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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. You might want to tell your friend if they continue to use the registry cleaner to untick 'Fonts' in the registry cleaner section, as that's likely what caused it.
  2. I'd go with the description winapp2.ini gave. On one occasion many years ago using a reg defrag program fixed an issue I had with a previous Windows install. Edit: I always knew any of them had the potential to mess something up, and after 10+ years of using them I finally was struck with an issue - luckily one easy to undo.
  3. It happened again, and this time I found the culprit. It was Free Registry Defrag (a registry defrag/optimizer). I tested it three times and each time it caused the errors for the LocalService and NetworkService profiles causing them to get moved/copied into those temporary directories. I uninstalled Free Registry Defrag! I decided to test NTRegOpt (a registry defrag/optimizer) since I occasionally use it. I tested it three times and it did NOT cause any issues. So should I feel like performing a registry defrag/optimization I'll use NTRegOpt from now on.
  4. If you use a downloaded winapp2.ini community file, or one from CCEnhancer look in that winapp2.ini file and remove everything that would clean Steam - or remove the winapp2.ini altogether. How to make CCleaner exclude Steam: 1. Start CCleaner. 2. Go into: Options > Exclude 3. Input all of the paths to Steam (physical folders or files, and registry paths). CCleaner will now skip Steam.
  5. mta you're correct! I looked in the EventLog and it was full of errors going back to March 10, 2015. After doing a search I found a Microsoft article about removing SID in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" but that didn't help at all. Microsoft's method 2 fix was very vague, and Microsoft's method 1 "fix" of deleting my user profile didn't sound like something I wanted to do because my user profile wasn't messed up. So I changed the paths indicated in that registry path to fix the profiles NetworkService and LocalService, and upon startup I could then delete those "temporary" profiles. It sure would've been nice if Windows would've notified of something instead of it's usual fashion of hiding things but it was at least able to automatically workaround the problem until I eventually fixed it. Interesting that both NetworkService and LocalService had the error occur simultaneously and that was at the time I had Avira Free Antivirus installed and it wouldn't update anymore for most people according to their forums. At least I now know how to manually fix such an issue by editing the registry. ---------- Since those paths I listed in post 1 really have nothing to do with CCleaner not supporting them, etc., and were instead caused by a Windows error I've moved this topic out of the CCleaner Suggestions area and into the general Software area.
  6. That's been asked for before, and if you search you might find previous discussions about it and why it probably won't ever get included.
  7. Don't know, probably something Winapp2.ini (person) added to his site. It's not an ad. Norton Safe Web, SiteAdvisor, and WOT say the 3rd party is ok: http://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=internetdefenseleague.org http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/internetdefenseleague.org https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/internetdefenseleague.org
  8. I wish something could deal with WinSxS too, that folder is gargantuan on my system.
  9. I didn't read that part, just skimmed through and bookmarked it. Although I don't use MBAM anymore myself.
  10. I don't have it installed but based upon guessing look in: * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software - then see if Handbrake is listed in there, if it is manually remove that entry. * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software - then see if Handbrake is listed in there, if it is manually remove that entry. * Your user profile folder's application data folder. * Program Files folder. Handbrake really doesn't "hide" files/registry data, it stores them in normal areas.
  11. That means no Ubuntu for me in the future, although I wouldn't doubt tons of OSes and software keeping and sharing data especially those who aren't up front telling that they do such practices.
  12. Haven't did any repair install, still on the same installation since January 2010.
  13. Suggestion, have CCleaner clean the paths below since they aren't currently dealt with at all. I think support of cleaning the paths will have to be something officially implemented from Piriform because adding them in as an end-user fails. Specs: * CCleaner v5.05.5176 * WinXP Pro SP3 The Comodo Dragon setup for whatever reason causes Windows to create these folders (including an additional ntuser.dat). CCleaner does NOT clean the Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, or History and inputting them into a 'Custom Files and Folders' and 'winapp2.ini' can't deal with them. For instance the cookies in "LocalService.NT AUTHORITY" remain. New paths to clean: C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService.NT AUTHORITY\Cookies C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService.NT AUTHORITY\Local Settings\HISTORY C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService.NT AUTHORITY\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService.NT AUTHORITY\Cookies C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService.NT AUTHORITY\Local Settings\HISTORY C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService.NT AUTHORITY\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files And here's more: C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP\Cookies C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP\Local Settings\History C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP.NT AUTHORITY\Cookies C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP.NT AUTHORITY\Local Settings\History C:\Documents and Settings\TEMP.NT AUTHORITY\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files I initially thought Comodo Dragon caused the creation of those folders but it's not at fault, nonetheless they need cleaning support.
  14. If you're using any add-ons such as winapp2.ini or some "enhancer" try removing them to see if that helps. If you don't using of those uninstall CCleaner, reboot, and then reinstall CCleaner by downloading it from Piriform at: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
  15. Andavari

    New PC

    Sounds like a nice powerful system for gaming, video encoding, etc. And mucho kudos to the boss for giving you permission! Is it time to change that text above your avatar to something like "I love computers I build."
  16. Andavari


    Here's how to change the monitor settings: * CCleaner Professional * CCleaner Free
  17. You gained space on drive C (Windows drive) because of the cleaning portion of CCleaner that removes unwanted files such as browser cache/temporary internet files, logs, Recycle Bin, temp, etc. Drive M which I assume is a data drive would only gain space if you had something in the Recycle Bin which CCleaner would empty.
  18. I'm surprised it works because it doesn't contain any detection in it, such as: Detect= DetectFile=
  19. It is in winapp2.ini, it's this one: [Crash Reports*]
  20. I was thinking the WinXP SP2 bug as well. Might as well link to it, it's here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=43027&p=260079
  21. See post #2. Give info if you want valid help. Also sending the same thing to me in a PM is against forum rule 15, help is to only be given in the open forum where everyone can benefit.
  22. More info is needed, such as what: * Windows OS version (Win 7, Win 8.1). * CCleaner version. * Antivirus software you have installed.
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