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Everything posted by Tasgandy

  1. You have got to be joking?.........I hope you are not seriously suggesting that this is genuine? good God man, you are an Aussie!, with all the publicity on radio, TV, newspapers, magazine and the Net over the past 12 months, warning people of all ages (and people are still getting caught) NOT to be taken in by these scams. Maybe, just maybe your purpose here was to warn people? I certainly hope so.
  2. Well ident I have to agree with you, very amusing, it brought a smile to my dial. I would recommend this to all, just persevere and read the whole thing...............you will laugh or smile.
  3. Yes you are correct, "Ubuntu Tweak" is great, I joined up some weeks ago just after a final Ubuntu 10.4 build. Next on your list should be GetDeb.net GetDeb Software Portal GetDeb is an unofficial project with the mission to provide the latest open source and freeware applications for the current Ubuntu Linux release, in an easy to install manner. Enjoy
  4. Tips and Tricks for Ubuntu after Installation Just completed your Ubuntu installation? If you have the latest version of Ubuntu 10.04 installed in your PC, you might find these tips and tricks useful for working with your newly installed system.Ubuntu Tips & Tricks * Customize the Panel * Set Full Transparent Panel * Customize the Theme * Set Aero Glass Effect * Pin Programs to the Panel * Hide Drive Icons on the Desktop * Move Window Control Buttons to the Right * Set a Default View in File Browser * Open Up a Window in Center * Enable "Rotate Cube" Effect * Enable Windows 7 Superbar * Enable Windows 7 Aero Snap * Auto Mount Drives at System Startup * Manually Mount a USB Drive * Enable Media Playback * Set Sound Output * Terminate Unresponsive Programs * Change Default Boot Options * Remove Old Linux Kernel, Clean Up Boot Menu * Auto Shutdown the System * Install Extra Fonts * Install Screenlets * Install Sun Java Packages * Install More Useful Software I found most of the above very helpful in shortening my learning curve (mountain).
  5. Still trying to learn the new OS
  6. Tasgandy


    For those who "dabble" in desktop publishing from home or office that can not or do not wish to pay big dollars for apps like Adobe inDesign, Page Maker, MS Publisher etc.....they just want to create club newsletters, invites, poster, flyers, business cards, birthday cards etc.....do yourself a big favour have a go at PagePlus Starter Edition........it is free, all you need to do is provide your e-mail address. Go to: PagePlus Starter Edition I have recently downloaded the lastest version and have used it to create a Tri-fold DL brochure for a friend, and it is reasonably powerful. The ultimate free desktop publishing software! PagePlus Starter Edition is an amazing tool for designing fantastic print documents. You can download it now for free and start creating documents straight away. Let?s take a look at what?s included in this DTP software. * Intuitive and easy-to-use tools * Easy drag-and-drop design method * Accurate text handling to create professional documents * Sticky guides for exact alignment of objects * Support for common image files like .JPG and .PNG * Create stunning projects for print in minutes Enjoy folks.
  7. Thanks for that Hazelnut, and I agree, most people these days not only do not read installation notes but never even glance at an instruction manual before "plunging it in & turning on the power".......9 times out of 10 it'll work, then........bingo, it DON'T. A quick phone call to the store that sold it and "what you mean, I did not know that!" "where was that written, where does it say that" etc.
  8. Sorry Hazelnut, I have to ask "what are you referring to?" (not that I use this software nor have I ever seen it installed)
  9. You could try "Startup Delayer", I use it on a XP Pro SP3 box....have a look at: Startup Delayer - Freeware
  10. Good to see that all is now OK. Personally when I turn my PC off, the monitor screen is also turned off, well put into stand-by mode I suppose, I do not physically "push" the on/off switch of the monitor. So no problems with monitors when I power up the PC.
  11. Still catching up............that was fascinating....great sound as well. Thank you Hazelnut.
  12. Sorry Hazelnut, it's late and I missed seeing your link, till I just had another look, I think it's time for bed, all this Linux learning stuff is exhausting.
