled). I have checked that this is enabled, still no go. I have to assume there is something amiss with the 2.0gig USB flash drive, what I am not sure as I can use it as one would normally do without any issues. I can only assume it is a MB issue (still under warranty) I shall look to updating the BIOS to see if that sheds any light on the subject. Thank you Anomaly for your input.
  18. "Try another USB port"...........yes that is a good idea, I shall give that a go i.e. bandwidth and power supply to USB ports are different. Unable to try another USB stick as the other sticks I have here with me are 8gig & 16gig, and from memory you can not format FAT16 over 4gig. I shall report back.
  19. How true, now I think I shall try disconnecting all the USB hanger-oners, and go through the boot menu options (F12 quickest way) one by one prefixed as USB?????, nothing to loose and everything to gain.........know how. Thanks for your interest marmite.
  20. Yes the USB 2.0GIG stick has been formatted as FAT16, Macrium created the rescue.iso saved to my HD. I then used UNetbootin to put the .iso file onto the USB stick. Yes, the F12 at post gives one access to the Boot Menu (only) the default "first boot" device is marked, (a reflection of BIOS information) one can now for this boot only select any of the other boot functions listed. What appears at the F12 boot menu and within the BIOS are the same, and unfortunately USB flash drive is not shown as an option, only USB FDD, ZIP, CD & HDD. Other options listed are the normal ones: Floppy, LS12, HD, CDROM, ZIP & Legacy LAN. Following our discussion the other day on USB speed, bandwidth etc, perhaps I need to disconnect all USB's devices (2 printers, HDD, business card scanner etc.) who knows and maybe just maybe I need to locate the 1 and only "Enhanced USB port". The reason for the exercise is that with 5 PC's on the network, 2 with DVD's attached (shared across the network) my main PC (the one refered to above) does not have any CD/DVD attached. So if this PC ever fails to boot from C and I need to "restore" my Macrium Restore image I simply need to fir the SATA CD/DVD unit from one of the other PC's. Hey I could always use a USB CD? Back to the drawing board.
  21. Yes, the F12 at post gives one access to the Boot Menu (only) the default "first boot" device is marked, (a reflection of BIOS information) one can now for this boot only select any of the other boot functions listed. What appears at the F12 boot menu and within the BIOS are the same, and unfortunately USB flash drive is not shown as an option, only USB FDD, ZIP, CD & HDD. Other options listed are the normal ones: Floppy, LS12, HD, CDROM, ZIP & Legacy LAN. Following our discussion the other day on USB speed, bandwidth etc, perhaps I need to disconnect all USB's devices (2 printers, HDD, business card scanner etc.) who knows and maybe just maybe I need to locate the 1 and only "Enhanced USB port". The reason for the exercise is that with 5 PC's on the network, 2 with DVD's attached (shared across the network) my main PC (the one refered to above) does not have any CD/DVD attached. So if this PC ever fails to boot from C and I need to "restore" my Macrium Restore image I simply need to fir the SATA CD/DVD unit from one of the other PC's. Hey I could always use a USB CD? Back to the drawing board.
  22. OK now I'm a little stumped Anomaly, you may be able to head me in the right direction. I now have a "bootable USB stick" (not yet able to tested). It seems not to matter if I use F12 when posting or alter the boot sequence in the BIOS I am unable to boot from the USB stick. I have disconnected the USB FDD for the exercise, next do I disconnect the 1TB USB HDD which contains my Macrium Reflect backup image? This I have not done yet, thought I would ask first. I am aware that some BIOS see the USB stick as USB FD or USB ZIP. My Gigabyte MB 12 months old (F12 or BIOS) shows the following USB boot choices: USB FDD, ZIP, CD, HD - I have tried USB FDD & ZIP with the USB stick connected - did not work. I then used UNetbootin process with the USB HD, thought if that works I can always place the backup image on another HDD if need be. That did not work either. No matter what I do the PC simply boots up in the normal fashion. Do have any ideas?
  23. Yes I am a keen user of Macrium Reflect (recommend it when ever the occasion arises) indeed just this afternoon I had occasion to restore the 23gig image of my XP Pro on my recently build Win 7 / XP Pro Dual boot PC. This restore only took some 12 minutes in total and I was back up and running. I have also since tested the Win 7 restore just to make sure the other half of the equation works as it should and it did. Re "Windows XP mode Virtual PC" that you spoke of, I'm told unfortunately will not install on XP Pro, however "Microsoft Virtual PC 2007" is still a good backstop, although I by-passed it last time for Sun Virtual-box which is a excellent piece of software, almost every bit as good as vmware.
  24. Interesting from my perpsective both previous and latest version show the following on this PC: Samsung HD SATA shown as IDE Samgung HD SATA shown as IDE Seagate HD SATA shown as SATA Western Digital SATA shown as IDE Lets hope they fix this at final release.
  25. Tasgandy

    Avast 5

    Updated & many thanks.
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