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Everything posted by rridgely

  1. First off you only need 1 router. From that router you can connect up to 4 computers wired and then of course you can connect wirelessly. To pick up the signal you need something to recieve the signal with. Either this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16839121008 Or this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16833314011 (one internal, one is external. They of course dont have to be those brands.)
  2. Are you speaking in code? Sorry but I have no clue what you just asked. I finally tried AVG 8.0 today. I managed to get it installed without the toolbar and I pretty much got what I expected. Its not any "heavier" than if you were running AVG AS with AVG 7.5. Your basically getting AS with free updates and monitoring. On top of that you get a site advisor like plug in even without the toolbar. So basically by installing this program you get AV/AS/Site advisorish program. Not bad for free. If they dont hound you with pop ups I could see this being my pick to install on computers that I clean up for other people.
  3. Oh forgot to mention the Hulk trailer. Looks to me like Hulk is finally going to get the movie he deserves!
  4. Just got back to from this awesome movie. I would say its better than spiderman 1&3 but a little lower than 2. I wont give any spoilers but for an action movie I felt the finale fight scene was VERY weak. The movie is mostly character building and luckily Downy jr. is fun to watch because I'm not sure anyone else would have been able to pull it off. I however cant wait for a sequel. Now I'm really pumped for Dark Knight and Indy.
  5. Welcome to 1999 my friend. Just about everything worth a darn passes those tests now(windows firewall included.)
  6. Is the link working still? I cant get to it.
  7. Um, if you want to secure a flash drive the info must be encrypted. Otherwise your not really doing anything to "secure it". Easiest way would be to just use truecrypt. http://www.truecrypt.org/
  8. I think the US has had that for at least 7 or 8 years now. I cant remember the last telemarketer thats called.
  9. I dont think thats entirely true. While I do agree that most people use IE just because its already on their computer, I have seen a stat from Mozilla that said something like 60%(or higher) of people that download mozilla don't keep it.
  10. rridgely


    Its called restricted because its installing non opensource and some could argue semi legal plug ins. Its using fonts from windows, flash, java, and a bunch of codecs. Some of which aren't technically allowed(especially the dvd playback). I look at it the same as with installing something like VLC/Klite codec pack. I dont care either way.
  11. rridgely


    Dont do it that way. Go into add/remove programs from the programs menu. Click to show all available programs. Then search for restricted and choose to install ubuntu restricted extras. This will install java, flash, MS fonts(times new roman, arial, ect), and most of the codecs you need.(.mp3, .mov, ect.)
  12. rridgely


    You just have to add the taskbar(thats not what its called in ubuntu) back. To do this you need to right click the bottom panel and click add to panel. Then find the one that I think is called task list or something similar. I'm not at my laptop right now so I cant give you better instructions. If you cant figure it out still I will be able to tell you exactly what its called when I get home tonight. (there is no need to reinstall ubuntu)
  13. Hardy Herron is just the version name.(also called 8.04) kubuntu use kde which I used to like but it seems slower/buggier than gnome. (which ubuntu uses) Not sure on the account thing. You sure you didnt make both those accounts?
  14. Netscape is no more. (the last version was just a skinned firefox 2 anyway) I like IE7 with pro better than all others. Firefox still is sort of crashy but maybe 3 will fix it. On linux I use firefox though so I still use both.
  15. Its not really that big of a surprise is it? MS basically bought their way into becoming an "iso standard"(what the hell does that matter anyway). I dont really care but if they were going to become an open standard they should have done it the right way. I'm not sure why they bothered with the iso anyway because they are the real standard just by being MS. I like the new .docx format. It creates docs that are even smaller than .doc.
  16. Yes, it always has been. firefox 3 is supposed to fix the memory leaks but they've been saying that since 1.0.
  17. Ubuntu includes a partitioner called Gparted that is all graphical and really easy to use. This new version actually can be installed inside windows like a program: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide I installed it on the whole disc though.
  18. I've been playing with the new Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Unlike the last release this one actually seems really nice(last one wouldn't even boot).
  19. Their about the same as far as usage goes. I've never had any problems with either to be honest, they both play everything I ever watch flawlessly.(the older versions of VLC used to be kinda bad but its MUCH better now). The pro to vlc is that it doesn't need codec packs which some people claim cause registry problems(never had that happen). However VLC doesn't play videos inside a web browser(or not easily) where as MPC does without any tweaking. Depends on how you watch videos I guess. I mostly watch stuff from revision3 or other videocasts and just download the high quality quicktime files.
  20. Yikes.Post count doesn't really have anything to do with a users knowledge. I wish I could put that disclaimer on ever internet forum in existence.
  21. An easy way to get a clean host file is to download this small stand alone program: http://www.funkytoad.com/content/view/13/31/ Then just open it up and click restore ms host file.
  22. http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/mortalk...ten;all;title;2 (the video is pretty cool) Never thought I would see this combo happen. Batman vs Subzero. Superman vs. Scorpion. Green Lantern vs. Goro. This is going to be a cool time for fighting game fans. Soul Caliber V, MK vs DC, Tekken 6, and Street Fighter IV are all coming out pretty soon.
  23. They integrated it into AVG free as well(so you now get free autoupdates to the antispyware engine where you didnt when it was stand alone). I haven't tried it yet though. Pretty happy without any AV at the moment.
  24. Pretty funny to see people quote stuff from when this thread was started(2005!). Freeware is one of the only times I think you can get quality stuff for free. Openoffice Firefox AVG Free/Avast/Antivir CCleaner! ect, ect.
  25. I'm not watching stuff people shot with their cell phones. If you go on youtube you can find all kinds of real content(stuff like concerts, interviews, tv/news sections, ect). Its nice to be able to watch stuff full screen without little artifacts everywhere or it being too blurry that you cant even make out what it is.
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