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Everything posted by ishan_rulz

  1. Methinks CCleaner should be able to confirm left over folders/keys with the "Installed Programs" list; the only Pros to the current 'bug' is that we know that there is something leftover. I just removed the leftover keys of Adobe Photoshop CS4 last week after seeing I have both installed.
  2. He probably did, someone who uses AVG here or is familiar with AVG's Registry keys? EDIT: he/she depending on the gender.
  3. After googling: http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-19058-there-appears-to-be-an-error-with-the-database/ it seems to be a driver (which might get solved) problem but I can't understand why it has affected certain profiles only. I can't make heads or tails of the fix as I know nothing about Forum hosting. The developers can consider an upgrade or fixing the driver. http://www.invisionpower.com/products/board/ $150 might be a bit heavy though. O.o
  4. Interesting. I was gonna get an upgrade in the next few months but looks like I will have to wait now.
  5. I haven't read every post here but 98 is pretty ancient, its probably some technology incompatibility or something. Not many people use 98 y'know.
  6. Your signature could be, "Haha, I joined ____ days back and I am already a Moderator. Haha, Newbies, haha." I play chess too!
  7. Nice to have you back, Corona!
  8. I am using Foxit Creator but you should try doPDF.
  9. Yeah, this should probably go to the Hardware section, go to Boot Options and Boot in Safe Mode. Welcome!
  10. Ah, thanks a lot. I've made a switch to SumatraPDF as well!
  11. I was just helping friends with optimizing their PCs and made a "To-do list", so can anyone tell me if I need to add anything else?
  12. They look pretty damn good!
  13. That is 50,000 INR, and ditto what Andavari just said.
  14. There are already people filing lawsuits : http://www.thetanooki.com/2010/06/04/lawsuit-filed-for-final-fantasy-xiiis-ps3-freeze-issues/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  15. For me, Current and Work Resolution are the same. Try changing your resolutions back and forth and see if it makes a difference.
  16. Sorry, I can't replicate this. It works for me.
  17. I see one of my bug reports being fixed. One up!
  18. With a few other Chrome topics being made I think the problem is Chrome being updated to version 6.xx Can the devs look into this?
  19. Which version of Chrome are you using? Are you sure this ONLY happens in the latest version?
  20. As Andavari said, you will need the Upload files. Use the Settings > Exclude option.
  21. Depends on what Browser you are using, why don't you read CCleaner Docs (the link is in my signature)... For IE, it is under the Windows Tab and if its Firefox/Opera/Chrome,etc... check under Applications. The available options are quite self explanatory. Welcome to the Forums. P.S. You can always add cookies to the 'Cookies to Keep' list as well. Settings > Cookies.
  22. Dude, seriously! Its like you DESPITE Windows 7. Wherever '7' is mentioned you start to write down your thesis on how XP is better, etc. In Windows 7, when CCleaner is running in background, it shows a progress bar on the Superbar. I haven't understood some things that you have written but a +1 to the icon in the Start Up List. P.S. Use some spacing between different points to make it more readable and friendly to the eye.
  23. It does know exactly which pages I visited, but after I ran CCleaner it couldn't find anything. Firefox w/ Adblock AND ESET Smart Security 4.
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