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Everything posted by rridgely

  1. Right now the big problem(and probably will be until we are all dead and gone) is the issue of who can have nuclear weapons. Who's responsibility is it to make sure that people like Kim Jong Ill or the guy from iran(I'm not going to attempt to spell it) doesn't get them? Right now we seem to be taking that responsibility and it seems to be making us look bad, however when anything bad happens in the world who does the affected party want help from? The good ol USA of course. We cant sit back and let them get them because once they do, it will be too late. The problem with the banks wasn't from deregulation though. It started with social groups pressuring the banks to give loans to "under privileged" individuals who surprise surprise, couldn't pay it back.(I'll have to look up the name of the bill that they had passed for this) Now they did a lot of other stuff like selling them in groups and other stuff that, I've tried to understand and probably never will but the gist of it is that people were living outside their means and it bit them in the ass. Tough luck, I think they should have let them go under. I'm still a little surprised the Dems were able to say that this was the republican's fault. They had congressional hearings right before all of this started with freddie may/fannie mac and they came to the (wrong) conclusion that everything would be fine. They are more to blame on this issue than anyone. I would say I'm financially conservative and socially a little bit more liberal. For instance I dont think abortion should be illegal but I do think its wrong.(except in cases where the mothers health is in jeopardy and rape victims) The republicans shot themselves on the foot by trying to talk about the same old things instead of going at what they really should have been(the economy). ----- McKinney was a representative of my state and we voted her out. She went around making some pretty crazy speeches about how we were all racist and biggots for a few months after that and then she found her place among the rest of the crazies in the green party.
  2. I can see how outsiders can see the US as a bully but on a lot of levels(I disagree but understand), but what exactly do you think is broken(I assume your referring to domestic issues). I'm not going to pretend to know anything about your or any other countries domestic issues, so I'm interested to see what exactly your talking about if that's what you mean...
  3. Do you mean McKinney? If so, she is a nut. (shes one of those folks who believes 9/11 was an inside job.) The problems the US faces with the economy were not the fault of the republicans. Its the banks themselves who engaged in risky behavior that has lead to all of this crap that we are facing right now(and is leaking onto the rest of the worlds economies as well). Obama claims that hes going to spend trillions of dollars when we are in a full blown recession as it is. Where is that money going to come from?
  4. This election is one of the most incredible things we've ever done on multiple levels. We just elected the first black president, that is incredible. However we just elected a one term senator who spent 2 years of that time running for president. That was incredibly stupid. I think obama is a good man overall but his ideas are going to run the country into even greater financial problems than we already have. If you think just because you make less than 250k that your taxes wont be going up than you are in for a rude awakening. On inauguration day I think I may just quit my job and live off the government for the next 4 years seeing as how everything will be "free".
  5. That is the pc manufacturer not MS. I know dell will give you a windows cd for like 10 bucks if you click that option when you buy a pc from them. The grass is always greener on the other side. I know lots of people who have problems with the newest version of OSX. Its not as stable as people seem to think. (its a myth that it never crashes, same with linux) Macs are cool from a design stand point but they have some very bad disadvantages. 1. Closed hardware, your stuck with what apple gives you. 2. price- they cost sometimes as much as $1000 more for the same specs. 3. No games if thats your thing. 4. Not supported by many hardware accessories like mp3 players. Fine if you want to be all apple all the time, I guess. I took a class where I was forced to use a mac, I quickly found that it wasn't for me.
  6. They wont keep xp because of money. I imagine its expensive to keep having to back port security fixes, ect for xp and vista. So if they can get everyone on vista then they dont have to do as much work. Most of the stuff I've read on windows 7 is that it will basically be vista a la carte. People will have more control over what they can install/uninstall. I think MS will always have the number 1 os but they are starting to acknowledge that OSes may be on the down side as a whole withing the next 10-15 years.(thats what google is pushing for anyway) thats why they are doing stuff like live mesh and the online version of office that they just announced.
  7. They want a stripped version so they can put it on netbooks. That market is becoming huge and vista simply wont run on those machines. If they are truly ending xp then they have to have something to put on those machines, or linux truly will make its way into the average home.
  8. That program has actually been around for a while, they didn't have an English version for a long time though. I think your better off just scanning individually instead of using that. Plus you dont need to use eight different tools, just pick one or two and if that doesn't work, ask for help.
  9. I got them from here: http://www.hamaddarwish.com/winvista.html Its the zip file link. He is the guy who made vista's stock wall papers, those are ones that MS didn't want to use so he is offering them for free.
  10. Yeah running the network wizard is the easiest way. I'm not up on how it works on vista but with xp you just have to make sure that all of the computers have the same work group name and that you choose to enable printer/file sharing on the computer that has the drives/printers hooked to it.(you will then have to right click and enable sharing on all the drives/folders that you want to be shared.) Process above explained: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/n...up/homenet.mspx How to share a printer: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/n...cutt_july2.mspx Your going to have to figure vista out on your own though.
