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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. There's no options for us when moving here at least using IPB, you have the option to leave a link to the original location but no expiration time limit is available.
  2. I think the forum software is perhaps auto-cleaning itself as I've seen moved posts before with a link still in the improper forum area it was originally posted in. Or someone is doing it. Not me though!
  3. I'd imagine like all other security software that it was made to be compatible with Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall not having any outbound control, true however you can also use a HOSTS file that's tailored for blocking just malicious sites such as the MalwareDomainList HOSTS file, etc.
  4. I recommend installing the MVPS Hosts file, allot of us on here use it, it will block a ton of those adservers/adware your log detailed. See here: http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm
  5. See if this helps: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=45274 I had to input an exclude in CCleaner for Local Extension Settings, you can do this in CCleaner at: Options > Exclude > Add > Drive or folder, then use it to browse to your Chromium/Chrome Local Extension Settings folder to exclude it.
  6. Can't a phone call to the ISP reset the router and input a new password (that's part of what you're paying them for).
  7. How to remove the Chromium/Chrome end of support nag popup in Microsoft Windows XP and Vista Info: Chromium/Chrome support for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista ends very soon. That's fine, however there's now an annoying nag popup in version 48 (with the final version supported supposedly being version 49) that's informing you about end of support each and everytime you open the browser. Instructions: To completely disable the end of support nag popup that appears everytime you start a Chromium/Chrome browser you'll have to manually modify your shortcuts (create a shortcut if you don't currently use one to launch the browser). To modify a shortcut: 1. Right-click it, and select Properties. 2. The area to modify is titled: Target Screenshot (click to enlarge): You'll need the switch --disable-infobars in it, example: "C:\Chromium or Chrome Browser Install Folder\ChromiumChrome.exe" --disable-infobars What a working example would look like (also use the quotes around the EXE file path as shown below): "C:\PortableApps\IronPortable\IronPortable.exe" --disable-infobars What a working example would look like including the incognito (private browsing) switch (also use the quotes around the EXE file path as shown below): "L:\USBPortableApps\IronPortable\IronPortable.exe" -incognito --disable-infobars
  8. When it comes to the Windows registry there can be all sorts strange characters used together which to us end-users makes little sense, and is also a reason I've seen so many registry cleaners want to nuke keys with strange characters in them - this issue is older than Win10.
  9. Firefox has some issues with IPB forums. Such as when using MultiQuote or Quote it's difficult to edit the quote without Firefox removing who the original poster was in the quote title. I usually end up with a space under the last text so that it also doesn't completely remove the quote box. No such quote issues in Chromium/Chrome-based browsers.
  10. I have figured out after installing the old MBAM v1.75 that it has something to do with their signature files updates. v1.75 worked flawlessly after installation (without updating). I then updated the signature files, and then all went wacko with MBAM. So, I restarted Windows, and then MBAM wouldn't even launch as it was giving some read-only dialog, so it's gone off my system now too.
  11. If you can use the current version! Something went very buggy in it for me.
  12. I uninstalled v2.2.0 earlier today, excessively buggy behaviour and nearly unusable at least on my machine so it had to go and I only had it installed for 2 weeks. I put that old v1.75 back on after rebooting from the v2.2.0 uninstall - but after seeing this post it's going to get uninstalled too.
  13. I always click the gorhill one, the others shown in the Chrome store I was wondering why they were even there (minus the new fork which I knew about) but went with what everyone was recommending in this topic.
  14. Cleaning profiles does sound very interesting! Only other way (as opposed to INI file swapping) to currently achieve this is by having multiple copies of CCleaner Portable - each in their own unique separate folders and each would have their own unique settings to suit your purposes.
  15. Perhaps collectstole then Trium? They are harbouring so much data.
  16. Sometimes they don't even know where the location is.
  17. Not good if secure deletion/wipe free space/drive wiper are enabled and this happens as that can make your system unbootable and Windows reporting the disk is in the RAW format - I know from prior experience using a different tool to wipe free space.
  18. Yes XP has that folder too, mine is at 86.8 MB - and I'm glad it's light years away from that 12 GB you've stated yours is. Definitely not something to mess with casually or with an unofficial tool if the outcome is unknown (like having to fully restore Windows).
  19. If that's the case (and I wouldn't know because I'm on old WinXP) that sounds like the safest route. It isn't just a matter of deleting physical files, there can also be references in the registry.
  20. See if any of this helps: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=5739
  21. I'm just a forum volunteer with no official affiliation with Piriform therefore I have no insider information what their plans are with CCleaner Cloud. They do however listen to user feedback and suggestions which are posted on this forum.
  22. That's a good one too! URL Void has been bookmarked!
  23. How to use McAfee SiteAdvisor without installing it: Simply bookmark this URL: https://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/ This effectively skips the main page which looks like one huge advert that only wants you to download and install the software (something I don't want to do) without any links to the above URL to bookmark.
  24. Being that small at 544 bytes they're useless as Augeas has stated. To test audio files for corruption I've always used the free AudioTester, just drag 'n' drop a folder of audio files onto it's window.
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