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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Try this tweak: You can disable those annoying balloon tips that keep popping up in Windows XP with the following Windows XP registry hack: Hive: HKEY_CURRENT_USER Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Name: EnableBalloonTips Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0 disables tips source
  2. Test your browser for vulnerabilities: http://bcheck.scanit.be/bcheck/ Scanit's Browser Security Test automatically checks your browser for various security problems. Just ran a test with my Opera 9.22. It did 40 test and 0 vulnerabilities found.
  3. Thunderbird is also now available.
  4. Same here, i don't like it either.
  5. Those icon text "boxes" are blue because you got blue desktop under wallpaper. You can change boxes to transparent by right clicking My computer, selecting Properties, then go to Advanced tab. Click "Settings" on Performance area and check "Use Drop Shadows for Icon Labels". Hit OK and OK.
  6. CeeCee

    MS DOS 6.2

    Could you give a screenshot of those icons/content of that CD?
  7. Yes, i'm also mentioned it here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...iew=getlastpost Btw, funny co-incidence. I wrote that Opera message today 09:43 AM and this message 09:43 PM . EDIT: hazelnut, it's always good to give link to official download site. http://www.opera.com/download/
  8. By the way, final version of 9.22 is now released: http://www.opera.com/download/ This release is a recommended security upgrade. Changelog
  9. No, but i believe HOSTS file.
  10. CeeCee

    MS DOS 6.2

    Take a look at this screenshot from Command Prompt: http://xs217.xs.to/xs217/07286/Clipboadsrd01.jpg I have first changed drive letter to match my cd-drive. With command cd <folder name>, i can access sub-folder (if any). With just command dir, you see what files are in the current drive/folder, i.e. H: dir. If there's in example file demo, you can start it just using that file name.
  11. I don't got that "EnableAutoLayout" value in registry. XP SP2.
  12. CeeCee

    MS DOS 6.2

    So you can't browse that cd by double clicking CD-drive?
  13. CeeCee

    MS DOS 6.2

    So? EDIT: Did it worked?
  14. CeeCee

    MS DOS 6.2

    Try to launch program via command prompt. Start -Run, type cmd. If it doesn't open with cmd, use that DOS 6.2. In cmd, you first have to change drive to your CD-drive, typing in example e:. If software is in sub-folder, type cd <name of the folder> (i.e. cd features). Then type name of the program you wanna start, i.e. demo.
  15. I just upgraded from 1.6.0 to 1.6.0 Update 2 few days ago.
  16. 1% is enough. Though, i got SR disabled completely. As it says in site what hazelnut posted: Setting the "Initial size" and "Maximum size" to the same values increases efficiency and performance since Windows does not have to manage re-sizing the swap file. Disabling pagefile is even better, because then Windows don't have to read and write to hard disk all time, but keeping all the data in system memory. This requires that you got enough system ram.
  17. Thumbrule is to set pagefile 1.5X of your system memory. So if you got 512Mb of memory, you set pagefile to 768.
  18. It can be cleared, not deleted. Well, 98 is whole another story... I haven't got any problems with pagefile disabled in my XP. I got 1536Mb of ram.
  19. Yes, it could be that too. It might be in variable size. It's good to lock pagefile to one size to increase performance. Even better to disable it completely, if you got plenty of ram.
  20. If you got XP, run chkdsk. Right click target drive, choose Properties, go to 'Tools' tab. On 'Error checking' click "Check now", then check first option and hit Start. If prompted to reboot, do so.
  21. Scanning puts drive under little stress, so it (maybe) can affect your hard drives health and age.
  22. Why so often? Do you use real-time protection? Do you scan with other AV-apps or online-scanners?
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