  11. Yeah but it would be quicker to just type them than to have to open a notepad file and then copy the pass and then the username. Why not just have whatever browser you use save the login info, or just have CCleaner not remove its cookie(what I do).
  12. Have you tried it? I'm not touching beta FF right now. 3 is finally kinda acting right finally. I haven't had any blank loaded pages or bad downloads in a while.
  13. Is this a new reference to nerds or something? I've seen you say this about apple users too. I think spending hours on a forum posting about antivirus updates is a little nerdy too so I'm not sure if you want to go there. (I cant really talk either with my countless amount of waisted time but I'm just sayin...) I will say that linux isn't only for the nerds as much as it once was. I've seen countless little eeepcs around campus being used by the trendy set. There are some based on xp but I've seen a good amount of the linux ones too. I thought about getting one to keep from dragging around my behomth of a laptop around but I think I'm just going to wait and get a nice ultra portable instead once I have the cash.(hoping the prices will come down a bit too though)
  14. I gave up linux long before I saw that. The fact that it kills HDs was just the nail in the coffin. All of my computers already have windows so switching meant that I went from an OS that was stable and had all the software I needed to one that wasn't and had the same software. The only non free software I use is MS office and before I had that I used openoffice so I'm fine with it too. But why use an unstable system for no reason? I really had a lot of issues with ubuntu in particular because their updates would cause all kinds of issues. Gnome was a nuisance too with things not loading/panels crashing. It just wasn't worth the hassle.
  15. You need to be careful running ubuntu(or any other linux) on a laptop. It causes a lot of stress on the hard drive.(has a lot of different factors and is hard to explain) but basically look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=805570 Basically the power management settings in ubuntu could make your hard drive die way quicker than it should. That was one of the many reasons I gave up on linux.
  16. I know my linksys router has a setting related to not having to dial up with dsl. If this just started happening out of the blue then I would think its something to do with that. Let me know if you get that pop up without the router. My guess is that maybe your IP changed.
  17. See if it happens without the router hooked up. I use cable but I thought with dsl you had to connect like dial up. Maybe some setting changed with your isp.
  18. I have just installed it so I'm not up to date on all its new features, here is what I do notice: 1. Dont bother with its support for .docx, .pptx, ect. It just doesn't work right. It does open them but the files are not formatted correctly at all. Not a deal breaker though because it does relatively ok with the older ms formats. 2. They updated the icons, a few interface tweaks, and they finally included a few templates in the ppt clone. Those simple templates will save some people a lot of hassle.(they are kinda ugly, but its better than nothing). 3. It seems to be loading a lot faster. Which is a good thing. Thats my impression so far. I haven't tried any of the other big features yet. http://www.filehippo.com/download_openoffice/
  19. I'm no expert on this but apparently they have amplifiers underground and in my neighborhood a few of them weren't working. The guy told me that if I had tv thought them(I use directv) that my channels like hbo wouldn't have worked because of the weak signals. I still hate comcast even though its fixed. Oh and I did that test from a desktop hooked up wirelessly though a USB wireless G adapter. So its actually a little faster than that on a wired connection.
  20. Mine: I should have been getting that speed for the last year and a half but instead I was only getting maybe 2000kbs if I was lucky. They finally got my speed where it should be about 2 months ago.
  21. There are tons of DVRs around. I have one that came for "free" from direct tv. It does most of the same stuff tivo does and it doesn't cost a monthly fee apart from the tv bill(but there is no tacked on fee for it.). I dont watch tv too much anyway though but when I do, I deffinitely don't see commercials.
  22. The grass is always greener on the other side. I have a few friends who just got brand new mac books and the latest version of osx is giving them all kinds of issues. Even die hard apple fans will admit that its buggy and crashes from time to time. Plus your stuck with whatever hardware they give you and there is very little backwards compatibility. The latest firefox isn't even on the last version of osx and from what I've read there isn't much point in upgrading if you dont have it besides software compatibility. I would probably be using linux mint on a few computers right now if it wasn't for the load_cycle bug it has with hard drives.(all distros have this problem on laptops and its now being said to be on dekstops too). I'm not going to use an OS no matter how good it is if it kills hard drives within a year or two.
  23. I'm not getting hit by the hurricane but I'm getting screwed over none the less. Gas has gone up 50 cents a gallon just today because of what "might" happen when the storm hits.
  24. I dont know about that program, however I have used partition magic and one from the company that make true image. Both work great, but before you do this make sure you back up your data! Only free partitioner I've ever used is gparted and I've never used it on a drive thats got data on it. Its easy to use though and worth looking into.
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