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Everything posted by rridgely

  1. I figured people were losing interest because the threads are getting smaller and smaller. At first these topics had like 8 pages or more and last month it was barely 2. I was just trying to think of a way to make it more interesting. The rules of the competition: 1. Must be a thumb nail to a larger picture.(per grumpy D) 2. Nothing Obscene(duh)
  2. Is this getting old yet? Hmm.. maybe at the end of the month we can put a poll up to vote for the best one?
  3. $450? hahahahahahahahahaha. (and only 40gigs?)
  4. The wifi is just connecting to open networks(the iphone however you have to have a contract. And the connection is SLOW.) To be honest I think your better off getting a decent mp3 player and a decent gps system and it would still be cheaper than the touch. (the maps thing is basically just yahoo/google maps. You dont get any of the features that actually make GPSes useful). Ipod touch is $299 for 8gb. You could get a really good GPS and MP3 player for that.(Plus I hate itunes so not having to use that would be a plus in my book). Only thing you would lose is the mobile browser in the touch, which while kind of neat isn't all that useful. Plus 8gb isn't that much space if you ask me, but I have a 30 gig player that feels small so...
  5. Well if it makes you feel any better I searched it on google and most people are saying one note is better anyway.
  6. I dont think there is anything like that on windows. Like Glen said it looks pretty similar to one note.
  7. 6 months is a pretty long time. Maybe you can get lucky and the offer will still be around then.
  8. What exactly does that do? I have 07 and would be glad to check.
  9. Its very possible that something stole your passwords, the only real way to know is if something happens. I would go ahead and change them all now and then again once we have your computer clean.
  10. Comparing the adblocker in Opera to adblock plus is like comparing a honda civic to a ferrari. Sure they will both get you where you want to go but one will get you there a hell of a lot faster. I was really worried about firefox 3. I had been using beta 5 since it came out and had all kinds of problems but RC1 seems to have rectified them so far. (corrupt downloads, loading blank pages, and crashing)
  11. I think its cool how all these "main stream" artists are doing stuff like this(also Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails) but I cant stand any of their music.
  12. I think WinXP is going to be around a while. Dell is saying they are going to keep selling it(last I heard) and MS is still going to allow it on "ultra portable" laptops because they lack the power for vista.
  13. Avoid the problems, head aches, and pains in the as*es and just use the windows firewall. Run an AV, install spyware blaster, and stay off of "risky" web sites/avoid clicking on spam emails and you will be fine.
  14. I didn't try this but it looks to me like its pretty much the same as what the google toolbar does(which you seem to have installed...). I've personally never had a problem with either IE/FF not giving me the words I'm looking for(and I cant spell at all. For those who read my posts before FF2, I'm still sorry. ) I need spell as you type because I'll forget to do it otherwise. Pretty much that's it.
  15. Its not spell as you type though right?
  16. Just clear those out with firefox's "clear private data" feature.
  17. I've always thought this was a cool idea. This one stood out to me: http://colorwar2008.com/camper/nokapixel/youngnow Crazy how far computers have come so fast.
  18. You cant hide your IP on your work/school's network. The way people bypass school filters is through proxy server sites.(meaning yeah you got by the server but they can still see what your doing). You can find those all over the internet but you just have to be careful because most of the time once you use it the school/job finds out and ads it to the filter list. Also I have a feeling that those sites record any info that you put into them.
  19. The only way I can think of is to take a screenshot of it. Expand CCleaner to fill up your entire desktop>then press the button on your keyboard that says prt scr(print screen)>Open up paint and press ctrl+V. Now you could save that as a .jpg file and print it like a picture.
  20. Of course I meant the first one. They do that so you have to buy spyware doctor to remove it.
  21. The point I'm making is why bother going through the hassle of uninstalling IE7 just so you can install it later and have the option of uninstalling it again? What real reason would you have of going back to the much inferior IE6(slower, less standards compliant, no tabs, less secure, ect, ect.) Sure there is nothing wrong with doing it but to me and probably most others it seems like an unneeded step.
  22. I recently tried threat fire again and they have made it a lot better. It didn't cause any problems and for the three days that I ran it I didnt see a single notification, pop up, or anything. I really dont like those kinds of programs though so I got rid of it. PC tools AV uses the virus burster engine which has always been ranked sort of low on most tests. I think its a fine program that doesn't seem to cause any problems but I dont have any real knowledge into how effective it really is. PC tools is a pretty big company so I assume its probably kept as up to date as all the other AVs out there.
  23. I dont see the point in uninstalling IE7. I can see no real benefit of using IE6 or even having that option. If you have IE7 just go ahead and get SP3. I've already upgraded 2 of my computers to SP3 without any problems and I just upgraded the last one running xp today through windows update(I just wanted to try it this way to see how it went.).
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