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Everything posted by rridgely

  1. Why would you want to use this? Its basically avant browser with the firefox engine instead of IE. Plus it has compatibility issues with a lot of firefox extensions, so instead of getting more features you get less. yay?
  2. Here is my set up right now, I'm actually pretty pleased with it.
  3. naff   /n?f/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [naf] Show IPA Chiefly British Slang. ?adjective 1. unstylish; lacking taste; inferior. ?verb (used without object) 2. to goof off; fool around (often fol. by around or about). ?Verb phrase 3. naff off go away: used as an exclamation of impatience. Related forms: naffness, noun Learn something new every day.
  4. Duvet? I don't think I've ever seen a man use the word duvet for real. (Only reason I even know what it is, is because of the movie Fight Club. ) Of course I'm just kidding...
  5. Yeah its working now, it didn't about 30 min ago though. Maybe they were just working on it.
  6. If your a student you can probably get it for pretty cheap at your school's bookstore.
  7. Update us on how that ubuntu thing goes. I've heard that all of those ps3 linuxes are really slow because the ps3 doesn't have very much ram for them to use.
  8. Apple has just put out a new version of safari(still beta): http://www.filehippo.com/download_safari/ Supposedly its actually a windows application this time.
  9. I don't know, thats the big discussion a lot of tech journalists I read are having. I assume they would have to include an installer for IE, just not have it preinstalled. Given how IE is integrated into the OS, all they probably would do is hide the icons.
  10. A lot of big name artists are doing it to try and get people not to download before the album comes out. U2s management apparently screwed up and offered the album early in Australia early on some retail site. It obviously spread so now they put it on myspace so people can listen without downloading. GNR put Chinese Democracy on myspace for the same reason. This will probably become common place as almost all albums seem to leek at least a week or more before their release date. I've always hated myspace and facebook. I would rather keep my conversations private.
  11. Yeah I'll be DVRing it. I cant stand Letterman(I only like Conan), but I think its pretty cool they are letting them do the whole week.
  12. Sounds interesting, but I don't like: One of the main problems with IE is that its so integrated with Windows. I seriously wish MS would scrap IE and develop a browser that is a separate program all together. This may actually happen though because the EU is trying to make MS release a version of windows without a browser, maybe this gazelle thing is based on IE but isn't just a shell on top of it.
  13. Maybe you accidentally clicked something... no way to ever really know. I found Opera's mail client to be pretty awkward to use. I would pick thunderbird or outlook over it any day.
  14. You don't get viruses by just going to myspace and listening to the music on there. Usually it comes from clicking on ads or links from random people that say things like "hey i have this picture you should see here". An adblocker will solve the first and having common sense(don't click links anywhere from untrusted people) will fix the second way. Plus U2 isn't streaming it on their site from what I can tell, only on myspace. If your a fan, then your missing out because most of the songs on this album are great(a couple stinkers though).
  15. There are 2 U2 albums that I love and the rest I like. Joshua Tree and Achung Baby are 2 of my favorite albums of all time by any band. However they are completely different than one another, to the point where it could have been a different band on each album. I saw them in concert and they were phenomenal, the show was cool and the music was album quality.
  16. You can hear the whole new U2 disc on myspace here: http://www.myspace.com/u2 I haven't listened to it very much yet. I did not like the single "get on your boots" but I think "magnificient" is awesome. I can't wait to get a better quality version when the album comes out.
  17. See if you can get the programs that came with your pc back onto it through their website. I think its worth pursuing it just to make sure you have a solid way of getting a fresh install if ever needed. If worse comes to worse, you can probably get them to send you the disc for a few bucks.
  18. I think most manufacturers usually provide a utility to create a restore dvd don't they? You could probably try true image or ghost to see if they can do it but I'm pretty sure you can just create a restore dvd. Should be somewhere in the start menu under you pc makers folders.
  19. I've been playing with ubuntu for a few hours today. ATI finally put out decent drivers so everything on my laptop is actually working with it right now. All I really miss from the couple hours so far is MS office. Other than that it seems to be a pretty solid system right now.
  20. Did you install a host file? If so try getting rid of it. Have them delete this in hijackthis. O1 - Hosts: ::1 localhost If they are computer illiterate then have them download this: http://www.funkytoad.com/index.php?option=...18b30a9558df11f Just open the program and press the button that says restore ms host file. Then reboot and see if browsers work.
  21. It doesn't really make any sense as to why outlook/ or messenger would be able to get on the net but a browser couldn't unless there is either a firewall/security program stopping it or a virus. One thing to try is run a scan with hijackthis and look to see if there are any lines with 010 in the front of them. Let me know if there are.(just copy a log if there are). Did the problem start at any noticeable point? Like you installed/uninstalled something and all of a sudden it didnt work anymore?
  22. I gave you the third vote. Just to keep it competitive..
  23. Yeah.. there are more posts in the muffin thread.
  24. why would you want to look at that every time you turned your computer on?
  25. You got me, I thought you were just being annoying. I had no clue about that box and it didn't really have anything to do with what I started the topic about. I'm pretty much stuck with the WMA lossless tracks I have now(No way in hell I'm ripping all this stuff again) but I'm going to either use Apple Lossless or Flac in the future.
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