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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. They also contain the hash to compare the install of update and make sure the update recieved has the same make-up as the update sent by microsoft and pulled from multiple internet machines by default in windows 10, thus p2p as mentioned in the link you provided. Again Microsoft says anything remove from the \installer folder could/will break update and/or Windows Add/Remove Programs Please read and take seriously the following links https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2667628 http://blogs.technet.com/b/joscon/archive/2012/01/18/can-you-safely-delete-files-in-the-windir-installer-directory.aspx
  2. My guess is the hash are not safe to remove as they may break Windows Update and/or future updates.
  3. any links for us to learn what either SourceHash or Wix are for (it would help so we can decide on the junkiness of the removed)
  4. Windows 10 pushed a update after the Fall TH2 (which was the install/update that broke many programs, of which ccleaner is one) which may or may not be the reason the install works when it initially wouldn't shortly after the update
  5. There isn't (or Pro either). microsoft doesn't want update removal since it can break future updating to remove them
  6. Or it could be that you are a rash actor and didn't take the time to actually look at what you are removing with, what is considered throughout the internet as, one of the most gentle registry cleaners made; heavens forbid that you try to use some of the competitors and see how wrecked a pc really can get from not using registry cleaning best practices. Read my signature, then, if you can calm down a bit, actually describe what occurred, what you removed, whether you took the backup advice that ccleaner presented you. Please include your windows version, the version number of ccleaner and any other needed items.
  7. MAC recuva? I was not aware there was one, especially since Macintosh computers don't use exe's
  8. No, but the current files/installations may make the files you want less likely to be recovered as part/all of a file may be over written
  9. Because flash memory fragments differently. You dont defragment it you optimize it. I thought defragler did optimization now but I can't confirm/refute that at this point in time
  10. Remeber that 99% of warnings are ignored or misunderstood by users. A warning is only shown once (when the user makes a checkmark in the entry). A warning does not and should not excuse bad behavior (such as removal of settings) in the case of public winapp2.ini entries (what the developers do is out of my hands but this thread isn't).
  11. Host file blocks have always been preferable to be, I've never needed adblock subscriptions and I haven't seen an ad of the web since I started using MSVP host file
  12. Eset should not be flagging the pro version, as the pro version doesn't bundle Google offer. Please submit the pro installer exe to Eset as a false positive.
  13. Snap, my second edit was going to say that, I had to pull me image and reedit it, by the time I finished I forgot to add that warning.
  14. Yes, it is doing it's best to identify if your device is rooted. I'm not sure how it does with the new "systemless" root, however, unless that means something to you, you don't need to worry about that. Example, my Nexus 6 on Android Lollipop has been rooted
  15. Looks for my biscuits, cries when they are found to be gone
  16. "Latest" means nothing. However it's likely chrome is still up in the background, make sure you've read and followed http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=40285
  17. Just to make sure, is that the whole log? If so try to uncheck edge and see if the crash still happens. This will help discern if the crash is due to edge cleaning.
  18. Please run ccleaner (the latest build, v5.12.5431 - 24 Nov 2015) in debug mode and recreate the crash. You can find instructions on debug mode at the top of the bug report forum http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=37347 When you've recreated it in a debug please post the resulting log here in this thread.
  19. Please don't delete the info in posts, it makes little sense for future visitors, pretty much the same reason we don't delete accounts. But the content in your profile (signature, about, website, etcetera) go ahead and remove the content Good catch
  20. Sorry, accounts are not removed from this site, your best bet is to change your password and forget about it
  21. Not sure what you mean by what SW, the poster is asking about ccleaner's duplication finder. I'd help but have never even looked at the tool, it's a quite powerful/dangerous-if-done-without-forethought thing to use
  22. The pipe means that versions on the pipe side will not work I believe, but may be wrong, you want |10.0
  23. it allows programs which are written in .net to not have to bundle the entire library in themselves basically the same as the MS visual C (but different languages). I believe the .net language also allows the programs to better interact with windows itself.
  24. @CSGalloway not every temp file has the same weight. On top of that you have been involved in this thread long enough to know how to properly make and submit an entry and what you gave here is not that. Just glancing at your list i see at least one winsxs entry; please see my reply in @trium's latest thread explaining why sxs isn't supposed to be touched by anything but official windows tools. The last that you asked about is likely for Java
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