  13. Complicated???? I'd say so. Spent 5 minutes reading in an attempt to understand Rapidshare and the pricing policy.....gave up, lost me.
  14. I found the following info re your "code 39" message, hope it helps. Error message When installing or reinstalling drivers (drivers) a device, it is possible that Windows displays the following error message: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39). Solution Make a backup of the registry. Go to menu Start and select Run. Type regedit and select OK. Remove Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values of the following key to the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Restart your computer to save all configuration. Taken from: Code 39 explanation
  15. Fluffy some 15 months ago a similar occurrence happened with me, I was lucky enough to have a spare Monitor which I used as a test to isolate the problem, i.e. was it the Monitor, Video card, cables, PC etc. The replacement Monitor solved the problem, it worked OK. So this meant that my original Monitor with the switch problem was quickly sent away for repairs. A BenQ with 3 year warranty, so it was returned in full working order, the problem turned out to be a "faulty on/off" switch on the Monitor. So, do you have a spare Monitor to change over with?
  16. Well Login123 & Ishi, I direct your attention to the attached image showing a Ubuntu Boot, running a VirtualBox session where I have installed MS Windows 2008 Server. Why you ask? buggerd if I know, because I did. What is interesting is that Win2008 Server is running much faster under a Linux / VirtualBox build than a Win7 / VirtualBox build (which I have done once before). Network access across all PC's is working, just can not seem to open a directory located in on the Ubuntu box, I can see all the shared directories but not see what's inside them. Indeed I am trying this from the MS Windows 2008 Server VirtualBox so innternet is working fine. Now lets see if I can browse and attach the screengrab....Next I am going to try "Parimage" imaging backup SW for Linux as no system is complete until a backup has been created.
  17. Attention: Login123 & Ishi, and others interested, further to my question of "does Ubuntu require anti virus software?" .......well it appears that it does, well recommended in some situations, please go to: Best 4 AV software for Ubuntu As we already know, Linux is immune to viruses and other nasty malware. However, there are still a lot of other reasons to install an antivirus program on your Linux computer. end quote. As this PC sits in a MS workgroup LAN and based on the success of Avast AV as used in my Windows environment and used on this "dual boot" Win7 & Ubuntu PC I shall install / test Avast for Linux and report back.
  18. Tasgandy


    Well it took a couple of days to nail down the problem I was having with the Laptop.....another 20gig HD that is not 100%. That's 2 20gig HD's in succession, suppose the message here is "buy a new HD" and stop using old 2nd hand bit's from the old days. Appears both HD's have boot sector problems (the very reason they were replaced). Never mind I shall have to be happy with playing / learning on one Ubuntu install (until I get some spare cash).
  19. Tasgandy


    Yeah I know the feeling, I also am a true "installaholic" so much so that the failed Ubuntu install on the laptop that I reported the other day is bugging me, SO HERE I GO AGAIN. I have added more RAM and another 20gig (2nd hand HD from an old MFD photocopier) to the laptop, and I shall try again. The laptop is a 6 - 7 year old Dell Latitude C600, now with 1024 MB of RAM (was 256 MB), 20gig Toshiba HD and a 128MB ATI video card. I shall let you know if it's "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" result. PS: the NEW Ubuntu build is still working very well, have now installed all software, using it right now, appears to be blindingly fast, however perhaps it's because it's new, like a new toy or a nicely washed and serviced car that always seems to go better. I am even printing to my USB connected Canon MF4150 laser printer hanging off my main networked PC, using a CUPS UFR2 driver from Canon UK. Indeed the "dual boot" function is also working well. Image attached showing the new Win7 / Ubuntu build as reported.
