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Everything posted by hazelnut

  1. Pm recieved okay, sent you one back
  2. Have you tried the event viewer?
  3. Is it named like I said with .reg on the end? If not try renaming it to have the .reg ending. Have a read here http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=12952
  4. hazelnut


    Open CCleaner, options>cookies and highlight wanted cookie which is in the 'to delete' column and send to the 'to keep' column using the middle arrow. You may have to visit the sites again first.
  5. Click once on the version you want and then click "download this version" arrow above it. You can tell it's a different version in the "download this version" as the amounts change for the download size according to the version chosen
  6. Info here http://news.softpedia.com/news/Avast-Forum...isk-70378.shtml
  7. Older builds are listed on the right. http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  8. Some unusual American patents http://www.totallyabsurd.com/archive.htm
  9. Ahhh, that explains why so many people from Liverpool keep tropical fish
  10. Done. I feel so sad for the families, all those young people losing their lives.
  11. Are you using xp or vista? The backup is kept by default in my documents and will look like a piece of white paper with blue blocks on it. It should have something like cc_2071106_2110.reg beside it.
  12. If you go to options>cookies and highlight a cookie you want to keep in the 'cookies to delete', to the 'cookies to keep' column via the arrow in the centre, this should remember the sites you want then. You may have to visit them again to get them in the list if you have cleaned them out! Also have a read here for more info about CCleaner http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  13. I think we can let andreasm off with that culla, English isn't his first language
  14. hazelnut


    I have mine set on 30 days and don't have a problem (not yet anyway!) Does anyone else have this problem?
  15. Have a read of these, they may or may not help http://www.tabletquestions.com/windows-xp/...esn-t-work.html http://www.tabletquestions.com/windows-xp/...-fail-work.html
  16. Do you install over the top of the last one? Have you tried not having check for updates ticked? Vista or xp?
  17. Read here http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...amp;#entry89080 from post number 9
  18. What was the name of the program you used to make the backups with? Don't know which version of vista you have but there are plenty of tips about how to take ownership of files in vista so that you can delete them and not get the access denied thing. Such as this for vista64 http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/67717-ta...rship-file.html and here http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2204/vista_...hip_system_file
  19. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=r0x0rz
  20. Until another post from someone, you could have a look at all the specs here, also links here to use guides, drivers etc. http://www.viewsonic.com/products/lcdtv/NX2232w/#specs Looks nice
  21. Also try renaming the files before trying to delete.
  22. Did you try what has worked for many vista users, right-clicking the CCleaner desktop icon and choosing run as administrator.
  23. hazelnut

    Same thing?

    Use this site for download, http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds CCleaner is free.
  24. Well spotted mushu I must have had my wrong glasses on!
  25. hazelnut

    Gas gauge

    This is the kind of info that the world needs Humpty. As you say Humpty, why hasn't anyone told us?
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