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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Well, I wasn't planning on playing Halo, WOW or anything like that. I just play graphic adventure games. I'm not into online MMORPGs or FPSs.

    I like casual games (Big Fish, etc.). Some of those are using particles & such that eat up my ram pretty fast. As far as more memory, nah. My beast runs on RAMBUS. Yes, RAMBUS. That's like the steampunk version of ram and about as antiquated too. 6 gigs of normal ram goes for $209. 1/2 gig of RAMBUS costs $320. Easy math project there. <_<

  2. I have to upgrade my video card, that is, get a new one. I have a "bottom of the barrel" nVidea GeForce2 MX/MX 400. It came with my pooter in 1999. According to SIW my GeForce is a PCI-based card.

    Look at the first card offered on the Tiger Direct link below. (XFX GeForce 9600 GSO Video Card)

    That card used to be top of the line a few years ago. Now only $80. I can manage that. Do you tech pros here think it's worth it, or have you heard bad reports about this card?

    I know if I go to Best Buy they'll probably charge $300 for that card...or not even have it, which is most likely the case with Best Buy.

    A concern I have is that I have an older pooter with XP SP3, 512 ram. Think this would be a problem?

    If you notice a more appropriate card for my old beast on that page please let me know.


    Tiger Direct


    Thanks for any input! :)




    Ugh, I see a problem already.


    Make sure your motherboard is compatible with this video card. For example, PCI Express video cards won't work with motherboards designed only for AGP or PCI video cards, and vice versa. Please read the specifications carefully or call us for expert advice.


    My pooter is built for PCI and AGP cards. Guess it's a Vista kinda card. The bulk of them look like this. <_<

  3. Every experienced member on the forums knows the extreme value of this freeware program.

    If you don't have it, then get it. :) davey

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    SIW 2008-12-16 is available

    SIW System Information for Windows

    Everything you want to know about your system. Various builds available.

    Warning Like other freeware providers there is a Tool Bar that is defaulted to install unless you UNCHECK

    the box. It is a separate window that presents the Tool Bar offer and you must UNCHECK the box. I downloaded the full install version where this option was presented during the install process. I do not know about the other builds.


    Added Tools ==> "Wake on LAN" Module see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN

    Support for AMD Phenom II processor.

    Support for the latest Intel Core 2 models.

    Faster startup.

    Sensors Info in Reports.

    Minor improvements.

    Bug fixes.


    Old Version of SIW (Win95) Available from Download page (at bottom)


    Oh I love it when this happens. <_<Where is the stinking DOWNLOAD link for SIW? The page lists links for reviews and, of course, a huge honking download button for some other LAN app that I don't want. Why do they do this? :rolleyes:

  4. You know what? I have no idea. :lol: After I set up everything I wanted (mostly interface stuff) many months ago I pretty much left my Opera options alone. Let me see what online pages I can find...


    Opera Prefs, etc.


    In Opera you can use these addresses as well...





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