  20. I agree - it's a bloody big world, there is no ONE big green button (kill switch) to turn off. This crazy idea when first thought of here in AUS. some 10 months ago, the suggested software selected for testing was hacked within the first 2 hours by a 14 year old student. Hopefully this crazy idea might already be sunk (thankfully) as our first term PM Kevin Rudd has just been rolled (9.30am Australian time), he has been replaced by our first Woman PM Julia Gillard. I for one (politics aside) am looking forward to a female leader, 1/ she can't do any worse than Kevin Rudd and 2/ for me personally I have enjoyed about 21 years of my 47 year working life with a female boss, and it worked well. Anyhow as some one else once said somewhere "we get those we vote and wish for".
  21. Yes Hazelnut what you say is true, however by default the Australian Government will have the same power as the USA i.e. in the case of an National emergency - they maintain both subjects go hand in hand.
  22. One has to wonder just who is advising our Australian Government..........read this Prison Planet.com Tuesday, June 22, 2010 The Australian government is set to intensify its war against Internet freedom by forcing web users to install state-approved anti-virus software. If they fail to do so, they will be denied an Internet connection, or if their computer is later infected, the user?s connection will be terminated. ?AUSTRALIANS would be forced to install anti-virus and firewall software on their computers before being allowed to connect to the internet under a new plan to fight cyber crime. And if their computer did get infected, internet service providers like Telstra and Optus could cut off their connection until the problem was resolved,? reports News.com.au. The full story: Big Brother.....He's out there And you thought this (Australia) was the lucky country.............well it still is, I'll be fighting this one BIG TIME if it ever really get's passed into law.
  23. Tasgandy


    Well Ishi I really was %#&&ed off re the failed install of Ubuntu on the laptop 20gog HD, and in reading many articles on "running Ubuntu" since my last rebuild of my Win7 / Wubi Ubuntu install, most articles state that whilst this method allows the Windows user to run & test Linux whilst still reverting back to Windows OS, Ubuntu runs a little slower and I found out that when I loaded it up with a heap of Movies for me to access across my network, I was running out of space. Even though I install the Wubi Ubuntu on a 70gig HD, I was not able to easily increase the size allocated to the Linux install. That coupled with the idea that both you and I have not been able to install Ubuntu in the normal fashion and retain a "dual boot" (Windows & Linux) scenario, and I do not like being beaten and not knowing why something can not be done, more reading and "back to basics" - I needed to make this Ubuntu install BLOODY possible.......well.....I'VE DONE IT I shall explain how I did it as briefly as possible, not always easy for me. Task is to install Ubuntu direct to hard drive (not via Wubi under a Windows 7 session) retain dual boot to existing Windows 7 as 1st boot option. Situation before I started: Test PC with 2 physical HD'd Drive 0 300gig / jumper setting as "cable select" / 3 partitions / 70gig for Windows 7 - 160gig Data - 70gig empty Drive 1 160gig / jumper setting as "cable select" / 3 partitions / 60gig for Windows XP - 50gig Data - 50gig for Wubi Ubuntu installed Following a Macrium back up of both Win7 & XP I did the following. These backup's are stored on the Data partition of Drive 0 Drive 0 - did nothing at all. Drive 1 - delete partitions, created 1 160gig partition, quick Format NTFS (not sure why I choose NTFS) Later on I did notice that Linux formated my USB stick Fat32. Physically disconnected Drive 0, left the cable ribbons as is, both HD's are IDE types. CD drive is SATAII (all jumper-ed as cable select) Commenced the Ubuntu 10.4 install (same ISO Cd as before).......got the same error dialogue box "installation failed" followed by " The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again"....Yeah like I know what I'm doing, NOT. At this point in time it's 11.30pm....bugger it I'll try again..........same result. OK then, I shall let the installer run as suggested, install a live CD session and start searching the web (AGAIN). OK, now I've got a Ubuntu screen in front of me and on the desktop are 2 icons (plus all the other stuff shown on the top and bottom panel), 1 icon says "examples" the other says "install Ubuntu" What the!!!!!!! I