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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. CeeCee

    Thunderbird 2

    When you uninstall Thunderbird, you don't lose messages, add-ons or settings. Just uninstall TB from 'Add/Remove program' and then install new version. *Just don't manually delete C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Thunderbird folder, because there those add-ons etc. are stored.*
  2. CeeCee

    Thunderbird 2

    Yeah, i misunderstood your message. I didn't first observed that it actually skipped those 0.1-0.3 versions.
  3. CeeCee

    Thunderbird 2

    *this message can be removed*
  4. CeeCee

    Thunderbird 2

    Thunderbird is released: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/ What's New in Thunderbird Release Date: June 14th, 2007 - Security Update: The following security issues have been fixed: MFSA 2007-15 Security Vulnerability in APOP Authentication MFSA 2007-12 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv: - New Language: Korean is now available.
  5. Can i trust JKDefrag anymore? What if there's gonna be major bug in some release, that can mess up my files/system? Is JKDefrag reliable anymore...?
  6. New update again: http://www.kessels.com/JkDefrag/index.html JkDefrag v3.15 (June 14, 2007) Changes: - Added extra breakpoints so the program will quit faster. - Added special exception for Acronis OS Selector files. - Changes to facilitate Delphi programmers. All callbacks are now CDECL. - Added a Pascal example program.
  7. CeeCee

    Regseeker 1.55

    Version 1.55 - Introducing Vista support (you will need to elevate UAC) ! - Improved backup/restore functions (double-click for opening in regedit) - Integrated Exclusion list editor with Import option - Fix issue with StreamMRU cleaning (quicklaunch/desktop icons reorganization) - Safer registry cleaning results - some crashes fixed
  8. CeeCee

    AdAware 2007

    Just installed AdAware 2007 and not quite happy with it. Why it starts to scan all the program files folders, even with SMART scan and that aawservice.exe service thing is not good. EDIT: Is it taking that amount of memory, even when service is not running? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also checked with Autoruns program and there was a new entry (i think it's new..) under "bootexecute" named lsdelete.exe. Is it created by AdAware 2007? EDIT: Yes, it seems to be installed with AA2007. http://www.windowsbbs.com/showthread.php?t=64898. I think it's for deleting files at Windows start-up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok. I uninstalled it. Wasn't very pleased with it.
  9. Noticed that DivX encoded videos are generally lower quality than XviD videos, especially when there's (a lot of) movement in the picture.
  10. Use Opera. It's most secure browser. http://www.opera.com/download/
  11. Thank god, that in Finland we don't got big spiders like that.
  12. Sorry, but it's really not your business to know why. Don't answer with question to question.
  13. I mean tab bar without any tabs. But in IE you can't close the one that's always there.
  14. I'm not an IE user (i use Opera), but i want know, is it possible to close that one tab, that is always there? In Opera there's option "allow window with no tabs" for that.
  15. Thunderbird is basicly my primary email. I also got several web-email accounts. Thunderbird is very good email program.
  16. For me, when i click "Play Demo", download dialog window opens. I can then open files in Media Player Classic, that can play swf files. http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Media_Player_Classic.htm Download that (no installation needed). Open program and go to 'View' - 'Options'. Choose 'Formats' and check "Shockwave Flash File". Seems that you can't use flash plugin with Opera for those type of swf files.
  17. Don't you mean Flash Player? http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=ShockwaveFlash
  18. Go to: Tools - Preferences - Advanced. Then choose 'Downloads'. Find swf file type from the list and select "Edit". Make sure that "Use plugin" is marked and there's "Shockwave Flash" selected. Hit OK twice.
  19. Opera users probably already know this, but version 9.21 is released. http://www.opera.com/download/ Changelog: http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/windows/921/
  20. Why is that? Colors?
  21. Ad-aware (not commercial, but otherwise my #1). I used to scan quite often, but now a days i scan just every now and then. Why? Because i realized, that i can really trust my system (to be crap-free). Crap really don't get through, if you use safe browser like Opera (or FF), and when you don't install suspicious programs. Of course you also have to use up-to-date antivirus and firewall. Trust your system, if you really know that you can trust it. If your scans always comes up with clean result, then you know that you can trust your system. If your antispyware program always or often founds something crappy, your system is not safe or your actions are not safe. So first: make your system safe!
  22. http://xs115.xs.to/xs115/07202/desk35jhj2.jpg
  23. Opera rules the world. Opera is best browser around. IE is the worst browser.
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