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Everything posted by rridgely

  1. I haven't tried it(I uninstalled chrome in about 20min) but I just heard that it can make web apps like google mail, google docs, ect. offline programs(the same idea as google gears). If I used those services then I would maybe use it just for that.
  2. Sorry, I probably did(you can still post in it.) I was reading a post in this part of the forum and then noticed those topics again and remembered that I meant to restart them.
  3. I think the whole album is good. Its definitely not as creative or inventive as his last album(Smile) but it doesn't sound as antiquated either(that one was basically finished in the 60's though). In a lot of people's eyes hes on the same level as the beatles (not me) so its interesting to see what a recording artist who changed the game back the(pet sounds is amazing to this day) can do with todays technology. He went for a stripped down simple vibe and it worked great. I hope this album sells well because I would like to hear more! Oh and if your in the US I got it at target for under $10.
  4. A new one from the mastermind behind the beach boys was just released. Its called Lucky Old Sun. I'm not sure if anyone here would be interested but I've just been listening to this album like crazy! I'm not even a huge fan of the beach boys and there are a few songs on here that I cant stop listening too. Its a throwback to 60's beach music(no surprise there I guess) but hes on his own on this one. His voice isn't as strong as it once was but the music is fun and infinitely appealing to listen too. I'm a little surprised that I like this so much. You cant hear whole songs but you can get a pretty good feel for it here: http://free.napster.com/view/album/index.html?id=12915041 Check out morning beat, if I had to pick a single that would be it. Dont listen to the naratives or you will think I'm crazy. Oh and california role is a fun song that you can listen to all the way through. The whole album is great though.
  5. I cant believe people are actually praising this thing. I think the google name is blinding them from the truth. The interface of this browser is such crap that I cant imagine anyone trying to do serious web surfing on it. Seriously... you cant change the homepage.. you can only have it load additional pages? Not to mention there is no search bar, menu bar, or.... options! Oh and its just a beta right? Well your also forgetting that just about everything google does stays in beta pretty much forever so its not getting better any time soon. If you like this then you probably would like safari because in my view they both make the same mistakes. (but at least you can make safari work the way you want it and not the way google does.) Oh and there is also this if your a conspiracy theorist: http://gizmodo.com/5044871/google-chrome-e...posts-to-emails
  6. Surprisingly its based on webkit(safari) and not firefox. Its pretty useless feature wise but it seems fast. Its sort of like going back a step in functionality even from IE6. It has tabs but that doesn't make up for all the stuff it doesn't have.
  7. Anyone else try it yet? Its really ugly. Programs should not use their own window borders. Also where is the menu bar? Yeah this browser is pretty awful, I would rather use IE6 than this...
  8. Another month, another thread to show off your marginally different desktops... Ok I'm kidding but lets see some crazy stuff this time, you people are starting to bore me. Oh and DennisD won the poll last month(I personally think he cheated but thats just me...). Step it up so he cant cheat this month too!
  9. Its probably going to be a rebranded firefox. They have been heavily involved with firefox from what I've read. Do we really need another browser? I know I dont.
  10. This should be read by anyone who is reformatting before upgrading to sp3: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/943144 Basically you need to reboot after upgrading windows update and before you install sp3, otherwise you wont be able to install new updates without reregistering a few dlls.
  11. Check this out: http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/inde...k-n-roll-train/ I didnt even know they were making an album! The song is pretty rockin. Classic AC/DC through and through.
  12. rridgely

    desktops 1.0

    I thought this was interesting: http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/downloads/2224860/desktops Its a virtual desktops program. MS already had one in the xp power toys page but its pretty awful(to me anyway) plus it would save its data in temp folders that CCleaner would wipe out. I dont know if this one does that too or not but its supposedly made by the sysinternals team(autoruns, process explorer, ect) so its probably pretty good. If you try it let us know what you think.
  13. I didnt say make a all flash site with tons of animations or anything. I'm just saying dont stick up a site with all square buttons thats basically just a graphical database. For instance take a look at file hippo, I would say its every bit as easy to find what you want on there as it is on the above site yet its not nearly as boring/ugly. Same thing for gizmo's site. http://www.filehippo.com/ http://www.techsupportalert.com/ Its not only how it looks but how the information is presented. I think its actually easier to find what you want and if its been updated on file hippo than it is on the "list of lists". I think gizmo's site makes it easier to compare the programs. What does this "list of lists" do better than either of those or what does it do uniquely? Now if you want to criticize for bad over designed lets just talk about download.com's new layout. Yikes.
  14. This list is odd... its a little bit of everything yet it leaves off obvious areas as well. Its freeware and shareware which is fine but for instance on ashampoo they make no notice of the free version. Its not a bad list but to be honest if someone asks "hey whats a site with good software" I'm probably going to send them to filehippo(since its basically just good software anyway) or maybe the gizmo site(or any of the other 100 freeware/recommended software sites). Its not a bad list of stuff its just a little bit of an odd mix and lets be honest, could he have made it any less exciting looking? I'm just throwing out suggestions since maybe you know whoever put this up? Basically do something different!
  15. Yeah that headline is a little misleading. Sort of implies that siteadvisor is spyware...
  16. rridgely

    IE 8 Beta 2

    Sorry I didnt mention what actually makes it useful, the live bookmarks. In IE the rss reader is just like every other one, it just takes you to a blank page with stories(I never got the point of this..) with FF and its live bookmarks I get a drop down menu that lets me quickly skim the stories and pick the ones I want. Its completely changed the way I browse the net to some degree.
  17. rridgely

    IE 8 Beta 2

    To be honest IE7 pro isn't really missing any of the features I like about Firefox. The only thing holding me back is...(I cant believe I'm about to admit this...) THE FREAKING BOOKMARK BAR. I used to hate that thing with a passion and now its one of my most used features. To be honest I dont really like FF3 at all. Its got a couple of bugs that have been driving me wild(crashes, bad downloads, not loading stuff in new tabs/have to reload to get the page to display). I tried opera but its got some funky stuff where drop down menus dont display right on some sites and certain types of sites dont work at all or very badly.
  18. I was browsing around the forum to see what I missed the last few weeks and I noticed something... Those polls at the top of this forum are 3 years old! I dont know about the rest of the regulars but it doesn't seem like its been that long to me. Anyway I know I'm certainly not using the same software I was 3 years ago. Maybe we should restart the 2 polls? I figured if we get a general consensus that this is a good idea then I would do it.
  19. rridgely

    IE 8 Beta 2

    I haven't tried it. Is the interface any different?
  20. I dont like firefox anymore. I used the latest release of opera for a few days too and I had problems with it displaying sites funky so I cant use it either. For now I'm still using a mix of FF3 and IE7 with pro installed. If FF3 crashes or anything one more time I'm dropping it.
  21. My guide for the windows firewall is this: Make sure its on in the security center and when you get on public wifi make sure you have either the "allow no exceptions" box checked or the file sharing one unchecked.
  22. I dont mind toolbars as long as they are optional. If your just randomly installing stuff without making sure what it is than a toolbar from a legit program probably isn't going to be your worst outcome.
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