thought I just tried that with no result, ah well nothing ventured nothing gained, fire up another cup of coffee (my 3rd since 10.00pm) lets double click on this "install Ubuntu" icon.............away we go. So I'm supping coffee munching on a "bickie" 25 minutes later.....I've got a full blown installed to hard drive Ubuntu OS. I was presented with 7 screens during the install process, allowed the install access & to format the whole 160gig partition, entered my location etc. I DID NOT ATTEMPT THE ADVANCED OPTION where I could have decided on various sizes for all those weird Linux partitions/sections/ whatever.......if I don't know, don't fiddle. So I went on the web, accessed data from other network PC's once I had enabled Samba, now for a "reboot". Well that went fine, all up and running, installed Thunderbird, created my e-mail account, access to the WWW, bloody hell now I can do almost anything. Now I need to get the "dual boot" thing going, Win7 & Ubuntu. Run the PC down, reconnect Drive 0 and turn on to see what happens................Both HD are jumper-ed as "cable select", the way the ribbon cable is connected the boot sequence after CD is HD 0, 1st partition which is Win7, Ubuntu is on HD 1.........NUP! it boots straight into Ubuntu, no sign of the other OS, yet both HD's posted during the boot up sequence. Both Western Digital by the way. Disconnect the power to HD 1 (Ubuntu), leave the cables in the same position, leave the jumper as is.....YES, boots into Win 7. So I re configure BCD boot loader, (tried various options over the wee small hours of the morning) tell it that I want a Linux OS as 2nd boot option, select "Grub 2" (tried Grub Legacy, and others does not work).....shut down. Re connect HD 1, still jumper-ed the same, go for a cold boot.......NO GO. Tried many combinations, some I repeated (forgetful now as it's bloody late)...another cup of.......something. Back to basics, jumper HD 0 as "master" and HD 1 as "slave" cold reboot and................bingo............there they are: Option 1 - Windows 7 Option 2 - Ubuntu Test both OS's several times, all OK, network working well from all sides and all boots..........Bloody hell it's 2.38am Wednesday the 23rd June, I started mucking around at 10.00pm last night, took the plunge at 11.30pm, I think.......anyhow now all I need to do is re install all the previous installed software, GetDeb, Ubuntu Tweaks etc. Ishi sorry for the lengthy story but I tried to remember everything I did and the order that I did it in to get a successful Ubuntu install in the hope that some of the above may assist you with your install. Let me know how you go when you get around to having another crack at it.
  24. Wine for Ubuntu.........No not the good Red or White that we all enjoy whilst eating dinner but a software application that once installed on your Ubuntu OS (or any other flavour of Linux) will allow one to install and run normal Windows software applications like Microsoft Windows Office etc. (see my screen-grab) However BE WARNED BE CAREFUL it isn't all beer and skittles, if you really MUST use that Windows application, well give it a go, however as I have now found out, you may have to make some allowances. i.e. Running MS Word 2003 Pro, during the network printing procedure I was not able to select A4 "duplexing" (double siding) as I am able to do so when using "Open Office" Word Processor that ships with Ubuntu 10.4. My only options offered were, 1/ portrait/landscape, 2/ letter/A4, and 3/ number of copies to print. Under most circumstances this would be OK. When it came to things like, "insert image" from file (file worked but did not appear on the print) or from clipart, none available (even though I installed all clipart during the installation). I did produce some business quotations successfully, so all was not lost, however I will not be replacing Open Office as my normal WP. I then tried my Video editing app "TMPGEnc 4.0".........forget it sunshine, all I got was a dialogue screen saying something like "we apologizes for any inconvenience, TMPGEnc has been terminated due to.........etc, etc. you get the picture. So before you race off and install "Wine" please take a cup of your favorite hot beverage, visit and read Install Wine for UBUNTU before you decide to commit you time and energy. Installed so far:
  25. I am using Avast on: 1 x Wind 7 1 x Windows XP Pro MacAfee Enterprise on: 1 x XP Pro Plus I am told I do not need AV software for Ubuntu?????? hope that's correct, does anyone know any different.
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