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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. I'm not an manga/anime person at all. I know, that was totally unnecessary to mention, but mentioned it anyway...
  2. It's too bloated, that's for sure. Must thing to do, is to set only player (without that crappy media browser) open in startup.
  3. I think in that case you got no other choice, than do a Windows reinstall. Btw, what maintenance is ProcessIdleTasks? Why can't you just reboot the Windows?
  4. Never used it anyway....
  5. What ads do you mean? I have RealPlayer and basicly just because many Web stream videos are Real videos. I don't use it as my media (music, video) player.
  6. You don't have to use it, if you manually uncheck it.
  7. You can either manually uncheck those scripting options or use that 'WMP Scripting Fix' to do the job. Why don't you just uncheck it and you're done.
  8. CeeCee

    Hide IP Address

    Haven't said that. Ask local proxy servers from your ISP.
  9. CCleaner's 'Issues' scan is not very powerful. It doesn't find all the leftover entries, that some other cleaners find. Solution is to use some other, more powerful registry cleaner, i.e. RegSeeker. RegSeeker is very powerful, so you have to be careful on what you decide to delete with it.
  10. You can remove those leftover 'add/remove program' registry entries with this program: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download460.html Just go to 'Uninstall Menu', check wanted item(s) and hit "Remove selected".
  11. Open sdefend.exe (C:\Program Files\AnalogX\Script Defender), then press "Install interceps" and after that "Done". You can test it with test.vbs. When a request to execute is made, you get a warning message. Just hit "Abort" to cancel request or "Execute the script" to apply it.
  12. With Script Defender, you can just re-apply the protection, if it gets disabled. You don't update or install Windows Script Host that often.
  13. How's that? I haven't got such a problems and i have been using it for years.
  14. While talking about scripts/scripting, this is a nice utility to prevent script files from running on your system (without being alerted about it): http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/system/sdefend.htm AnalogX Script Defender will intercept any request to execute the most common scripting types used in virus attacks... It doesn't run in the background. It just change the script file types to open with Script Defender, so you are alerted when a (potentially dangerous) script file is executed. EDIT: (or more precisely, when a request to execute is made.)
  15. Uncheck it. That option can be considered as a security threat.
  16. Not really. Yes, they are safe to delete.
  17. Bumped into this one (it is a "program of the day" at one site, that i regularly visit): http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/ Can't tell anything about it, 'cause haven't installed/used it.
  18. Stay away from those "optimizers". They don't help a s**t. Check if there's any "reset default settings" option in the program. I'm not sure if the uninstalling resets default settings?
  19. While talking about MRU's, this is great program to clean all kind of MRU entries from the registry: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/mrublaster.html I have set it to run silently at Windows start-up.
  20. I haven't got any problems with it, (as long as i don't completely close NetBIOS port). Those other ports should be safe to close. But maybe there can be problems with some configurations. Go figure. ..
  21. Easy way to (completely) close some pesky Windows ports is to use Windows Worms Doors Cleaner. Note: Do not close NetBIOS or you might lose your internet connection. Use this method instead: http://irt.stanford.edu/security/howto/disable-netbios.html
  22. Or type ipconfig to Command Prompt.
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