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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. CeeCee

    User Ratings?

    I got a pity rating also...
  2. CeeCee

    User Ratings?

    I'm not even rated...
  3. There's atleast couple of cleaners that are safe to use. Like mentioned, CCleaner's 'Issues' cleaner is very safe. RegCleaner is also very safe, but it's kinda out-dated. Also newer products from the same author (products are now under commercial company (Finnish company)) are safe to use: http://www.macecraft.com/. Although these newer products are not free. RegSeeker is very good and powerful. That's why you have to be careful, what you decide to delete.
  4. I got 1536Mb (1.5Gb). One 512- and one 1024Mb memory module. 1024 module is added later. Both modules are Kingston 333 PC2700.
  5. What it comes to computers, Windows and all that, you (not you personally) always learn something new. It's nice...
  6. So you haven't found a good browser yet? Well, there's a many type of users. I prefer to only stick with one browser, if you have found a good one. If some thing doesn't work with Opera (there aren't many), i use IE7.
  7. I don't have any interest to try any other browser. I'm happy with Opera and i keep using it. I don't install software to my system just to try it out or just for fun... It really takes a lot of time to really get into browser, and to learn how it behaves and works. If you have used some browser many years, found it good and really get into it, you really don't change it easily.
  8. I think it might be because the Prefetch files were deleted. Prefetching can make apps to open faster, but when the prefetch directory gets filled, it can slowdown things.
  9. I got Dell TFT display. I have got it about 3 years and haven't noticed any dead pixels on it.
  10. I got 9 critical updates and i also installed 2 non-critical updates, including certificate update. I also updated Opera to 9.23, which include JavaScript vulnerability fix.
  11. It's been so hot past few days here in Finland, that i'm absolutely cooking. Well, the fall in coming soon... And after that dark and long winter.
  12. Just uncheck "Adobe Flash Player".
  13. Why don't you use any decent 3rd party firewall? Or do you got hardware firewall?
  14. Sygate Personal Firewall Avast! Home Edition (Beside basic Standard Shield, there's also Network Shield running.) SpywareBlaster Opera browser Not really a security, but Ad Muncher (Ad blocker). XP itself also made safer, i.e. by disabling some system services and that way closing some hazardous ports. You know, XP is not very safe with default settings.
  15. I use shampoo to only wash my hair.
  16. It's not necessary, but recommened.
  17. Most people here seem to be from USA and UK. (also few from Australia.) I'm from Finland.
  18. I have nowadays used that uninstaller, before installing new version, and i recommend doing that.
  19. CeeCee


    I (still) got version 5.7. I have couple of times wiped unused space and sometimes use it to wipe files from recycle bin. Very good program.
  20. I don't really care about PDF quality. I use PDF documents quite rarely. I use that old Foxit PDF reader 1.0 as my default PDF reader and most PDF documents works fine with it. I also got Foxit Reader 2 and i use it when some document doesn't work correctly with 1.0. (it's in the PDF "Open With" menu.)
  21. CeeCee


    http://www.markusjansson.net/esecuring.html Scroll down to "12 tips for anonymity" & "12 tips for security". Maybe a little over the top, but...
  22. CeeCee


    Yes you can. There's no straight option for that, but it can be easily done by editing .ini file.
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