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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. File name in AVG Anti-Rootkit for AVG7 Clean Driver is AvgArCln.sys. Pay a tension to file name. Service entry name (or something like that) for Anti-Rootkit is AvgArCln. AvgAsCln must be for Antispyware and AvgClean for Antivirus. It's a different file for each app, only description is the same.
  2. I don't got AVG Antivirus -or Spyware. Those two files came for me with that AVG Anti-rootkit. Of course i cannot say, if those other AVG programs uses that same file also...
  3. I don't think, that you need to scan very often, if you got reliable up-to-date Antivirus real-time protection. I trust my Avast real-time and scan sometimes with couple of different online-scanners, like McAfee and E-Trust. It's good to use i.e. those online-scanners to see, if your real-time protection is let something through. It's needless to scan every day or even every week or month. It's just too paranoid and tells that you don't trust your system (to it be safe).
  4. Just delete 'em. I think you can delete all that CCleaner founds. It's kinda safe in these things.
  5. From this link: http://research.pandasoftware.com/blogs/im...AntiRootkit.zip Site: http://research.pandasoftware.com/blogs/re...t-Released.aspx Why? What it was about Avast, that you got sick of?
  6. Panda Antirootkit crashes on me, when it's scanning registry. I get error "memory could not be written". ?? I got XP SP2. EDIT: Others got also problems with 1.08. http://research.pandasoftware.com/blogs/re...rsion-1.07.aspx Andrew, cham44, Jack, Sam and the rest of you running into problems with 1.08 during the registry scan, I have uploaded version 1.07 to http://research.pandasoftware.com/blogs/im...ootkit-1.07.zip. Please try running 1.07 but still send me the details of your machine and installed applications to pbustamante'at'pandasoftware.com. That 1.07 works fine.
  7. Just download AutoRuns. Launch Autoruns.exe and go to "Drivers" tab. Uncheck "AVG Anti-Rootkit driver" and "AVG7 Clean Driver". Then just close AutoRuns program. Of course you can't use AVG Anti-Rootkit after that. When you want use it again, just check those drivers and reboot Windows.
  8. AVG Anti-Rootkit installs two driver (.sys) files to system32/drivers folder and they are loaded to memory every time when Windows is booted. I don't like it very much. I scanned once with AVG AR and then stopped them from loading with AutoRuns.
  9. I just few days ago installed that AVG Anti-Rootkit program. There's also i.e. F-Secure Blacklight and RootkitRevealer. I think it's good to scan for rootkits once a while, just to be sure.
  10. Maybe all of you don't know, that you can control your Flash Player settings from here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/document..._manager07.html
  11. It's not about the amount of posts, it's about the quality of posts. Though don't say, that my all post are quality ones.
  12. Ok, so that was for Intel processors. I got AMD.
  13. What update you got for XP? I didn't got any.
  14. You have posted like crazy.
  15. For me, there was just that malware removal tool.
  16. Flash Player 9,0,47,0 is released: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=ShockwaveFlash Release Notes Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Flash Player that could allow an attacker who successfully exploits these potential vulnerabilities to take control of the affected system. Security bulletin
  17. I don't think that is very good idea. It's always good to know, what's happening in your task bar and when it's always there, it's more quicker to use it.
  18. You got almost same amount of posts just in couple of months, than i got in about 2 years. Come on, you will be Power Member soon with that posting tempo.
  19. I think it's gonna take loooong time to me being a Power Member.
  20. I think it's just amount of posts. I'm Advanced Member also with 193 posts. There's a big gap between Advanced Member and next level after that, because i've seen members with over 400 posts still as Advanced Members. EDIT: Ok, that clears things out.
  21. I also use Sygate and really like it. Ran Steve Gibson's Shields UP! test many times and always got 100% stealth mode status, also with that longer test. I got disabled Windows build-in firewall.
  22. Tunerz: Lot of icons on desktop really ruins the look and hides the wallpaper. Make a folder to desktop and put icons there. Put to quicklaunch bar programs (only couple of) that you use frequently. JohnDemolition: I got a tip for you: Change desktop color to black, so desktop icons text box will be transparent.
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