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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Oh I love that sketch. :lol: But yeah, why is that code written into every board on the internet? It's the cutting edge of 1998 when the internet was a baby running on 56K modems and bandwidth was precious.

    But it's now now! Comon'!

  2. Razz, sorry this is way off topic, but I just noticed that your avie is an optical illusion between a womans' face and a saxophone player. :lol: Normally I pick up on this sort of thing sooner.

  3. Dennis (and others), I don't understand your fascination with docks. Once you open a browser or program, the docks' usefulness is pretty much gone. You're 2 clicks away from change instead of 1 via the task bar.

    Sure, it looks cute, but so does Vista.

  4. wait-1.jpg


    Has anyone ever made reason of this? Has anyone ever thought, "Oh no! By all means, I wish to wait! Please, take your time!" As if we're politely waiting for an elderly person to traverse a crosswalk.

    Why is this option even there? Shouldn't a transfer like this be automatically set (hidden within the bowels of the site) to "Ultramegafast!"? <_<

  5. PS: has anyone purchased a new PC with Vista on it and tried uninstalling Vista to install XP?? :lol:

    Its a pain having to be forced to purchase a new PC with Vista on it and greater pain to install XP (uninstall vista )



    Why would anyone buy a new pooter w/Vista (they don't give you Vista for free, it's embedded in the price) and then uninstall Vista and put in XP? Wouldn't it be better to keep the old pooter that has XP and if you want, buy a newer pooter with Vista? You can put them side by side. Race them. Hold beauty contests. Vista has that all powerful "Kung Fu grip"! Collect em all! Be the first kid on your block!

  6. What is ShellNoRoam? It'd make a great band name. CCleaner always finds those files and lists them as the scum that they are. :lol: I always delete them. But really, what kind of files are they? :mellow:

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