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Everything posted by login123

  1. Happily there are no rhinoceroses around close so no way to test that theory. >whew<
  2. OK. Watched it. Thanks, had seen it. Also there is this: http://9gag.com/gag/aKPWdqQ?ref=fbp Looking at the cat's shadow, and the position of his left front paw, it is patently obvious that the cat is backing up the steps.
  3. Harrumph. After a series of experiments with one of the neighborhood cats, a big tom, heretofore pretty friendly, I can say without reservation that the cat is going UP the steps. Cats going up steps point their tails up. But they don't much like it if you prod them with sticks. As soon as I got bandaged up I rushed back here to report.
  4. "All depends on how you look at it." . . . Erwin Schrödinger, 1935
  5. This is one is included with Linux Lite ver 2.4. Its a pretty neat OS.
  6. Well, wait a minute. I double checked, it may NOT be based on chromium. Am still looking now. Don't know enough about it say definitively, but Hazelnut would. Edit: It says here that Vivaldi is based on Blink and Chromium, but i don't care, I shall stay with it. http://www.cnet.com/news/ex-opera-ceo-launches-new-browser-vivaldi/
  7. von Tetzchner's Opera was really great but began to go downhill after version 12.17, imho. It was based on the Presto engine which still belongs to Opera ASA, so Vivaldi uses the Chromium engine. I shall follow it closely because von Tetzchner did so well with early Opera. He just seems to know how to build a good browser, and he does not have a group of investors to contend with now. In the interview it mentions that Vivaldi has only one investor.
  8. The slim version of build 5.04.5151 has been out several days now. You might give it a try, although you said in post #6 that you had already done that. As described in post #4. Keep trying, someone on the forum will know how to get it to install.
  9. Good catch, dvdbane. Derek, I would be interested to know how this works out, if you have the time. Thanks.
  10. Thanks Augeas. That answers a couple of questions I have had for years. "At the end of all this I don't know why data can be seen after running a wipe free space." Maybe, probably, the answer lies in 1c or 4a. In any case that was as good an explanation as pkeith89 could get anywhere. I've looked around quite a bit. Most of the gooroos don't cover it nearly as well as Augeas did. Still, the bottom line for pkeith89, imho, depends on the importance of the leftover data. The only way to be SURE it is gone is to destroy the machine that held it.
  11. I thought you might not like my input, but I think the answers to my questions will help explicate Augeas' answer. Its why I asked them. pkeith89 said "I wasn't able to follow this with 100% understanding, but if I understand it generally, are you suggesting that perhaps the MFT wipes are not really wipes?" And think the comments will help also.
  12. @ Augeas: I have a couple of questions relating to this issue. Am assuming that pkeith89 is concerned about the preview images that recuva finds. Am assuming that the file system is NTFS. Am assuming that nothing illegal is going on. If there is, there are a gazillion other ways to tie the user to the deeds. My questions are about these quoted parts: 1. "The records can be reused, but not deleted, so the MFT does not shrink in size." Q 1a: Is there a maximum size? Q 1b: If so what happens when you reach it? Q 1c: Why hasn't my MFT spilled out all over the desk, I have used this computer for many years. 2. "If you select Wipe MFT then the file names of the deleted records in the MFT will be filled with rubbish (ZZZ's)." Q 2a: In this instance does the image still show in Recuva? 3. "The act of wiping the MFT is similar, but a number of small (712 byte) files sufficient to fill all the deleted records in the MFT are created and deleted. You will still have the same number of deleted files but they will be rubbish, and the cluster addresses in the MFT records will no longer point to the old deleted file’s data." Q 3a: In this instance does the image still show in Recuva? 4. (Rephrased a bit) "... if the address for a deleted file and a new file point to the same cluster ... The clusters of the deleted file cannot be overwritten as that would overwrite the live file. q 4a: In this instance what image will show? And a couple of comments: Many of the difficulties of wiping a hard drive arise because windows is using it at the time and files are locked. So, if your friend has ordered a new HDD, there are several options for wiping the old one, once it is not used as the boot drive containing the operating system. There is DBAN, Darik's Boot and Nuke. Free. The DBAN trademark has been sold to Blancco, and they sort of suggest that the older freeware version is questionable, but by all accounts it completely erases the drive it is used on. Another option would be to just delete everything from the old drive, give it a full format, then use CCleaner to wipe the free space. Also a free option. BE CAREFUL, make sure you wipe the correct drive. Also, if the data you want to conceal is important enough, destroy the drive. Google shows several methods, some quite amusing. When you overwrite a file, you are rearranging the magnetic media from the arrangement that displayed old file to the arrangement that displays the new file. Think of it as drawing a picture in wet sand. The magnetic media is the sand grains. You rearrange the sand grains to show a picture. Now wipe that away and draw a new picture. Same sand grains, just arranged differently.
  13. W, that is some sort of spam. I translated it at google translate, can't tell a thing about it except that it is in Korean (not even sure of that), its junk. The problem is not with your computer.
  14. Wonder why that is? Must be important since they are all doing it. Startpage, the search engine is about to do the same thing. (Not a complaint, just a comment )
  15. Heeeyy, Warlock, wazzuup? Glad you're back.
  16. Have not seen a date for a final release. I'm running that release above, it works really well after it installed to c:\progra~1. Doesn't crash, works fast, looks good, lots of features similar to Opera 12.17 but some different. There is a hiccup here and there, mostly my floundering around trying to learn how to use it, I guess. But no danger to the OS or my top-secret-crypto data.
  17. Tech preview 2 is at the link in post 1, it is version TP2. They say they publish a new working version each Monday. Is that what you mean?
  18. ". . . AdFender". Had not heard of it. Thanks. Will give it a try.
  19. There is an interview with Jon S. von Tetzchner here. It sounds like Vivaldi will be a big player, like Opera was. Apparently von Tetzchner left Opera because investors were changing its direction. https://medium.com/@burek/jon-s-von-tetzchner-we-will-re-create-a-browser-you-love-123f766386c4 I reinstalled it into c:\program files\ Vivaldi and it behaves much better.
  20. Me too. I shall stay with the new developments, install he latest versions, etc. I even joined their forum. Don't usually do that, but this is a good'un, as DennisD says.
  21. You can select the installation folder, I just didn't. . . . \Local Settings\Application Data\, who knew? Also something going on with the browser, when you minimize it it always pops back up once, you have to minimize it again. That probably means something to you guys who know about such things. . .I don't. . . so will just write it off to a beta bug for now. But for those who know less than I (there must be someone) it is certainly a good idea to wait.
  22. Wait. That's a good idea. For some reason this release installs to an unusual path: C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe Had a problem here, could not get the Vivaldi.exe process to quit. - procexp by sysinternals won't kill it - KillProcess.exe by orangelamp won't kill it - killbox.exe (pocket killbox) won't kill it - unlocker did delete it - the uninstaller leaves lots of junk in the above path.
  23. "...full restore of a full disk image." Ugh. Don't know about that, never have done it that way here on xp. I just installed, updated & ran it. After a restart Powershadow dumps the changes anyway, so MBAM is gone, along with any glitches it may have caused.
  24. Yes, thats all still true. I had just stopped paying attention to those popups. There is one more thing. Avast sends a lot of data out to Avast servers when you first connect to the net. TCPView shows it. Don't know if they all do that. No problem here, but I do wonder what all that is. Never bothered to inspect those packets, just too lazy I guess.
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