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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Yes, this was kind of shocker. Rest in peace. Edit: Changed "piece" to "peace". What the h*ll i was thinking.
  2. Here's two more removals: Vcleaner: http://www.grisoft.com/doc/52/us/crp/0/ndi/67751 avast! Virus Cleaner: http://www.avast.com/eng/down_cleaner.html
  3. Yeah, i know that it isn't any new utility. Just wanted to mention it, because i think that many people here doesn't know about it. It's simple and fast utility to scan some known infections... This remover has not any GUI. It's just an command prompt batch file. You can run it by double clicking it.
  4. CLRAV.COM Kaspersky Labs has developed this FREE virus removal utility. It scans very fast.
  5. I also use that 'Index.dat Suite' to clean out my index.dat files. I have made a batch file with it, that runs at Windows start-up.
  6. Yeah, after i have cleaned my registry with other cleaners that i mainly use, "Eusing" does not find any real invalid entries. Like i.e. 'RegScrubXP', it list empty keys as invalid. Well, they might be actually unneeded, but (most of) those empty keys are OS related/created, and they will be re-created (atleast some of them) after reboot. There's four registry cleaners that i mainly use; jv16 PowerTools 1.4.1, jv16 PowerTools 2005, RegSeeker and CCleaner 'Issues' cleaner. They all complete each other. I consider my registry as a clean (atleast clean enough for me) after using all of them. I have also tried bunch of other reg. cleaners, but they don't find anything "new". Keep in mind, that there always will be some invalid entries in your registry, regardless of what cleaners do you use. Reg. cleaners simply are not capable to found all the unnecessary entries, that might be lurking in your registry.
  7. You can still live with the 512 kbit/s broadband connection. It's anyways far better than dial-up...
  8. Don't be envy about my connection. You still got quite decent speed/connection.
  9. Just noticed, that 2.0 Final does not clear my 'Windows\Temporary Internet Files' folder. Why is that? EDIT: Sorry it was my fault, because i got that "older than 48h..." option checked! --- Also noticed that after cleaning, CCleaner always re-creates my WinISO registry key?? I disabled WinISO cleaning as a "workaround". Also are those registry entries created by CCleaner 2.0? I don't remember seeing them there before...
  10. Just noticed, that 2.0 Final does not clear my 'Windows\Temporary Internet Files' folder. Why is that? EDIT: Sorry it was my fault, because i got that "older than 48h..." option checked! --- Also noticed that after cleaning, CCleaner always re-creates my WinISO registry key?? I disabled WinISO cleaning as a "workaround". Also are those registry entries created by CCleaner 2.0? I don't remember seeing them there before...
  11. Results seems to vary every time i use that test (with same server). I don't trust a bit of those online speed tests. Of course they give you some hint about speed. Anyway, here's my results with the recommened server (recommened server is in Tallinn (Estonia), even though i live in Finland): But like i said, results vary every time. This was the highest speed so far. Just tried again with the same server and here's the results. As you can see, they vary quite a lot!
  12. Andavari: Do you got 1Mb/512 connection?
  13. Wow, uninstalling of 1.40 version left lot of unused registry entries. I think this was the first time, when i uninstalled CCleaner before installing new version. Yes, this new GUI looks kinda little bit "heavy"...
  14. I have set program update to manual, so i get that notification, when a new program version is available.
  15. CeeCee


    Uninstall current graphic card drivers using 'ATI Uninstall Application' (C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\UninstallAll\AtiCimUn.exe). After reboot, install drivers from the CD, that came with the card.
  16. I got 8Mb/1Mb ADSL connection. My Telewell ADSL card software (ADSL Diagnostic Tools) shows: UP:896, DN:8064. I pay 49€ a month. Those speedtests are not very reliable. You get different results, with different tests and results may vary using same test.
  17. CeeCee


    By the way, check out the error codes 4385..4389 and try to figure out why Microsoft needs those.
  18. I use registry cleaner(s) everytime i uninstall (or install) something. Basicly that's when you should use them. I also use them sometimes, even when i'm not uninstalled or installed anything. IMO, using registry cleaners every day is unnecessary (unless you uninstall or install programs every day). Windows does not create invalid registry entries, if there's no any reason for that. If there always is some same entries, that always will be re-created, it's unneeded to delete them everytime.
  19. CeeCee


    Windows Error Messages Windows Error Messages is a very simple program for displaying - gasp! - Windows error messages. What that means is that you can either search message explanation by its number or browse the error list. Download: http://dukelupus.pri.ee/winerrors.php
  20. You can disable those pesky ports/services with this utility: http://www.firewallleaktester.com/wwdc.htm Most of the worms, in particular the most famous, use known vulnerabilities in Windows services which are enabled by default...Windows Worms Doors Cleaner allows you to close these services the worms rely on Note: Do not close NetBIOS or you might lose your internet connection. --- I have read, that 'Volume shadow copy' has something to do with backup, but not quite sure about it.
  21. There's some services that you should (absolutely) disable security wise.
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