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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. CeeCee

    Memory upgrade

    I currently got 1536Mb of RAM. Is there any point to add 512Mb? Will there be any (noticeable) difference?
  2. My Sygate Firewall is currently using about 6,5Mb. But along with it runs wmiprvse.exe and it's using about 4,7Mb. I don't know why wmiprvse.exe needs to run with Sygate...? It has been so since i upgraded my Sygate to 5.6.
  3. I really have not any reason to get Vista (at least any time soon). I'm happy with my XP Home.
  4. Yeah, it's a great little program. I have used it a couple of times.
  5. StickIt: http://www.singerscreations.com/AboutStickIt.asp
  6. Of course CCleaner clears the Clipboard, but if you want to check out the content of your Clipboard, here's how to do it: Go to Start>Run>type clipbrd>OK. You can clear the content by going to 'Edit' and "Delete". Or you can go to System32 folder, find clipbrd.exe and create a shortcut for faster accessing. This is pretty much useless information, but anyway...
  7. Without naming any bands, i like i.e. metal, rock & punk (not HC punk) music...
  8. Thanks, i updated to Update 3. In case that you got problems to uninstall Java via 'Add/Remove program' (it only gives option to Install), on below is how to uninstall it. I have used it 2 times and it works just fine. Here's the code (not made by me): @echo off echo Uninstalling Java Runtime Environment 1.6... IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02" msiexec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160020} IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01" msiexec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160010} IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0" msiexec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160000} Paste that to Notepad and save it, i.e. as java.bat. Then double click it to remove Java from your system. After that install latest version of Java.
  9. CeeCee


    Very important files concerning of software functionality.
  10. Regular or Pro, it's still IE... There are better alternatives around you know, like Opera and Firefox.
  11. I bought Fellowes Screen Wipes some time ago and noticed this same thing. I don't really like it either, but i can life with that. I think that it might help a little, if you always use some dry cloth right after you have used that wet cleaning wipe.
  12. If folders are Windows created and empty, there's no need to remove them. I think that they might be re-created after system reboot, if you delete them. Not sure though... Windows also creates a bunch of empty registry keys. And about Common Files folder... If you are sure that folder is not used by any program anymore, it is safe to delete. If you have i.e. uninstalled RealPlayer, 'Real' folder is then safe to delete (if it's not deleted automatically).
  13. Even when you got decent up-to-date AV, you should sometimes use i.e. some online virus scanners, to be sure that your real-time protection hasn't let anything through...
  14. Don't know about that, but there's a bug in SP2, so that connection icon is sometimes showed on the system tray, even though that option is disabled from the Network settings.
  15. CeeCee


    It's good to be well protected, but it's not necessary, if there's not really need for that... Why you should life in a bomb shelter, if there's not going to be a war any time soon... I mean that, if i would have constant problems with internet nasties and so on, i probably could use Sandboxie, but i do not got constant problems...
  16. I don't got MS Office. I can safely delete all the founded entries with those two jv16 PowerTools cleaners and with CCleaner. With RegSeeker i can't do that. With RS, i have to be careful what to delete.
  17. CeeCee


    Sandboxie is good to have, but i personally don't found it totally necessary. For me using safe browser (Opera) and up-to-date AV is enough. I also got 3rd-party firewall and SpywareBlaster. After those, Sandboxie would be a little "over the top" protection.
  18. I don't use it either, because i use Ad Muncher and Opera's build-in Ad blocker. + it doesn't work with Opera. Anyway, i don't think that many people know this feature about Flash Player... It was surprise for me also.
  19. You can launch RealPlayer without that mediabrowser.
  20. I just found out, that you can actually stop Flash Player from loading "floating Flash ads", by editing Flash Player own settings. Here's how to do it: Flash Player settings are stored in to .sol file, so you need an .sol Editor to view/modify those settings. After you have installed it, go to following path; C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\. Double click settings.sol to open it with .sol Editor. Go to windowlessDisable and check the 'Value' option. Then go to 'File' menu and select "Save". I tested it and it works with IE, but Opera does not obey that setting. Don't know about Firefox...
  21. Ups!! Horrible typo. I fixed it.
  22. Congratulations Andavari! With over 5800 messages, you deserve moderator status.
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