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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I still think "Does This AV Make My Butt Look Big" is a good title. :lol:

    Toolware Launcher would be good. But I think a personal touch has a more "second look" value.

    But Freeware Launcher has that universal edge of getting more hits than something that sounds like it might not be for free.

    I personally think A - Z has been done to death in different mediums.

    Nonware would attract the more safe-aware geeky crowd, basically......us. :) We hate adware, malware etc.


    ...I got it!!!


    "Noware!" cheer.gif

  2. Son Of Razz

    Drudge Tech

    The Confabulatory Perspicaciousness of Splendiferocity

    Hello Kelly

    Antivirus 2011 (you'll get a billion hits with that name alone)

    Free Sh*t (same with that one)


    Suddenly Appendectomy

    You Won $10 In A Beauty Contest

    Does This AV Make My Butt Look Big

    O Fortrana!

    You Have Super Happy Lucky Malware

  3. Hey, why is my full Photobucket editing page coming up along with my screenshot? It doesn't on my previous desktop pics. Look at the one further up this page (brown desktop). It just links to the photo. :angry: I don't want people messing with my Photobucket gallery. Or does it come up for just me?


    Someone please let me know.




    Oh great, Photobucket is now adding an 'actionview' (?action=view&current=) script to their thumbnail links. It affects my whole gallery if I repost older pics and post newer pics. Is this even friggin safe? My account is Private.


    gonna test something...




    So, I just have to delete that script and it works like normal. Good ol' Botophucket. <_<

  4. Ah, now I know. An MUI indicator. Thanks. :)


    No, I'm not going in with a pair of tweezers to pry apart my Registry. I'll leave it alone. I was just curious what they were because they have the coolest name. :lol:

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