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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. I found another nice program to make a slideshow movie and that worked! http://www.joern-thiemann.de/tools/SSMM/index.html
  2. CeeCee


    Interesting. I just setted Opera to use proxy for Google. I think it does the same job as hiding my real IP address.
  3. I have already tried that.
  4. CeeCee


    That haircut was cool!!
  5. I just re-installed it, but didn't helped. I'm very frustrated right now. All i need to do is a simple picture slideshow and i can't do that! I don't wanna download any fancy program for that, because it's possible to do with MM, only if the god damn program would work!! I don't know if this clears anything, but i get "class is not registered" when i click 'play' on preview player.
  6. Gotta mention that i have also searched with Google, before posting here. Also posted to couple of other forums before this forum.
  7. Didn't found solution there. I tried to disable all the filters/splitters, but didn't helped. I have had eMule running all the time in the background. Can it affect?
  8. Haven't used WMM for a long time and now when i'm trying to make a slideshow movie of pictures, things are not working correctly. That preview player doesn't work. When i edit start or credit text, player is just blank, i can't play the show or even save the movie to hard drive. I got 2.1 version. What's wrong?
  9. Ice hockey is very popular here in Finland. It's the most important team sport here. Of course it's because we are quite good in it and we got many players in NHL.
  10. There's so many antivirus programs, that it's very hard to say what is the best one. All i can say is that Avast! is very good free AV.
  11. I can imagine that WRC is not so popular in the USA. Which one of these sports is the most popular in the USA; Basketball (NBA), Football (NFL) or Baseball?
  12. Marcus Gr?nholm is on his way to Championship. He's from Finland also. Finland is racing country and we got many Rally World Championships and couple of F1 World Championships (Keke Rosberg 1 and Mika H?kkinen 2).
  13. How about Kimi R?ikk?nen? Here's from Finland like i. You live in USA, so how come you don't prefer i.e. Cart or Nascar?
  14. CeeCee


    Holophony is a 3D sound recording technique which uses a technique where an original recording is combined with a reference recording. The result is an extremely lifelike three dimensional audio recording which has been said to exceed the realism of stereo sound. Source & sample: http://www.unoriginal.co.uk/holophonics.html Put your headphones on and you can really get the feeling that sound is actually coming from around you for real. You can hear where the sound is coming from and how it is circling your head. Really cool and also creepy!
  15. Most sites need JavaScript to work correctly. In example, many buttons on the Web site are JavaScript based (i.e. "Top" & "Fast Reply" buttons on this forum). You also need JS for plugins to work correctly. You need Java for Java Applets on the Web site (i.e. some online games are Java based). Java Applets are not so often used, so i keep Java disabled by default. "I'm using Firefox -- do I need both?" Well, it's good to keep JS enabled, because it's so often used. Java is not necessary, but also good to have for some things to work. There's no need to keep Java enabled all the time, you can quickly enable it when needed.
  16. What files/folders that installer creates?
  17. CeeCee

    Java stuff

    That's the correct way.
  18. First of all, Java and JavaScript are different things. If you install Java Sun, you can use it with all browsers. You just have to copy Java plugins to browser plugins folder. With Opera you don't have to do that, because Opera recognize Java from registry. Of course with IE you don't have to it either. Every browser got it's own JavaScript. You can enable/disable JavaScript and Java from browser preferences.
  19. Stand-alone BlackLight expiration has been extended until 1st of October 2007. http://www.f-secure.com/blacklight/
  20. I have scanned with 4 Antirootkit programs and non of them found anything. I have used Panda, AVG, BlackLight and RootkitRevealer.
  21. Here's also some nice wallpaper sites, that i have bookmarked: http://wallpapers.diq.ru/wp/ http://www.socksoff.co.uk/walls01.html http://www.almostsmart.com/wallpaper/weasel.html http://www.vladstudio.com/wallpapers/
  22. Hey just noticed your message! Last desktop before "Evil dead" was D-Day. How come you know me as "Evil Dead" type of person? Well, actually i kinda am... But WOW, that was a nice comment! (that love thing)
  23. What it's in the layout, that's so f***ked?
  24. CeeCee

    Java stuff

    So you mean that installing/uninstalling order doesn't matter? Logical order of course is to uninstall older/current version before installing new version.
  25. CeeCee

    Java stuff

    Just tell me one good reason, why i should keep that older version (that's currently on my system), when i install new version? That older version is then needless. Those first 2 versions are totally unneeded. They make more bad than good. Actually they don't make good at all.
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