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Everything posted by hazelnut

  1. Look at the very, very bottom of the forum page. On the left hand side a drop down box, CCleaner styles.
  2. Not using netzero or firefox means I cannot really help much. Only thing I have read about, is if this started after installing firefox (or upgrading) have you told your firewall to allow it. Also is your former ISP fully uninstalled so that the computer is not confused as to which connection it should allow. Have a look in network connections and make sure any old isp has all options turned off.
  3. Is the backup that is made still a .reg file ppod? Have a read here http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=12952 If you are xp you could try the reg association repair here. http://www.dougknox.com/xp/file_assoc.htm
  4. hazelnut

    Lost emails

    It's sad that you have had to lose things in order to learn about the problems that can happen with .dbx files. What you have learnt, and this thread, may help others.
  5. Well your worries are over http://www.mediashak.com/index.php?main_pa...roducts_id=1607 Not sure what to get the wife for Xmas? So handy! http://www.mediashak.com/index.php?main_pa...products_id=847 Lots of fun things to have a bit of a smile at on this site.
  6. Are you xp or vista? Have you tried uninstalling and then perhaps installing the slim build from here? http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds
  7. Just had a very quick look and they seem to be different products.
  8. Ahhh, I see now where it could be confusing. As if you click on download on that page, and then other builds, you get to the page I showed with the portable link in it. I will make enquiries
  9. Okay Culla, lets get things sorted here I have no idea why your original link wasn't posted, or if it was removed. From your first post in this thread it wasn't clear that you were asking for reassurance that it was a legit download from that site. My post was just to keep you, and others, informed as to where CCleaner's own download site was. I am not sure as to what pinned message you are referring to, what site is it on Culla? I'm sure rdsok wasn't being overly critical, perhaps just making a remark based on the amount of info he had from this thread.
  10. hazelnut

    Lost emails

    A couple of links for you, the first is just info, (but still worth a read) http://www.insideoe.com/files/store.htm Not sure how well this will work as I have never used it, but it's free http://www.snapfiles.com/reviews/OE_Reader/dbxviewer.html
  11. Fracisco, if you look here at webroots Spanish site, the firewall isn't mentioned (I think!) http://www.webroot.com/es/index.php But if you change the country by the drop-down box on the top right of the page to USA or UK, it is mentioned for those countries.
  12. Why don't you give a link so he can read it? Here you go Dansan http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  13. When CCleaner is installed do options>settings>there are the boxes you mean, I think. Not actually too sure what it is you want.
  14. hazelnut

    Lost emails

    There was a post a while back here that MAY help, and it mentions recuva http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...;hl=.dbx+emails
  15. That build, and others, are available on CCleaner's own download page. http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds
  16. Mentions those two programs here, perhaps it's to do with zone settings? (scroll down) http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...0/security.aspx
  17. Well...... in an interesting way http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Firefox
  18. hazelnut

    bad allocation

    A couple of posts about this http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=12807 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=12746
  19. Just in case you have, can you check and make sure you don't have 'Close program after cleaning' ticked in options>advanced. If not what version are you running and are you xp or vista.
  20. My best paid for software is First Defence-Instant System Rescue. It allows me to boot into a snapshot even when windows won't boot or my other snapshots are totally screwed up.
  21. Any chance you could do a screenshoot of what you are talking about?
  22. The green alternative http://www.spodesabode.com/content/article/cardboard
  23. Hello Steve and welcome to the forum. I think for CCleaner to go the full distance and act as a system restore would be asking a lot of a free small program. However just in case you didn't realise, when you do an 'issues' clean you are offered the choice of making a backup of the registry entries you have cleaned. This is saved by default in 'my documents' and the entries can be restored to the registry by right-clicking on the backup and choosing merge. In case you haven't seen the beginners guide, here it is http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
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